API Documentation
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title: StatusIQ API Reference


# Introduction

> API Root Endpoint

United States https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api “`


The StatusIQ API helps you achieve all the operations that can be performed on our web client.

The API requires OAuthtoken as an account identifier. This API is built using the REST principles which ensures predictable URLs that make writing applications easy. This API follows HTTP rules, where a wide range of HTTP clients can be used to interact with the API.

Every resource is exposed as a URL. The URL of each resource can be obtained by accessing the API Root Endpoint.

We have multiple data centers in StatusIQ:

All examples in the document are based on COM domain. You can change the DC Root endpoint of any example from COM to any DC you want to access.

Getting Started


$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages \
    -H 'Accept: application/json; version=2.0' \ 
    -H 'Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f' \ 

All StatusIQ APIs require a Authorization request header for authentication.


Zoho Accounts Root Endpoint

United States

StatusIQ REST APIs uses the OAuth 2.0 protocol to authorize and authenticate calls. The OAuth protocol provides a more secure access to protect resources, thereby reducing the hassle of asking for a username and password every time a user logs in.

We have multiple data centers in Zoho:

  • United States - .com
  • Europe - .eu
  • China - .com.cn
  • India - .in
  • Australia - .net.au

All examples in PART 1 - 4 are based on COM domain. You can change the DC Root endpoint of any example from COM to any DC you want to access.

Please follow the steps below to access StatusIQ’s APIs using OAuth 2.0:

Part 1: Registering New Client Application

Register your application with StatusIQ to get your Client ID and Client Secret. For script-based API calls, the Self Client option in the Zoho Developer Console is preferrable or check out the other options based on your client types.

To register your application using the Self Client option,

  1. Go to Zoho Developer Console and click on Get Started Now > Self Client > Create Now.
  2. Click on Create. Confirm the process. On successful registration, you will be provided with a set of OAuth 2.0 credentials such as Client ID and Client Secret, that are known to both Zoho and your application.

Note: Do not share these credentials to anyone.

Part 2: Generating Grant Token

Once you have successfully registered the client application, generate a grant token to obtain authorization to use the APIs based on your requirement.

If you have generated the OAuth 2.0 credentials using the Self Client option, then please follow the steps below:

  1. Go to Zoho Developer Console and click on the created Self Client.

  2. Navigate to the Generate Code tab and provide the Scope(based on the API calls that you are going to use), Description, and the Time Duration for its validity (from 3 minutes to 10 minutes). Get the scopes for the APIs from their respective API document and separate multiple scopes with commas.

  3. Click Generate. Copy the code for the mentioned scope.

For other client types (such as web-based), refer here.

Note: Generating a Grant Token is a one-time process. It cannot be generated via API call. Once the Grant Token is generated, refer Part 3 to create a Refresh Token immediately before the former expires. Please note that the Refresh Token is permanent and has no expiry.

Part 3: Generate Access and Refresh Token

After getting the grant token from the above step, make a POST request for the following URL with the given params to generate the access_token:


Request Example

$ curl  https://accounts.zoho.com/oauth/v2/token \
        -X POST \
        -d "client_id=1000.0SRSZSY37WMZ69405H3TMYI2239V" \
        -d "client_secret=fb0196010f2b70df8db2a173ca2cf59388798abf"\
        -d "code=1000.dd7e47321d48b8a7e312e3d6eb1a9bb8.b6c07ac766ec11da98bf6a261e24dca4"\
        -d "grant_type=authorization_code" \

Response Example

    "access_token":"1000.2deaf8d0c268e3c85daa2a013a843b10.703adef2bb337b 8ca36cfc5d7b83cf24",
Parameter Description
client_id Mandatory
Client ID obtained during Client Registration.
client_secret Mandatory
Client Secret obtained during Client Registration.
code Mandatory
The grant token that is obtained in the above step.
grant_type Mandatory
Value must be authorization_code

In the response, you will get both access_token and refresh_token.

  • The access_token will expire after some specified seconds (represented by expires_in param in the response). You can regenerate a new access_token using the refresh_token (Refer Part 5: Generate Access Token from Refresh Token).
  • The refresh_token is permanent. To revoke a refresh_token, refer Part 6: Revoking a Refresh Token.


  • Each time a re-consent page is accepted, a new refresh token is generated.
  • The maximum limit is 20 refresh tokens per user. If this limit is crossed, the first refresh token is automatically deleted to accommodate the latest one. This is done irrespective of whether the first refresh token is in use or not.
  • You can only generate a maximum of five refresh tokens in a minute.
  • Each refresh token can have a maximum of 30 active access tokens (non expired). When the user creates the 31st access token, the first created access token is automatically deleted to accommodate the latest one.

You can also refer to sample scripts in the community post. Read the kbase article to know about the common OAuth Errors.

Part 4: Calling An API

Once the access and the refresh tokens are generated, API calls can be made by passing the access token in the header.

  • Header name should be Authorization
  • Header value should be Zoho-oauthtoken {access_token}

Note: Access tokens cannot be passed in the request param.


$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages \
    -H 'Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f' \ 

List of scopes available in StatusIQ:

Scope Description
admin To access, add, edit, delete statuspages, components, componentgroups, custom domain, subscribers etc.
Availabe types: StatusPages.Admin.Read, StatusPages.Admin.Create, StatusPages.Admin.Update, StatusPages.Admin.Delete, StatusPages.Admin.All
operations To access, add, edit, delete operation related data such as incidents, maintenance, component status updates etc.
Availabe types: StatusPages.Operations.Read, StatusPages.Operations.Create, StatusPages.Operations.Update, StatusPages.Operations.Delete, StatusPages.Operations.All

Part 5: Generate Access Token From Refresh Token

Access tokens have limited validity. In most of the cases, the access tokens expire in one hour. Until then, the access token has unlimited usage. Once it expires, your app will have to use the refresh token to request for a new access token.

Make the following POST request with the given params to get a new access token:


Request Example

$ curl https://accounts.zoho.com/oauth/v2/token \
        -X POST \
        -d "client_id=1000.0SRSZSY37WMZ69405H3TMYI2239V" \
        -d "client_secret=fb0196010f2b70df8db2a173ca2cf59388798abf" \
        -d "refresh_token=1000.8ecd474019e31d52d2f94aad6c5cb7.4638677ebc14f2f2ee0b6dfb6cebdc"\
        -d "grant_type=refresh_token" \

Response Example

    "access_token":"1000.2deaf8d0c268e3c85daa2a013a843b10.703adef2bb337b 8ca36cfc5d7b83cf24",
Parameter Description
client_id Mandatory
Client ID obtained during Client Registration.
client_secret Mandatory
Client Secret obtained during Client Registration.
refresh_token Mandatory
REFRESH TOKEN using which a new access token has to be generated.
grant_type Mandatory
Value must be refresh_token.

Part 6: Revoking a Refresh Token

To revoke a refresh token, make the following POST request with the given params:


Request Example

$ curl https://accounts.zoho.com/oauth/v2/token/revoke?token=1000.8ecd474019e31d522f94aad6c5cb7.4638677ebc14f2f2ee0b6dfb6cebdc \
    -X POST

Response Example

    "status": "success"
Parameter Description
token REFRESH TOKEN which is to be revoked



$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages \
    -H 'Accept: application/json; version=2.0' \ 

Using Accept header, access the appropriate version of the API.


All the examples provided in StatusIQ’s API documentation are executed using cURL. cURL is a tool for making REST calls independent of a browser. It works on numerous platforms like Mac OS X, Linux, Windows etc.

Example using double quotes

  $ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/components ^
    -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" ^
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" ^
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f" ^
    -d "{\"display_name\" : \"Component One\", \"description\": \"IDC component.\"}"

Example using file

  C:\> cd folder_name

  $ curl https://www.site24x7.com//sp/api/statuspages ^
    -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" ^
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" ^
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f" ^
    -d @json.txt

cURL is installed by default in Mac and most of the Linux distributions, but not in Windows. If it is not installed in your Linux system, then you can simply run a apt-get (apt-get install curl) or yum (yum install curl) command, to install cURL. For Windows, download and install cURL from here

The examples used in this document are Mac/Linux specific.

If you are a Windows user, you have to make the following modifications in our examples for the cURL statements to work correctly.

  • Use double quotes to wrap your JSON data or use a file to import your JSON data.

Using single quotes does not work in Windows(?). So, you have to wrap you JSON in double quotes and escape the inner quotes with backslashes.

You could also import your JSON data from a file (-d @filename.txt). For this, first you have to navigate to the folder containing the file and then run the statement as shown in the example.

  • Replace \ at the end of each line with ^


StatusIQ MSPs can use APIs to manage their associated customer accounts. To execute an API request, an authorization request header has to be passed using a REST API client or cURL request. The header is authenticated using an API OAuthtoken.


To operate your MSP customer account using APIs, you must pass an additional cookie header parameter “mc_zaaid”. You can obtain this unique “zaaid” parameter for your individual customer accounts here.

Business Units API

StatusIQ Business Units Portal users can use APIs to manage their associated Business Unit accounts. To execute an API request, an authorization request header has to be passed using a REST API client or cURL request. The header is authenticated using an API OAuthtoken.

Business Units Portal Account:

By default, all API requests executed as part of the Business Units Portal operation will use the standard header parameters. You do not have to generate any additional cookie headers to initiate an API request. However, If you initiate an API request for an unauthorized Business Units Portal operation, the following error message will be shown “You are not authorized to perform this operation.”

Business Unit Account:

To operate your Business Unit account using APIs, you must pass an additional cookie header parameter “zaaid”. You can obtain this unique “zaaid” parameter for your individual Business Unit accounts by initiating a GET API request to Site24x7s ”/api/short/bu/business_units". You can use the “zaaid” parameter received in this API response.

HTTP Methods

Using GET method, you can get the list of resources or details of a particular instance of a resource.

To get a list of status pages

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages \
    -H 'Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f' \
    -H 'Accept: application/json; version=2.0'
To get the details of a status page referred to by a specified statuspage_id

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412 \
    -H 'Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f' \
    -H 'Accept: application/json, version=2.0'

StatusIQ API uses appropriate HTTP verbs for every action.

Method Description
GET Used for retrieving resources.
POST Used for creating resources and performing resource actions.
PUT Used for updating resources.
DELETE Used for deleting resources.


