I am trying update log4j version to 2.x. But the spring platform-bom is already using managed log4j of 1.2.x. I commented out the existing log4j and tried using the following
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.apache.logging.log4j/log4j-core -->
But on server startup I get the following error
nested exception is com.google.inject.internal.util.$computationException: com.google.inject.internal.util.$computationException:java.lang.NoCLassDefFoundError:Lorg/apache/log4j/Logger;
I could not provide the complete stack trace but this was encountered when providing dependency injection of guiceBeanContainer
Please help .
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Replies (1)
by Adithyan P
Can you please elaborate on this issue? Are you using our Site24x7 APM Insight agent on this application?
- Adithyan
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