Response Structure in JSON format

The JSON response structure for the StatusIQ API follows the below format.

    "message" : "success",
    "data" : {
        "statuspage_id" : "..."

HTTP status codes help identify failure in the server’s response to your API call

HTTP Status Code

Status Code Description
200 Success
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden URL
404 URL Not found
500 Internal Server Error

Responses will be in the JSON format.

JSON Response Parameters

Node Name Description
message Status Message for the invoked API.
data Comprising the invoked API’s Data.


All timestamps are returned in the ISO 8601 format - yyyy-MM-dd’T'HH:mm:ssZZZZ.

Example: 2014-06-11T17:38:06-0700


Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/700000007942 \
    -H 'Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f' 

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

    "code": 1002,
    "message": "Status page does not exist."

StatusIQ uses HTTP status codes to indicate success or failure of an API call. In general, status codes in the 2xx range mean success, 4xx range mean there was an error in the provided information, and those in the 5xx range indicate server side errors. Commonly used HTTP status codes are listed below.

HTTP Status Codes

Status Code Description
200 OK
201 Created
400 Bad request
401 Unauthorized (Invalid OAuthToken)
404 Resource Not Found
405 Method Not Allowed (Method you have called is not supported for the invoked API)
500 Internal Error


StatusIQ uses Constants to identify certain resources configuration. Use the following Constants in respective modules

Component Status

ID Status
1 Operational
2 Informational
3 Degraded Performance
4 Under Maintenance
5 Partial Outage
6 Major Outage

Automate Ids

Role ID Role Name
1 Site24x7
2 Email

Incident Types

ID Status
1 Outage
2 Maintenance

Incident State

ID Status
10 Acknowledged
11 Investigating
12 Identified
13 Observing
14 Resolved

Maintenance State

ID Status
21 Scheduled
22 In Progress
23 Observing
24 Completed

Schedule Maintenance Frequency

ID Resource
1 Daily
2 Weekly
3 Once
5 Monthly - By Date
6 Monthly - By Day

Maintenance Status

ID Resource
D Maintenance Deactivated
V Maintenance Valid
I Maintenance In Progress
C Maintenance Completed

Day Constants

ID Resource
0 Sunday
1 Monday
2 Tuesday
3 Wednesday
4 Thursday
5 Friday
6 Saturday

Week Constants

ID Resource
1 First
2 Second
3 Third
4 Fourth

Period Constants

ID Resource
2 Last 7 Days
5 Last 30 Days
8 This Year
7 Last Month
51 Last 1 Year

Period Constants- Performance Metrics

ID Resource
0 Last 1 hour
18 Last 12 hours
2 Last 7 Days
25 Last 3 Months
50 Custom Period

Month Constants

ID Month Name
1 January
2 February
3 March
4 April
5 May
6 June
7 July
8 August
9 September
10 October
11 November
12 December

Subscrbtion type Constants

ID Resource
1 Email

Notification Preference Constants

ID Preference
0 Incident and Maintenance
1 Incident only
2 Maintenance only

Subscriber Language

Code Lanugage
de German
en English
es Spanish
fr French
id Indonesian
jp Japanese
pt Portuguese
th Thai
zh Chinese

User Access Constants

Role ID Role Name
21 StatusIQ Super Administrator
22 StatusIQ Administrator
23 StatusIQ Spokes Person
24 StatusIQ Billing Contact
25 StatusIQ Read Only

Alerting Constants

ID Alerting Mode
1 Email

Third-party Service Ids

Third-party Service ID Third-party Service Name
1 Amazon Web Services (AWS)
2 Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
4 Site24x7-US
5 Site24x7-EU
6 Site24x7-IN
7 Site24x7-CN
8 Site24x7-AU
9 Zoho-US
10 Zoho-EU
11 Zoho-IN
12 Zoho-CN
13 Zoho-AU
15 Google Apps
16 Zoho-JP
17 ManageEngine-US
18 ManageEngine-EU
19 ManageEngine-IN
20 ManageEngine-AU
21 ManageEngine-JP
22 Cloudflare
23 Autodesk
24 GoTo Connect
25 Datto
26 Citrix
27 Stripe
28 Github
29 Webex
30 Druva inSync
31 Druva Phoenix
32 Bazzarvoice
33 Amplience
34 Akeno
35 Commercetools
36 Jira Software
37 Jira Service Management
38 Confluence
39 Akamai Status
40 DNSFilter
41 Sinch
42 Zoom
43 Smartsheet
44 Microsoft Service Health
45 Ring Central
46 DrFirst
47 Box
48 Monday.com
49 HubSpot
50 LinkedIn
51 Aircall

Customize Email Templates - Email Types

Email Type Description
1 Incident Email
2 Maintenance Email
3 Incident Postmortem Email
4 Unsubscribe Email
5 Subscriber Confirmation Email
6 Maintenance Reminder Email
7 Manage Subscription Link Email
8 Notification Preferences Update Email
9 Extend Maintenance Email

Customize Email Templates - Date Format

Date Format Example
MMM dd, YYYY hh:mm a z Dec 25, 2022 12:30 AM UTC
dd/MM/YYYY, hh:mm a z 25/12/2022, 12:30 AM UTC
dd/MM/YYYY, HH:mm z 25/12/2022, 00:30 UTC
MM/dd/YYYY, hh:mm a z 12/25/2022, 12:30 AM UTC
MM/dd/YYYY, HH:mm z 12/25/2022, 00:30 UTC

Data Source Ids

ID Data Source Name
1 Custom
2 Pingdom
3 New Relic
4 Datadog
5 AppOptics

Aggregation Type Ids

ID Aggregation Type
1 Average
2 Sum
3 Minimum
4 Maximum

Metric Type Ids

ID Metric Type
1 Uptime
2 Response Time
3 Throughput
4 Apdex
5 Error Rate
6 Errors
7 Real User Response Time
8 Real User Apdex
9 Throughput RPM

New Relic Base Urls

ID Base Url
1 api.newrelic.com
2 api.eu.newrelic.com

Datadog Base Urls

ID Base Url
1 app.datadoghq.com
2 app.datadoghq.eu
3 us3.datadoghq.com
4 us5.datadoghq.com
5 ap1.datadoghq.com
6 app.ddog-gov.com

Status Pages

Publish the current status of your services to your customers and end users. This will help reduce calls to the help desk. Additionally build customer confidence in the long term.

Create a Status Page

POST /statuspages

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f" \
    -d '{
      "statuspage_display_name": "Zylker Status",
      "statuspage_desc": "Real-time operational status of Zylker services.",
      "company_name": "Zylker Corporation Pvt Ltd",
      "website_url": "https://www.zlyker.com",
      "notification_from_email_id": "Zylker Updates <noreply@zylker.com>",
      "support_email_id": "support@zylker.com",
        "content":"** This is footer **",

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": {
    "statuspage_id": "123412341234123412",
    "statuspage_display_name": "Zylker Status",
    "statuspage_desc": "Real-time operational status of Zylker services.",
    "company_name": "Zylker Corporation Pvt Ltd",
    "website_url": "https://www.zlyker.com",
    "enc_statuspage_id": "DCLfaeHudYarZ_-6HSsZYWD_Wwa_yaDBTtJ3tY9A69w=",
    "sp_permalink": "/sp/pv/DCLfaeHudYarZ_-6HSsZYWD_Wwa_yaDBTtJ3tY9A69w=",
    "sp_rss_permalink": "/sp/pv/rss/DCLfaeHudYarZ_-6HSsZYWD_Wwa_yaDBTtJ3tY9A69w=",
        "content":"** This is footer **",
    "notification_from_email_id": "Zylker Updates <noreply@zylker.com>",
    "support_email_id": "support@zylker.com",
    "dkim_record": {
        "domain_name": "zylker.com",
        "host_name": "1520006527143._domainkey.zylker.com",
        "host_value": "k=rsa; p=MIGfMA0QKBgceS/Wp6RaGZxF1g52tRIfW/skuPpjxHhyX9XUwEzGbSGXzpHRc8jqWfaRT5+GwIDAQAB",
        "selector": 123412341234
    "dkim_status": false,
        "statuspage_id": "123412341234123412",
        "custom_domain": "status.zylker.com",
        "domain_path": "application-team",
        "domain_verification_key": "site24x7-signals-domain-verification=ss385a4d9c8c1eb421ff",
        "domain_verification_status": true,
        "cname_mapped": true,
    "preferences": {
        "component_wise_subscription": false,
        "show_component_summary": true,
        "show_component_details_page": true,
        "show_upcoming_maintenance": true,
        "site24x7_automation_preferences": {
            "notify_email_subscribers_for_realtime_incidents": true,
            "notify_sms_subscribers_for_maintenance_incidents": false,
            "notify_sms_subscribers_for_realtime_incidents": false,
            "create_incident_for_status_change": true,
            "create_incident_per_component_for_status_change": false,
            "site24x7_equivalent_statusiq_status_map": {
                "0": 6,
                "1": 1,
                "2": 1,
                "3": 1,
                "5": 1,
                "7": 4
            "notify_email_subscribers_for_maintenance_incidents": true
        "show_incident_history": true,
        "allow_sms_subscribers": true,
        "allow_calendar_feed": true,
        "show_active_incidents": true,
        "email_subscriber_domain_rule": "",
        "allow_email_subscribers": true,
        "allow_rss_feed": true,
        "expand_component_groups": false,
        "long_running_incident_notify": false,
        "force_redirect_to_https": false,
        "show_status_history": true,
        "show_incident_history_last_n_days": 2,
        "show_upcoming_maintenance_next_n_days": 31,
        "show_status_history_uptime": true,
        "ignore_maintenance_for_uptime_calculation": true,
        "hide_powered_by": false,
        "email_automation_preferences": {
            "notify_email_subscribers_for_realtime_incidents": true,
            "notify_sms_subscribers_for_maintenance_incidents": false,
            "notify_sms_subscribers_for_realtime_incidents": false,
            "create_incident_for_status_change": true,
            "create_incident_per_component_for_status_change": false,
            "notify_email_subscribers_for_maintenance_incidents": true

Create a new Status Page.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Create

Request Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_display_name string Mandatory
Public name of your status page.
statuspage_desc string Description for the status page to highlight the purpose.
company_name string Legal name of your organization used in subject lines of your notification emails.
website_url string On clicking the status page logo/banner image, will be redirected to this URL.
notification_from_email_id string Address from which notification emails will be sent to the subscribers.
support_email_id string All subscriber replies to the notification emails will go to this email address.
footer json Footer content to display in status page.
content string Footer content to display.
style json Style applied to the footer contents.
background-color string Background colour that will be applied in footer section.
color string Text color for footer.
text-align string Footer text alignment.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
statuspage_display_name string Public name of your status page.
statuspage_desc string Description for the status page to highlight the purpose.
company_name string Legal name of your organization used in subject lines of notification emails.
website_url string On clicking the status page logo/banner image, will be redirected to this URL.
notification_from_email_id string Address from which notification emails will be sent to the subscribers
support_email_id string All subscriber replies to the notification emails will go to this email address
enc_statuspage_id String Encrypted status page unique ID.
sp_permalink string Link to share to the end-users to view the status page in web browser.
sp_rss_permalink string RSS feed of your status page components and its status.
footer json Footer content to display in status page.
content string Footer content to display
style json Style applied to the footer contents.
background-color string Background colour that will be applied in footer section.
color string Text color for footer.
text-align string Footer text alignment.
dkim_record json Dkim record details such as domain name, host name, host value, selector and dkim status
custom_domain_details array Contains custom domain details
custom_domain string Domain name to publish the status page on your preferred domain.
domain_path string Allows you to host multiple status pages under your custom domain
domain_verification_key string A unique domain verification verification key is provided to help confirm your domain ownership.
domain_verification_status boolean Domain verification status
cname_mapped boolaen Cname mapped status
preferences json Statuspage preferences
allow_email_subscribers boolean Allow end user to subscribe via email.
allow_sms_subscribers boolean Allow end user to subscribe via sms
allow_rss_feed boolean Allow end user to access RSS feed.
allowed_ip_ranges array List of trusted IP address range to restrict to status page among those IP addresses alone.
disable_search_engine_indexing boolean Prevent search engine crawlers from indexing your public status page
expand_component_groups boolaen Will ensures that the components under a group are visible in the public status page, by default.
force_redirect_to_https boolaen Will auto-route all status page vistors to HTTPS based custom domain.
show_active_incidents boolean Show real-time incidents and ongoing scheduled incidents (maintenance) in public status page.
show_component_details_page boolean Show Detailed Component Performance Metrics for End Users
show_component_summary boolean Show component summary section.
show_incident_history boolean Show incident history section for end users.
show_incident_history_last_n_days int View incident history data in the status page for a specified number of days in the past.
show_status_history boolean Show component status history section.
show_status_history_uptime boolaen Show uptime percentage metrics in status history for End Users
show_upcoming_maintenance boolean Enable the toggle button to display any scheduled incidents (maintenances) created in StatusIQ and Site24x7
show_upcoming_maintenance_next_n_days int Show only upcoming maintenances scheduled during the specified number of days will be shown in the status page.
site24x7_automation_preferences json Site24x7 Automation Prederences
notify_email_subscribers_for_realtime_incidents boolaen True to notify email subscribers for real time incident created via Site24x7 automation.
notify_sms_subscribers_for_realtime_incidents boolaen True to notify email subscribers for real time incident created via Site24x7 automation.
notify_email_subscribers_for_maintenance_incidents boolean True to notify email subscribers for scheduled maintenance created via Site24x7 automation.
notify_sms_subscribers_for_maintenance_incidents boolean True to notify sms subscribers for scheduled maintenance created via Site24x7 automation.
create_incident_for_status_change boolean True to create incident when status change is pushed via site24x7. False to just update component status.
create_incident_per_component_for_status_change boolean True to create incident per component’s status change.
site24x7_equivalent_statusiq_status_map json Map that contains Site24x7 equivalent StatusIQ status map.
email_automation_preferences json Email Automation Prederences
notify_email_subscribers_for_realtime_incidents boolaen True to notify email subscribers for real time incident created via Email automation.
notify_sms_subscribers_for_realtime_incidents boolaen True to notify email subscribers for real time incident created via Email automation.
notify_email_subscribers_for_maintenance_incidents boolean True to notify email subscribers for scheduled maintenance created via Email automation.
notify_sms_subscribers_for_maintenance_incidents boolean True to notify sms subscribers for scheduled maintenance created via Email automation.
create_incident_for_status_change boolean True to create incident when status change is pushed via site24x7. False to just update component status.
create_incident_per_component_for_status_change boolean True to create incident per component’s status change.
component_wise_subscription boolean True allows end user to subscribe to particular components in status page

Retrieve a Status Page

GET /statuspages/{statuspage_id}

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412 \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": {
    "statuspage_id": "123412341234123412",
    "statuspage_display_name": "Zylker Status",
    "statuspage_desc": "Real-time operational status of Zylker services.",
    "company_name": "Zylker Corporation Pvt Ltd",
    "website_url": "https://www.zlyker.com",
    "enc_statuspage_id": "DCLfaeHudYarZ_-6HSsZYWDtY9A69w=",
    "sp_permalink": "/sp/pv/DCLfaeHudYarZ_-6HSsZYWDJ3tY9A69w=",
    "sp_rss_permalink": "/sp/pv/rss/DCLYWD_Wwa_yaDBTtJ3tY9A69w=",
     "footer": {
        "content": {"This is footer"},
            color: "#FFFFFF", 
            text-align: "right"
    "notification_from_email_id": "Zylker Updates <noreply@zylker.com>",
    "support_email_id": "support@zylker.com",
    "notification_from_email_id": "Zylker Updates <noreply@zylker.com>",
    "support_email_id": "support@zylker.com",
    "dkim_record": {
        "domain_name": "zylker.com",
        "host_name": "1520006527143._domainkey.zylker.com",
        "host_value": "k=rsa; p=MIGfMAxtu3kGlmqQY0qSPHDZCxLce4GI56/a3m60X+EzGbSGXzpHRc8jqWfaRT5+GwIDAQAB",
        "selector": 123412341224
    "dkim_status": false,
        "statuspage_id": "123412341234123412",
        "custom_domain": "status.zylker.com",
        "domain_path": "application-team",
        "domain_verification_key": "site24x7-signals-domain-verification=ssa3766448c1eb421ff",
        "domain_verification_status": true,
        "cname_mapped": true,
    "preferences": {
        "component_wise_subscription": false,
        "show_component_summary": true,
        "show_component_details_page": true,
        "show_upcoming_maintenance": true,
        "site24x7_automation_preferences": {
            "notify_email_subscribers_for_realtime_incidents": true,
            "notify_sms_subscribers_for_maintenance_incidents": false,
            "notify_sms_subscribers_for_realtime_incidents": false,
            "create_incident_for_status_change": true,
            "create_incident_per_component_for_status_change": false,
            "site24x7_equivalent_statusiq_status_map": {
                "0": 6,
                "1": 1,
                "2": 1,
                "3": 1,
                "5": 1,
                "7": 4
            "notify_email_subscribers_for_maintenance_incidents": true
        "show_incident_history": true,
        "allow_sms_subscribers": true,
        "allow_calendar_feed": true,
        "show_active_incidents": true,
        "email_subscriber_domain_rule": "",
        "allow_email_subscribers": true,
        "allow_rss_feed": true,
        "expand_component_groups": false,
        "long_running_incident_notify": false,
        "force_redirect_to_https": false,
        "show_status_history": true,
        "show_incident_history_last_n_days": 2,
        "show_upcoming_maintenance_next_n_days": 31,
        "show_status_history_uptime": true,
        "ignore_maintenance_for_uptime_calculation": true,
        "hide_powered_by": false,
        "email_automation_preferences": {
            "notify_email_subscribers_for_realtime_incidents": true,
            "notify_sms_subscribers_for_maintenance_incidents": false,
            "notify_sms_subscribers_for_realtime_incidents": false,
            "create_incident_for_status_change": true,
            "create_incident_per_component_for_status_change": false,
            "notify_email_subscribers_for_maintenance_incidents": true

Retrieve the configuration of the Status Page.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Read

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
statuspage_display_name string Public name of your status page.
statuspage_desc string Description for the status page to highlight the purpose.
company_name string Legal name of your organization used in subject lines of your notification emails.
website_url string On clicking the status page logo/banner image, will be redirected to this URL.
notification_from_email_id string Address from which notification emails will be sent to the subscribers
support_email_id string All subscriber replies to the notification emails will go to this email address
enc_statuspage_id String Encrypted status page unique ID.
sp_permalink string Link to share to the end-users to view the status page in web browser.
sp_rss_permalink string RSS feed of your status page components and its status.
footer json Footer content to display in status page.
content string Footer content to display
style json Style applied to the footer contents.
background-color string Background colour that will be applied in footer section.
color string Text color for footer.
text-align string Footer text alignment.
dkim_record json Dkim record details such as domain name, host name, host value, selector and dkim status
custom_domain_details array Contains custom domain details
custom_domain string Domain name to publish the status page on your preferred domain.
domain_path string Allows you to host multiple status pages under your custom domain
domain_verification_key string A unique domain verification verification key is provided to help confirm your domain ownership.
domain_verification_status boolean Domain verification status
cname_mapped boolaen Cname mapped status
preferences json Statuspage preferences
allow_email_subscribers boolean Allow end user to subscribe via email.
allow_sms_subscribers boolean Allow end user to subscribe via sms
allow_rss_feed boolean Allow end user to access RSS feed.
allowed_ip_ranges array List of trusted IP address range to restrict to status page among those IP addresses alone.
disable_search_engine_indexing boolean Prevent search engine crawlers from indexing your public status page
expand_component_groups boolaen Will ensures that the components under a group are visible in the public status page, by default.
force_redirect_to_https boolaen Will auto-route all status page vistors to HTTPS based custom domain.
show_active_incidents boolean Show real-time incidents and ongoing scheduled incidents (maintenance) in public status page.
show_component_details_page boolean Show Detailed Component Performance Metrics for End Users
show_component_summary boolean Show component summary section.
show_incident_history boolean Show incident history section for end users.
show_incident_history_last_n_days int View incident history data in the status page for a specified number of days in the past.
show_status_history boolean Show component status history section.
show_status_history_uptime boolaen Show uptime percentage metrics in status history for End Users
show_upcoming_maintenance boolean Enable the toggle button to display any scheduled incidents (maintenances) created in StatusIQ and Site24x7
show_upcoming_maintenance_next_n_days int Show only upcoming maintenances scheduled during the specified number of days will be shown in the status page.
site24x7_automation_preferences json Site24x7 Automation Prederences
notify_email_subscribers_for_realtime_incidents boolaen True to notify email subscribers for real time incident created via Site24x7 automation.
notify_sms_subscribers_for_realtime_incidents boolaen True to notify email subscribers for real time incident created via Site24x7 automation.
notify_email_subscribers_for_maintenance_incidents boolean True to notify email subscribers for scheduled maintenance created via Site24x7 automation.
notify_sms_subscribers_for_maintenance_incidents boolean True to notify sms subscribers for scheduled maintenance created via Site24x7 automation.
create_incident_for_status_change boolean True to create incident when status change is pushed via site24x7. False to just update component status.
create_incident_per_component_for_status_change boolean True to create incident per component’s status change.
site24x7_equivalent_statusiq_status_map json Map that contains Site24x7 equivalent StatusIQ status map.
email_automation_preferences json Email Automation Prederences
notify_email_subscribers_for_realtime_incidents boolaen True to notify email subscribers for real time incident created via Email automation.
notify_sms_subscribers_for_realtime_incidents boolaen True to notify email subscribers for real time incident created via Email automation.
notify_email_subscribers_for_maintenance_incidents boolean True to notify email subscribers for scheduled maintenance created via Email automation.
notify_sms_subscribers_for_maintenance_incidents boolean True to notify sms subscribers for scheduled maintenance created via Email automation.
create_incident_for_status_change boolean True to create incident when status change is pushed via site24x7. False to just update component status.
create_incident_per_component_for_status_change boolean True to create incident per component’s status change.
component_wise_subscription boolean True allows end user to subscribe to particular components in status page

Update a Status Page

PUT /statuspages/{statuspage_id}

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412 \
    -X PUT \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f" \
    -d '{
        "statuspage_display_name": "Zylker Status",
        "statuspage_desc": "Real-time operational status of Zylker services.",
        "company_name": "Zylker Corporation Pvt Ltd",
        "website_url": "https://www.zlyker.com",
        "footer": {
            "content": {"This is footer"},
                color: "#FFFFFF", 
                text-align: "right"
        "notification_from_email_id": "Zylker Updates <noreply@zylker.com>",
        "support_email_id": "support@zylker.com",
        "dkim_record": {
            "domain_name": "zylker.com",
            "host_name": "1520006527143._domainkey.zylker.com",
            "host_value": "k=rsa; p=MIGRgHTYpgfUqWxtu3kGlmqQY0qSPHDZCxLce41jDzsexvDg97RdTyS3d8pqMXxJgjqWfaRT5+GwIDAQAB",
            "selector": 1522406527143302
        "dkim_status": false,
            "statuspage_id": "123412341234123412",
            "custom_domain": "status.zylker.com",
            "domain_path": "application-team",
            "domain_verification_key": "site24x7-signals-domain-verification=ss66448c1eb421ff",
            "domain_verification_status": true,
            "cname_mapped": true,
        "preferences": {
            "component_wise_subscription": false,
            "show_component_summary": true,
            "show_component_details_page": true,
            "show_upcoming_maintenance": true,
            "site24x7_automation_preferences": {
                "notify_email_subscribers_for_realtime_incidents": true,
                "notify_sms_subscribers_for_maintenance_incidents": false,
                "notify_sms_subscribers_for_realtime_incidents": false,
                "create_incident_for_status_change": true,
                "create_incident_per_component_for_status_change": false,
                "site24x7_equivalent_statusiq_status_map": {
                    "0": 6,
                    "1": 1,
                    "2": 1,
                    "3": 1,
                    "5": 1,
                    "7": 4
                "notify_email_subscribers_for_maintenance_incidents": true
            "show_incident_history": true,
            "allow_sms_subscribers": true,
            "allow_calendar_feed": true,
            "show_active_incidents": true,
            "email_subscriber_domain_rule": "",
            "allow_email_subscribers": true,
            "allow_rss_feed": true,
            "expand_component_groups": false,
            "long_running_incident_notify": false,
            "force_redirect_to_https": false,
            "show_status_history": true,
            "show_incident_history_last_n_days": 2,
            "show_upcoming_maintenance_next_n_days": 31,
            "show_status_history_uptime": true,
            "ignore_maintenance_for_uptime_calculation": true,
            "hide_powered_by": false,
            "email_automation_preferences": {
                "notify_email_subscribers_for_realtime_incidents": true,
                "notify_sms_subscribers_for_maintenance_incidents": false,
                "notify_sms_subscribers_for_realtime_incidents": false,
                "create_incident_for_status_change": true,
                "create_incident_per_component_for_status_change": false,
                "notify_email_subscribers_for_maintenance_incidents": true

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": {
   "statuspage_id": "123412341234123412",
    "statuspage_display_name": "Zylker Status",
    "statuspage_desc": "Real-time operational status of Zylker services.",
    "company_name": "Zylker Corporation Pvt Ltd",
    "website_url": "https://www.zlyker.com",
    "enc_statuspage_id": "DCLfaeHudYarZ_-6HSsZYWD_Ww=",
    "sp_permalink": "/sp/pv/DCLfaeHudYarZ_-6HSsZJ3tY9A69w=",
    "sp_rss_permalink": "/sp/pv/rss/DCLfaeHudYarTtJ3tY9A69w=",
    "footer": {
        "content": {"This is footer"},
            color: "#FFFFFF", 
            text-align: "right"
    "notification_from_email_id": "Zylker Updates <noreply@zylker.com>",
    "support_email_id": "support@zylker.com",
        "dkim_record": {
        "domain_name": "zylker.com",
        "host_name": "1520006527143._domainkey.zylker.com",
        "host_value": "k=rsa; p=MIGfMA0GCEZOGI56/a3m60X+EZWZDYAdvbChyX9XUwEzGbSGXzpHRc8jqWfaRT5+GwIDAQAB",
        "selector": 123412341234123412
    "dkim_status": false,
        "statuspage_id": "123412341234123412",
        "custom_domain": "status.zylker.com",
        "domain_path": "application-team",
        "domain_verification_key": "site24x7-signals-domain-verification=ss1385a4d9b421ff",
        "domain_verification_status": true,
        "cname_mapped": true,
    "preferences": {
        "component_wise_subscription": false,
        "show_component_summary": true,
        "show_component_details_page": true,
        "show_upcoming_maintenance": true,
        "site24x7_automation_preferences": {
            "notify_email_subscribers_for_realtime_incidents": true,
            "notify_sms_subscribers_for_maintenance_incidents": false,
            "notify_sms_subscribers_for_realtime_incidents": false,
            "create_incident_for_status_change": true,
            "create_incident_per_component_for_status_change": false,
            "site24x7_equivalent_statusiq_status_map": {
                "0": 6,
                "1": 1,
                "2": 1,
                "3": 1,
                "5": 1,
                "7": 4
            "notify_email_subscribers_for_maintenance_incidents": true
        "show_incident_history": true,
        "allow_sms_subscribers": true,
        "allow_calendar_feed": true,
        "show_active_incidents": true,
        "email_subscriber_domain_rule": "",
        "allow_email_subscribers": true,
        "allow_rss_feed": true,
        "expand_component_groups": false,
        "long_running_incident_notify": false,
        "force_redirect_to_https": false,
        "show_status_history": true,
        "show_incident_history_last_n_days": 2,
        "show_upcoming_maintenance_next_n_days": 31,
        "show_status_history_uptime": true,
        "ignore_maintenance_for_uptime_calculation": true,
        "hide_powered_by": false,
        "email_automation_preferences": {
            "notify_email_subscribers_for_realtime_incidents": true,
            "notify_sms_subscribers_for_maintenance_incidents": false,
            "notify_sms_subscribers_for_realtime_incidents": false,
            "create_incident_for_status_change": true,
            "create_incident_per_component_for_status_change": false,
            "notify_email_subscribers_for_maintenance_incidents": true

Update the configuration of an existing Status Page.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Update

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.

Request Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
statuspage_display_name string Public name of your status page.
statuspage_desc string Description for the status page to highlight the purpose.
company_name string Legal name of your organization used in subject lines of your notification emails.
website_url string On clicking the status page logo/banner image, will be redirected to this URL.
notification_from_email_id string Address from which notification emails will be sent to the subscribers
support_email_id string All subscriber replies to the notification emails will go to this email address
enc_statuspage_id String Encrypted status page unique ID.
sp_permalink string Link to share to the end-users to view the status page in web browser.
sp_rss_permalink string RSS feed of your status page components and its status.
footer json Footer content to display in status page.
content string Footer content to display
style json Style applied to the footer contents.
background-color string Background colour that will be applied in footer section.
color string Text color for footer.
text-align string Footer text alignment.
dkim_record json Dkim record details such as domain name, host name, host value, selector and dkim status
custom_domain_details array Contains custom domain details
custom_domain string Domain name to publish the status page on your preferred domain.
domain_path string Allows you to host multiple status pages under your custom domain
domain_verification_key string A unique domain verification verification key is provided to help confirm your domain ownership.
domain_verification_status boolean Domain verification status
cname_mapped boolaen Cname mapped status
preferences json Statuspage preferences
allow_email_subscribers boolean Allow end user to subscribe via email.
allow_sms_subscribers boolean Allow end user to subscribe via sms
allow_rss_feed boolean Allow end user to access RSS feed.
allowed_ip_ranges array List of trusted IP address range to restrict to status page among those IP addresses alone.
disable_search_engine_indexing boolean Prevent search engine crawlers from indexing your public status page
expand_component_groups boolaen Will ensures that the components under a group are visible in the public status page, by default.
force_redirect_to_https boolaen Will auto-route all status page vistors to HTTPS based custom domain.
show_active_incidents boolean Show real-time incidents and ongoing scheduled incidents (maintenance) in public status page.
show_component_details_page boolean Show Detailed Component Performance Metrics for End Users
show_component_summary boolean Show component summary section.
show_incident_history boolean Show incident history section for end users.
show_incident_history_last_n_days int View incident history data in the status page for a specified number of days in the past.
show_status_history boolean Show component status history section.
show_status_history_uptime boolaen Show uptime percentage metrics in status history for End Users
show_upcoming_maintenance boolean Enable the toggle button to display any scheduled incidents (maintenances) created in StatusIQ and Site24x7
show_upcoming_maintenance_next_n_days int Show only upcoming maintenances scheduled during the specified number of days will be shown in the status page.
site24x7_automation_preferences json Site24x7 Automation Prederences
notify_email_subscribers_for_realtime_incidents boolaen True to notify email subscribers for real time incident created via Site24x7 automation.
notify_sms_subscribers_for_realtime_incidents boolaen True to notify email subscribers for real time incident created via Site24x7 automation.
notify_email_subscribers_for_maintenance_incidents boolean True to notify email subscribers for scheduled maintenance created via Site24x7 automation.
notify_sms_subscribers_for_maintenance_incidents boolean True to notify sms subscribers for scheduled maintenance created via Site24x7 automation.
create_incident_for_status_change boolean True to create incident when status change is pushed via site24x7. False to just update component status.
create_incident_per_component_for_status_change boolean True to create incident per component’s status change.
site24x7_equivalent_statusiq_status_map json Map that contains Site24x7 equivalent StatusIQ status map.
email_automation_preferences json Email Automation Prederences
notify_email_subscribers_for_realtime_incidents boolaen True to notify email subscribers for real time incident created via Email automation.
notify_sms_subscribers_for_realtime_incidents boolaen True to notify email subscribers for real time incident created via Email automation.
notify_email_subscribers_for_maintenance_incidents boolean True to notify email subscribers for scheduled maintenance created via Email automation.
notify_sms_subscribers_for_maintenance_incidents boolean True to notify sms subscribers for scheduled maintenance created via Email automation.
create_incident_for_status_change boolean True to create incident when status change is pushed via site24x7. False to just update component status.
create_incident_per_component_for_status_change boolean True to create incident per component’s status change.
component_wise_subscription boolean True allows end user to subscribe to particular components in status page

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
statuspage_display_name string Public name of your status page.
statuspage_desc string Description for the status page to highlight the purpose.
company_name string Legal name of your organization used in subject lines of your notification emails.
website_url string On clicking the status page logo/banner image, will be redirected to this URL.
notification_from_email_id string Address from which notification emails will be sent to the subscribers
support_email_id string All subscriber replies to the notification emails will go to this email address
enc_statuspage_id String Encrypted status page unique ID.
sp_permalink string Link to share to the end-users to view the status page in web browser.
sp_rss_permalink string RSS feed of your status page components and its status.
footer json Footer content to display in status page.
content string Footer content to display
style json Style applied to the footer contents.
background-color string Background colour that will be applied in footer section.
color string Text color for footer.
text-align string Footer text alignment.
dkim_record json Dkim record details such as domain name, host name, host value, selector and dkim status
custom_domain_details array Contains custom domain details
custom_domain string Domain name to publish the status page on your preferred domain.
domain_path string Allows you to host multiple status pages under your custom domain
domain_verification_key string A unique domain verification verification key is provided to help confirm your domain ownership.
domain_verification_status boolean Domain verification status
cname_mapped boolaen Cname mapped status
preferences json Statuspage preferences
allow_email_subscribers boolean Allow end user to subscribe via email.
allow_sms_subscribers boolean Allow end user to subscribe via sms
allow_rss_feed boolean Allow end user to access RSS feed.
allowed_ip_ranges array List of trusted IP address range to restrict to status page among those IP addresses alone.
disable_search_engine_indexing boolean Prevent search engine crawlers from indexing your public status page
expand_component_groups boolaen Will ensures that the components under a group are visible in the public status page, by default.
force_redirect_to_https boolaen Will auto-route all status page vistors to HTTPS based custom domain.
show_active_incidents boolean Show real-time incidents and ongoing scheduled incidents (maintenance) in public status page.
show_component_details_page boolean Show Detailed Component Performance Metrics for End Users
show_component_summary boolean Show component summary section.
show_incident_history boolean Show incident history section for end users.
show_incident_history_last_n_days int View incident history data in the status page for a specified number of days in the past.
show_status_history boolean Show component status history section.
show_status_history_uptime boolaen Show uptime percentage metrics in status history for End Users
show_upcoming_maintenance boolean Enable the toggle button to display any scheduled incidents (maintenances) created in StatusIQ and Site24x7
show_upcoming_maintenance_next_n_days int Show only upcoming maintenances scheduled during the specified number of days will be shown in the status page.
site24x7_automation_preferences json Site24x7 Automation Prederences
notify_email_subscribers_for_realtime_incidents boolaen True to notify email subscribers for real time incident created via Site24x7 automation.
notify_sms_subscribers_for_realtime_incidents boolaen True to notify email subscribers for real time incident created via Site24x7 automation.
notify_email_subscribers_for_maintenance_incidents boolean True to notify email subscribers for scheduled maintenance created via Site24x7 automation.
notify_sms_subscribers_for_maintenance_incidents boolean True to notify sms subscribers for scheduled maintenance created via Site24x7 automation.
create_incident_for_status_change boolean True to create incident when status change is pushed via site24x7. False to just update component status.
create_incident_per_component_for_status_change boolean True to create incident per component’s status change.
site24x7_equivalent_statusiq_status_map json Map that contains Site24x7 equivalent StatusIQ status map.
email_automation_preferences json Email Automation Prederences
notify_email_subscribers_for_realtime_incidents boolaen True to notify email subscribers for real time incident created via Email automation.
notify_sms_subscribers_for_realtime_incidents boolaen True to notify email subscribers for real time incident created via Email automation.
notify_email_subscribers_for_maintenance_incidents boolean True to notify email subscribers for scheduled maintenance created via Email automation.
notify_sms_subscribers_for_maintenance_incidents boolean True to notify sms subscribers for scheduled maintenance created via Email automation.
create_incident_for_status_change boolean True to create incident when status change is pushed via site24x7. False to just update component status.
create_incident_per_component_for_status_change boolean True to create incident per component’s status change.
component_wise_subscription boolean True allows end user to subscribe to particular components in status page

List of Status Pages

GET /statuspages

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": [
   "statuspage_id": "123412341234123412",
    "statuspage_display_name": "Zylker Status",
    "statuspage_desc": "Real-time operational status of Zylker services.",
    "company_name": "Zylker Corporation Pvt Ltd",
    "website_url": "https://www.zlyker.com",
    "enc_statuspage_id": "DCLfaeHudYarZ_-6HSsZYWD_Wwa_yaDBTtJ3tY9A69w=",
    "sp_permalink": "/sp/pv/DCLfaeHudYarZ_-6HSsZYWD_Wwa_yaDBTtJ3tY9A69w=",
    "sp_rss_permalink": "/sp/pv/rss/DCLfaeHudYarZ_-6HSsZYWD_Wwa_yaDBTtJ3tY9A69w=",
    "footer": {
        "content": {"This is footer"},
            color: "#FFFFFF", 
            text-align: "right"
    "notification_from_email_id": "Zylker Updates <noreply@zylker.com>",
    "support_email_id": "support@zylker.com",
        "dkim_record": {
        "domain_name": "zylker.com",
        "host_name": "1520006527143._domainkey.zylker.com",
        "host_value": "k=rsa; p=MIGfEZOGI56/a3m60X+EZWZDYAdvbChyX9XUwEzGbSGXzpHRc8jqWfaRT5+GwIDAQAB",
        "selector": 123412341234123412
    "dkim_status": false,
        "statuspage_id": "123412341234123412",
        "custom_domain": "status.zylker.com",
        "domain_path": "application-team",
        "domain_verification_key": "site24x7-signals-domain-verification=ss8a3766448c1eb421ff",
        "domain_verification_status": true,
        "cname_mapped": true,
    "preferences": {
        "component_wise_subscription": false,
        "show_component_summary": true,
        "show_component_details_page": true,
        "show_upcoming_maintenance": true,
        "site24x7_automation_preferences": {
            "notify_email_subscribers_for_realtime_incidents": true,
            "notify_sms_subscribers_for_maintenance_incidents": false,
            "notify_sms_subscribers_for_realtime_incidents": false,
            "create_incident_for_status_change": true,
            "create_incident_per_component_for_status_change": false,
            "site24x7_equivalent_statusiq_status_map": {
                "0": 6,
                "1": 1,
                "2": 1,
                "3": 1,
                "5": 1,
                "7": 4
            "notify_email_subscribers_for_maintenance_incidents": true
        "show_incident_history": true,
        "allow_sms_subscribers": true,
        "allow_calendar_feed": true,
        "show_active_incidents": true,
        "email_subscriber_domain_rule": "",
        "allow_email_subscribers": true,
        "allow_rss_feed": true,
        "expand_component_groups": false,
        "long_running_incident_notify": false,
        "force_redirect_to_https": false,
        "show_status_history": true,
        "show_incident_history_last_n_days": 2,
        "show_upcoming_maintenance_next_n_days": 31,
        "show_status_history_uptime": true,
        "ignore_maintenance_for_uptime_calculation": true,
        "hide_powered_by": false,
        "email_automation_preferences": {
            "notify_email_subscribers_for_realtime_incidents": true,
            "notify_sms_subscribers_for_maintenance_incidents": false,
            "notify_sms_subscribers_for_realtime_incidents": false,
            "create_incident_for_status_change": true,
            "create_incident_per_component_for_status_change": false,
            "notify_email_subscribers_for_maintenance_incidents": true

List of all Status Pages

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Read

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
statuspage_display_name string Public name of your status page.
statuspage_desc string Description for the status page to highlight the purpose.
company_name string Legal name of your organization used in subject lines of your notification emails.
website_url string On clicking the status page logo/banner image, will be redirected to this URL.
notification_from_email_id string Address from which notification emails will be sent to the subscribers
support_email_id string All subscriber replies to the notification emails will go to this email address
enc_statuspage_id String Encrypted status page unique ID.
sp_permalink string Link to share to the end-users to view the status page in web browser.
sp_rss_permalink string RSS feed of your status page components and its status.
footer json Footer content to display in status page.
content string Footer content to display
style json Style applied to the footer contents.
background-color string Background colour that will be applied in footer section.
color string Text color for footer.
text-align string Footer text alignment.
dkim_record json Dkim record details such as domain name, host name, host value, selector and dkim status
custom_domain_details array Contains custom domain details
custom_domain string Domain name to publish the status page on your preferred domain.
domain_path string Allows you to host multiple status pages under your custom domain
domain_verification_key string A unique domain verification verification key is provided to help confirm your domain ownership.
domain_verification_status boolean Domain verification status
cname_mapped boolaen Cname mapped status
preferences json Statuspage preferences
allow_email_subscribers boolean Allow end user to subscribe via email.
allow_sms_subscribers boolean Allow end user to subscribe via sms
allow_rss_feed boolean Allow end user to access RSS feed.
allowed_ip_ranges array List of trusted IP address range to restrict to status page among those IP addresses alone.
disable_search_engine_indexing boolean Prevent search engine crawlers from indexing your public status page
expand_component_groups boolaen Will ensures that the components under a group are visible in the public status page, by default.
force_redirect_to_https boolaen Will auto-route all status page vistors to HTTPS based custom domain.
show_active_incidents boolean Show real-time incidents and ongoing scheduled incidents (maintenance) in public status page.
show_component_details_page boolean Show Detailed Component Performance Metrics for End Users
show_component_summary boolean Show component summary section.
show_incident_history boolean Show incident history section for end users.
show_incident_history_last_n_days int View incident history data in the status page for a specified number of days in the past.
show_status_history boolean Show component status history section.
show_status_history_uptime boolaen Show uptime percentage metrics in status history for End Users
show_upcoming_maintenance boolean Enable the toggle button to display any scheduled incidents (maintenances) created in StatusIQ and Site24x7
show_upcoming_maintenance_next_n_days int Show only upcoming maintenances scheduled during the specified number of days will be shown in the status page.
site24x7_automation_preferences json Site24x7 Automation Prederences
notify_email_subscribers_for_realtime_incidents boolaen True to notify email subscribers for real time incident created via Site24x7 automation.
notify_sms_subscribers_for_realtime_incidents boolaen True to notify email subscribers for real time incident created via Site24x7 automation.
notify_email_subscribers_for_maintenance_incidents boolean True to notify email subscribers for scheduled maintenance created via Site24x7 automation.
notify_sms_subscribers_for_maintenance_incidents boolean True to notify sms subscribers for scheduled maintenance created via Site24x7 automation.
create_incident_for_status_change boolean True to create incident when status change is pushed via site24x7. False to just update component status.
create_incident_per_component_for_status_change boolean True to create incident per component’s status change.
site24x7_equivalent_statusiq_status_map json Map that contains Site24x7 equivalent StatusIQ status map.
email_automation_preferences json Email Automation Prederences
notify_email_subscribers_for_realtime_incidents boolaen True to notify email subscribers for real time incident created via Email automation.
notify_sms_subscribers_for_realtime_incidents boolaen True to notify email subscribers for real time incident created via Email automation.
notify_email_subscribers_for_maintenance_incidents boolean True to notify email subscribers for scheduled maintenance created via Email automation.
notify_sms_subscribers_for_maintenance_incidents boolean True to notify sms subscribers for scheduled maintenance created via Email automation.
create_incident_for_status_change boolean True to create incident when status change is pushed via site24x7. False to just update component status.
create_incident_per_component_for_status_change boolean True to create incident per component’s status change.
component_wise_subscription boolean True allows end user to subscribe to particular components in status page


Components are the functional parts of your service or IT infrastructure.Resources or services used by the end user can be added as components.

Create a Component

POST /statuspages/123412341234123412/components

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/components \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f" \
    -d '{
      "display_name": "Zylker Website",
      "desc": "Real-time operational status of Zylker Website.",
            "automate_id": 2",
            "add_automation": true

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": {
    "component_id": "123412341234123413",
    "statuspage_id": "123412341234123412",
    "componentgroup_id": "123412341234123414",
    "display_name": "Zylker Website",
    "desc": "Real-time operational status of Zylker Website.",
    "co_permalink": "/sp/pv/DCLfaeHa_yaDBTtJ3tY9A69w=#/components/DCLfaeHudYarZ_-6HS3tY9A69q=",
    "enc_component_id": "DCLfaeHudYarZ_-6HA69q=",
            "automate_id": 2",
            "automate_emailid": "component+dQittZnIssAdCdM=@site24xsignals.com"

Create a new Component.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Create

Request Parameters

Param Type Description
display_name string Mandatory
Public name of your component.
desc string Description for your component in Status page to highlight the purpose.
componentgroup_id string Unique ID generated by the server for component group. This can be used as an identifier.
status_update_automation_info array Contains component automation details.
automate_id int Automate Id
add_automation boolean True to automate component to the respective automation.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
component_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
componentgroup_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Component Group. This can be used as an identifier.
display_name string Public name of your component.
desc string Description for your component in Status page to highlight the purpose.
co_permalink string Link to share component details to the end-users to view in web browser.
enc_component_id String Encrypted component unique ID.
status_update_automation_info array Contains automation details.
automate_id int Automate Id
automate_emailid string Send emails to this unique ID generated by the server, to update the status of a component or to create an incident in StatusIQ.

Retrieve a Component

GET /statuspages/123412341234123412/components/{component_id}

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/components/123412341234123413 \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": {
    "component_id": "123412341234123413",
    "statuspage_id": "123412341234123412",
    "componentgroup_id": "123412341234123414",
    "display_name": "Zylker Website",
    "desc": "Real-time operational status of Zylker Website.",
    "co_permalink": "/sp/pv/DCLfaeHudtY9A69w=#/components/DCLYWD_Wwa_yaDBTtJ3tY9A69q=",
    "enc_component_id": "DCLfaeHDBTtJ3tY9A69q=",
    "component_status": 1,
            "automate_id": 2",
            "add_automation": true

Retrieve the configuration of the Component.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Read

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
component_id string Unique ID generated by the server for component. This can be used as an identifier.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
component_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
componentgroup_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Component Group. This can be used as an identifier.
display_name string Public name of your component.
desc string Description for your component in Status page to highlight the purpose.
co_permalink string Link to share component details to the end-users to view in web browser.
enc_component_id String Encrypted component unique ID.
status_update_automation_info array Contains automation details.
automate_id int Automate Id
automate_emailid string Send emails to this unique ID generated by the server, to update the status of a component or to create an incident in StatusIQ.

Update a Component

PUT /statuspages/123412341234123412/components/{component_id}

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/components/123412341234123413 \
    -X PUT \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f" \
    -d '{
        "display_name": "Zylker Websites",
        "desc": "Real-time operational status of Zylker Website.",
                "automate_id": 2",
                "add_automation": true

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": {
    "component_id": "123412341234123413",
    "statuspage_id": "123412341234123412",
    "componentgroup_id": "123412341234123414",
    "display_name": "Zylker Websites",
    "desc": "Real-time operational status of Zylker Website.",
    "co_permalink": "/sp/pv/DCLfaeHudYarZ_-6HJ3tY9A69w=#/components/DCLfaeHudyaDBTtJ3tY9A69q=",
    "enc_component_id": "DCLfaeHudYarZ_-6HSsZYY9A69q=",
            "automate_id": 2",
            "automate_emailid": "component+dQittssAdCcvnQFIU=@site24xsignals.com"

Update the configuration of an existing Component.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Update

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
component_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Component. This can be used as an identifier.

Request Parameters

Param Type Description
display_name string Mandatory
Public name of your component.
desc string Description for your component in Status page to highlight the purpose.
componentgroup_id string Unique ID generated by the server for component group. This can be used as an identifier.
status_update_automation_info array Contains component automation details.
automate_id int Automate Id
add_automation boolean True to automate component to the respective automation.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
component_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
componentgroup_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Component Group. This can be used as an identifier.
display_name string Public name of your component.
desc string Description for your component in Status page to highlight the purpose.
co_permalink string Link to share component details to the end-users to view in web browser.
enc_component_id String Encrypted component unique ID.
status_update_automation_info array Contains automation details
automate_id int Automate Id
automate_emailid string Send emails to this unique ID generated by the server, to update the status of a component or to create an incident in StatusIQ.

Delete a Component

DELETE /stauspages/123412341234123412/components/{component_id}

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/components/123412341234123413 \
    -X DELETE \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "code": 0,
    "message": "success"
        "component_id": "123412341234123413",
        "statuspage_id": "123412341234123412",
        "componentgroup_id": "123412341234123414",
        "display_name": "Zylker Website",
        "desc": "Real-time operational status of Zylker Website.",
        "co_permalink": "/sp/pv/DCLfaeHudYarZ_-6HSsZYWtY9A69w=#/components/DCLfaeD_Wwa_yaDBTtJ3tY9A69q=",
        "enc_component_id": "DCLfaeHudYarZ_-6HSsZYW9A69q=",
        "component_status": 1,
                "automate_id": 2",
                "automate_emailid": "component+dQittZnIssAdCcvn=@site24xsignals.com"

Delete an existing component

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Delete

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
component_id string Unique ID generated by the server for the component. This can be used as an identifier.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
component_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
componentgroup_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Component Group. This can be used as an identifier.
display_name string Public name of your component.
desc string Description for your component in Status page to highlight the purpose.
co_permalink string Link to share component details to the end-users to view in web browser.
enc_component_id String Encrypted component unique ID.
status_update_automation_info array Contains automation details
automate_id int Automate Id
automate_emailid string Send emails to this unique ID generated by the server, to update the status of a component or to create an incident in StatusIQ.

List of components

GET /statuspages/123412341234123412/components

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/components \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": [
        "component_id": "123412341234123413",
        "statuspage_id": "123412341234123412",
        "componentgroup_id": "123412341234123414",
        "display_name": "Zylker Website",
        "desc": "Real-time operational status of Zylker Website.",
        "co_permalink": "/sp/pv/DCLfaeHudYarZ_-6J3tY9A69w=#/components/DCLfaeHud_yaDBTtJ3tY9A69q=",
        "enc_component_id": "DCLfaeHudYarZ_-3tY9A69q=",
        "component_status": 1,
                "automate_id": 2",
                "add_automation": true

List of all components in a Status page

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Read

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
component_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
componentgroup_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Component Group. This can be used as an identifier.
display_name string Public name of your component.
desc string Description for your component in Status page to highlight the purpose.
co_permalink string Link to share component details to the end-users to view in web browser.
enc_component_id String Encrypted component unique ID.
status_update_automation_info array Contains automation details.
automate_id int Automate Id
automate_emailid string Send emails to this unique ID generated by the server, to update the status of a component or to create an incident in StatusIQ.

Component Status

Component status is the information about the health of the component.

Retrieve Component Status

GET /statuspages/123412341234123412/component_status/{component_id}

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/component_status/123412341234123413 \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": {

Retrieve the Status of a Component.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Operations.Read

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
component_id string Unique ID generated by the server for component. This can be used as an identifier.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
component_id string Unique ID generated by the server for component. This can be used as an identifier.
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
component_status int Status of the component.
updated_time long Component status updated time.

Update Component Status

PUT /statuspages/123412341234123412/component_status/{component_id}

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/signals/statuspages/123412341234123412/component_status/{component_id}" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f" \
    -d '{
      "component_status": "1",
      "create_or_update_incident": "true"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": {

Update the status of an existing Component.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Operations.Update

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
component_id string Unique ID generated by the server for component. This can be used as an identifier.

Request Parameters

Param Type Description
component_status int Mandatory
Component Status
create_or_update_incident boolean To create or update incident on component status change.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
component_id string Unique ID generated by the server for component. This can be used as an identifier.
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
component_status int Status of the component.
updated_time long Component status updated time.

Component Groups

Component Group lets you group similar components together and in turn help you organize your status page for easy end-user consumption.

Create a Component Group

POST /statuspages/123412341234123412/component_groups

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/component_groups \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f" \
    -d '{
      "componentgroup_display_name": "Zylker Resources"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": {
    "componentgroup_display_name":"Zylker Resources",

Create a new Component Group.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Create

Request Parameters

Param Type Description
componentgroup_display_name string Mandatory
Public name of component group.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
componentgroup_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
componentgroup_display_name string Public name of your component group.
componentgroup_desc string Description for the component group in Status page to highlight the purpose.
enc_componentgroup_id string Encrypted component group unique ID.

Retrieve a Component Group

GET /statuspages/123412341234123412/component_groups/{componentgroup_id}

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/component_groups/123412341234123414 \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": {
    "componentgroup_display_name":"Zylker Resources",
    "componentgroup_desc":"This is component group description",

Retrieve the configuration of the Component Group.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Read

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
componentgroup_id string Unique ID generated by the server for component group. This can be used as an identifier.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
componentgroup_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
componentgroup_display_name string Public name of your component group.
componentgroup_desc string Description for the component group in Status page to highlight the purpose.
enc_componentgroup_id string Encrypted component group unique ID.
componentgroup_components json List of components in the component group.

Update a Component Group

PUT /statuspages/123412341234123412/component_groups/{componentgroup_id}

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/component_groups/123412341234123414 \
    -X PUT \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f" \
    -d '{
       "componentgroup_display_name":"Zylker Resource",
       "componentgroup_desc":"This is component group description"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": {
    "componentgroup_display_name":"Zylker Resource",
    "componentgroup_desc":"This is component group description",

Update the configuration of an existing Component.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Update

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
componentgroup_id string Unique ID generated by the server for component group. This can be used as an identifier.

Request Parameters

Param Type Description
componentgroup_display_name string Mandatory
Public name of your component group.
componentgroup_desc string Description for the component group in Status page to highlight the purpose.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
componentgroup_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
componentgroup_display_name string Public name of your component group.
componentgroup_desc string Description for the component group in Status page to highlight the purpose.
enc_componentgroup_id string Encrypted component group unique ID.

Delete a Component Group

DELETE /stauspages/123412341234123412/component_groups/{componentgroup_id}?delete_components=false

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/component_groups/123412341234123414?delete_components=false \
    -X DELETE \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "code": 0,
    "message": "success"
        "componentgroup_display_name":"Zylker Resources",
        "componentgroup_desc":"This is component group description",

Delete an existing Component Group.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Delete

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
componentgroup_id string Unique ID generated by the server for component group. This can be used as an identifier.
delete_components boolean Boolean variable to decide components in the group to be unassociated to components or to be deleted.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
componentgroup_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
componentgroup_display_name string Public name of your component group.
componentgroup_desc string Description for the component group in Status page to highlight the purpose.
enc_componentgroup_id string Encrypted component group unique ID.
componentgroup_components json List of components in the component group.

List of Component Groups

GET /statuspages/123412341234123412/component_groups

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/component_groups \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": [
        "componentgroup_display_name":"Zylker Resources",
        "componentgroup_desc":"This is component group description",

List of all Component Groups

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Read

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
componentgroup_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
componentgroup_display_name string Public name of your component group.
componentgroup_desc string Description for the component group in Status page to highlight the purpose.
enc_componentgroup_id string Encrypted component group unique ID.
componentgroup_components json List of components in the component group.

Third-Party Components

Third-Party components are services provided by any third-party providers such as AWS and GCP. You can add the services your business runs on to the status page, so your users will know if the services utilized by your business are facing downtime.

Add/Delete a Third-Party Components

PUT /statuspages/123412341234123412/thirdparty_services/1/thirdparty_components

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/thirdparty_services/1/thirdparty_components \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f" \
    -d '{
        add_thirdparty_component_ids: ["123412341234123418"], 
        delete_thirdparty_component_ids: ["123412341234123416"]

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": {
    "display_name":"Amazon Elastic Search",

Add/Delete a Third-party Component available in a Third-Party Service

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Update

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
thirdparty_service_id int Third-party Service Id

Request Parameters

Param Type Description
add_thirdparty_component_ids array Contains thirdpartycomponent ids to be added.This parameter can be empty if you want to perform only delete operation.
delete_thirdparty_component_ids array Contains thirdpartycomponent ids to be deleted.This parameter can be empty if you want to perform only add operation.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
component_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
display_name string Public name of your component.
co_permalink string Link to share component details to the end-users to view in web browser.
enc_component_id String Encrypted component unique ID.
status_update_automation_info array Contains automation details.
automate_id int Automate Id
thirdparty_component_id String Unique ID generated by the server for a third-party component. This can be used as an identifier.
thirdparty_service_display_name string Public name of your third-party component.
tp_automation_enabled boolean True to component whose third-party automation is enabled

List of all Third-Party Services

GET /short/thirdparty_services

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/short/thirdparty_services     \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
                "thirdparty_service_display_name":"Amazon Web Services (AWS)"
                "thirdparty_service_display_name":"Google Cloud Platform (GCP)"

Retrieve list of available Third-Party services

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Read

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
thirdparty_service_id int Third-party Service Id
thirdparty_service_display_name string Name of third-party service.

List of subscribed Third-Party services

GET /statuspages/123412341234123412/short/thirdparty_services/

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/short/thirdparty_services \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": {
                "thirdparty_service_display_name":"Amazon Web Services(AWS)"
                "thirdparty_service_display_name":"Google Cloud Platform(GCP)"

Retrieve list of Third-Party Services subscribed by a statuspage

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Read

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
thirdparty_service_id int Third-party Service Id
thirdparty_service_display_name string Name of the third-party service.

Retrieve Third-Party Component in a Third-Party Service

GET /statuspages/123412341234123412/thirdparty_services/123/thirdparty_components?search_keyword=abcd&limit=50&page=1

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/thirdparty_services/2/thirdparty_components?search_keyword=abcd&limit=50&page=1 \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

                "thirdparty_component_display_name":"Site24x7 Website",

Retrieve components of a Third-Party Service

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Read

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
search_keyword string Keyword to search components in a third-party service.
limit int No. of third-party components to be fetched from database.
page int Sets the beginning point of the rows to be fetched from database.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
thirdparty_service_id int Third-party Service Id
thirdparty_service_display_name string Name of third-party service.
thirdparty_components array Contains list of third-party components subscribed by a statuspage.
thirdparty_component_id string Unique ID generated by the server for a third-party component. This can be used as an identifier.
thirdparty_component_display_name string Name of the third-party component.

List of subscribed Third-Party Components

GET /statuspages/123412341234123412/thirdparty_services/123/thirdparty_components

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/thirdparty_services/123/thirdparty_components \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Retrieve list of Third-Party components subscribed by a statuspage

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Read

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
thirdparty_service_id int Third-party Service Id

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
thirdparty_service_id int Third-party Service Id
thirdparty_service_display_name string Name of third-party service display.
thirdparty_components array Contains list of third-party components subscribed by a statuspage.
thirdparty_component_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
thirdparty_component_display_name string Name of the third-party component.

Retrieve stats of subscribed third-party services

GET statuspages/123412341234123413/thirdparty_services/usage_stats

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123413/thirdparty_services/usage_stats \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Retrieve stats of subscribed third-party services

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Read

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
thirdparty_service_id int Third-party Service Id
subscribed_thirdparty_component_count string Number of subscribed components of a third-party service for a particular status page.
total_thirdparty_component_count string Total number of components available in a third-party service.

Retrieve stats of a Third-Party services

GET statuspages/123412341234123413/thirdparty_services/2/usage_stats

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123413/thirdparty_services/2/usage_stats \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Retrieve stats of a third-party services

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Read

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
thirdparty_service_id int Third-party Service Id

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
thirdparty_service_id int Third-party Service Id
subscribed_thirdparty_component_count string No. of components subscribed in a third-party service for a particular status page.
total_thirdparty_component_count string Total no. of components available in a third-party service.

System Metrics

System Metrics in StatusIQ provides real-time performance insights by integrating with third-party data sources or custom metrics for transparency and better communication.

Create a custom system metric

POST /statuspages/1234123412341234/metrics

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/1234123412341234/metrics \
  -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
  -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" \
  -d '{
        "metric_display_name": "Zylker API Uptime",
        "suffix": "%",
        "hide_yaxis": false,
        "metric_visibility": false,
        "aggregation_type": 1,
        "data_source_id": 1,
        "metric_description": "Zylker Availability Metrics"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
    "code": 0,
    "message": "success",
    "data": {
        "metric_id": "1234123412345678",
        "enc_metric_id": "ISZmho8UNmAXyzXJYkfMXyzYzxYzxyZmLD4nzhPvZ5PiVOKAVNVrbm4-UqKAbCd",
        "config_id": "1234123412347890",
        "data_source_id": 1,
        "aggregation_type": 1,
        "metric_display_name": "Zylker API Uptime",
        "metric_visibility": false,
        "suffix": "%",
        "hide_yaxis": false,
        "created_at": "2024-09-06T13:40:47+0530"

Create a custom system metric.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Create

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.

Request Parameters

Param Type Description
metric_display_name string Mandatory
System metric display name.
suffix string Mandatory
System metric suffix.
hide_yaxis boolean Status of visibility of Y Axis of a metric.
metric_visibility boolean Status of visibility of a metric in public pages.
aggregation_type int Aggregation Type Id
data_source_id int Mandatory
Data Source Id
metric_description String Metric description.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
metric_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
enc_metric_id string Encrypted metric unique ID.
config_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
data_source_id int Data Source Id
aggregation_type int Aggregation Type Id
metric_display_name string Metric display name.
metric_description string Metric description.
metric_visibility boolean Status of visibility of a metric in public pages.
suffix string Metric suffix.
hide_yaxis boolean Status of visibility of Y Axis of a metric.
created_at datetime System metric created time.

Update a custom system metric

PUT /statuspages/1234123412341234/metrics/1234123412345678

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/1234123412341234/metrics/1234123412345678 \
  -X PUT \
  -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
  -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" \
  -d '{
        "metric_display_name": "Zylker API Uptime",
        "suffix": "%",
        "hide_yaxis": false,
        "metric_visibility": false,
        "aggregation_type": 1,
        "data_source_id": 1,
        "metric_description": "Zylker Availability Metrics"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
    "code": 0,
    "message": "success",
    "data": {
        "metric_id": "1234123412345678",
        "enc_metric_id": "ISZmho8UNmAXyzXJYkfMXyzYzxYzxyZmLD4nzhPvZ5PiVOKAVNVrbm4-UqKAbCd",
        "config_id": "1234123412347890",
        "data_source_id": 1,
        "aggregation_type": 1,
        "metric_display_name": "Zylker API Uptime",
        "metric_description": "Zylker Availability Metrics",
        "metric_visibility": false,
        "suffix": "%",
        "hide_yaxis": false,
        "created_at": "2024-09-06T14:41:46+0530"

Update a custom system metric.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Update

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
metric_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Metric. This can be used as an identifier.

Request Parameters

Param Type Description
metric_display_name string Mandatory
System metric display name.
suffix string Mandatory
System metric suffix.
hide_yaxis boolean Status of visibility of Y Axis of a metric.
metric_visibility boolean Status of visibility of a metric in public pages.
aggregation_type int Aggregation Type Id
data_source_id int Mandatory
Data Source Id
metric_description String Metric description.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
metric_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
enc_metric_id string Encrypted metric unique ID.
config_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
data_source_id int Data Source Id
aggregation_type int Aggregation Type Id
metric_display_name String Metric display name.
metric_description String Metric description.
metric_visibility boolean Status of visibility of a metric in public pages.
suffix string Metric suffix.
hide_yaxis boolean Status of visibility of Y Axis of a metric.
created_at datetime System metric created time.

Add data points to a custom system metric

POST /statuspages/1234123412341234/metrics/1234123412345678/data

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/1234123412341234/metrics/1234123412345678/data \
  -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
  -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" \
  -d '{
        "timestamp": 1719295419300,
        "value": 67.9

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
    "code": 0,
    "message": "success",
    "data": {
        "metric_data": [
                "value": 67.9,
                "timestamp": "1719296253218"

Add data points to a custom system metric.

oauthscope : StatusPages.operations.Create

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
metric_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Metric. This can be used as an identifier.

Request Parameters

Param Type Description
metric_data json Mandatory
List of data points to be added to the custom system metric.
timestamp long Mandatory
Timestamp in epoch millis.
value double Mandatory
Value of a data point.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
metric_data json List of data points added to the custom system metric.
timestamp string Timestamp in epoch millis.
value double Value of a data point.

Reset a custom system metric

DELETE /statuspages/1234123412341234/metrics/1234123412345678/reset

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/1234123412341234/metrics/1234123412345678/reset \
  -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
  -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
    "code": 0,
    "message": "success",
    "data": {
        "metric_id": "1234123412345678",
        "enc_metric_id": "ISZmho8UNmAXyzXJYkfMXyzYzxYzxyZmLD4nzhPvZ5PiVOKAVNVrbm4-UqKAbCd",
        "config_id": "1234123412347890",
        "data_source_id": 1,
        "aggregation_type": 1,
        "metric_display_name": "Zylker API Uptime",
        "metric_description": "Zylker Availability Metrics",
        "metric_visibility": false,
        "suffix": "%",
        "hide_yaxis": false,
        "created_at": "2024-09-06T14:41:46+0530"

Reset a custom system metric.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Delete

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
metric_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Metric. This can be used as an identifier.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
metric_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
enc_metric_id string Encrypted metric unique ID.
config_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
data_source_id int Data Source Id
aggregation_type int Aggregation Type Id
metric_display_name String Metric display name.
metric_description String Metric description.
metric_visibility boolean Status of visibility of a metric in public pages.
suffix string Metric suffix.
hide_yaxis boolean Status of visibility of Y Axis of a metric.
created_at datetime System metric created time.

Create a Pingdom configuration

POST /statuspages/1234123412341234/metrics/data_source_config

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/1234123412341234/metrics/data_source_config \
  -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
  -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" \
  -d '{
        "data_source_id": 2,
        "display_name": "Zylker Pingdom Configuration",
        "details": {
            "api_token": "gNaJvz0gIhshsdgjhuwGyahDXPAWeIgOlMiGmI0xkzCVboPiFVz-EEHVFU1NuKdqGNJ4EmCFs"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
    "code": 0,
    "message": "success",
    "data": {
        "config_id": "1234123412347890",
        "data_source_id": 2,
        "display_name": "Zylker Pingdom Configuration",
        "config_status": true,
        "created_at": "2024-09-06T15:15:35+0530"

Create a Pingdom configuration.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Create

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.

Request Parameters

Param Type Description
data_source_id int Mandatory
Data Source Id
display_name string Mandatory
Configuration display name.
details json Mandatory
Details of configuration.
api_token string Mandatory
API Token generated in Pingdom.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
config_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
data_source_id int Data Source Id
display_name string Configuration display name.
config_status boolean Status of configuration.
created_at datetime System metric created time.

Update a Pingdom configuration

PUT /statuspages/1234123412341234/metrics/data_source_config/1234123412347890

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/1234123412341234/metrics/data_source_config/1234123412347890 \
  -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
  -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" \
  -d '{
        "data_source_id": 2,
        "display_name": "Zylker Pingdom Configuration",
        "details": {
            "api_token": "gNaJvz0gIhshsdgjhuwGyahDXPAWeIgOlMiGmI0xkzCVboPiFVz-EEHVFU1NuKdqGNJ4EmCFs"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
    "code": 0,
    "message": "success",
    "data": {
        "config_id": "1234123412347890",
        "data_source_id": 2,
        "display_name": "Zylker Pingdom Configuration",
        "config_status": true,
        "created_at": "2024-09-06T15:15:35+0530"

Update a Pingdom configuration.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Update

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
config_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Metric. This can be used as an identifier.

Request Parameters

Param Type Description
data_source_id int Mandatory
Data Source Id
display_name string Mandatory
Configuration display name.
details json Mandatory
Details of configuration.
api_token string Mandatory
API Token generated in Pingdom.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
config_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
data_source_id int Data Source Id
display_name string Configuration display name.
config_status boolean Status of configuration.
created_at datetime System metric created time.

Create a Pingdom system metric

POST /statuspages/1234123412341234/metrics

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/1234123412341234/metrics \
  -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
  -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" \
  -d '{
        "metric_display_name": "Zylker Response Time",
        "suffix": "ms",
        "config_id": "50487000000411007",
        "hide_yaxis": false,
        "metric_visibility": false,
        "aggregation_type": 1,
        "data_source_id": 2,
        "metric_description": "Zylker Servers Response Time",
        "data_source_config": {
            "monitor_id": 13532867,
            "metric_type": 2

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
    "code": 0,
    "message": "success",
    "data": {
        "metric_id": "1234123412345678",
        "enc_metric_id": "ISZmho8UNmAGxYXJYkfMLjkdshjgfjhgXD4nzhPvZ5HBongyUn3qeZP1g1DXTfb",
        "config_id": "1234123412347890",
        "data_source_id": 2,
        "aggregation_type": 1,
        "metric_display_name": "Zylker Response Time",
        "metric_visibility": false,
        "suffix": "ms",
        "hide_yaxis": false,
        "data_source_config": {
            "monitor_id": 12345678,
            "metric_type": "2"
        "created_at": "2024-09-06T15:46:33+0530"

Create a Pingdom system metric.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Create

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.

Request Parameters

Param Type Description
metric_display_name string Mandatory
System metric display name.
suffix string Mandatory
System metric suffix.
config_id string Mandatory
Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
hide_yaxis boolean Status of visibility of Y Axis of a metric.
metric_visibility boolean Status of visibility of a metric in public pages.
aggregation_type int Aggregation Type Id
data_source_id int Mandatory
Data Source Id
metric_description string Metric description.
data_source_config json Mandatory
Json Object contains information of check and metric type.
monitor_id string Mandatory
Check ID in pingdom.
metric_type int Mandatory
Metric Type Id

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
metric_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
enc_metric_id string Encrypted metric unique ID.
config_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
data_source_id int Data Source Id
aggregation_type int Aggregation Type Id
metric_display_name string Metric display name.
metric_description string Metric description.
metric_visibility boolean Status of visibility of a metric in public pages.
suffix string Metric suffix.
hide_yaxis boolean Status of visibility of Y Axis of a metric.
data_source_config json Json object contains information of check and metric type.
monitor_id string Check ID in pingdom.
metric_type int Metric Type Id
created_at datetime System metric created time.

Update a Pingdom system metric

PUT /statuspages/1234123412341234/metrics/1234123412345678

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/1234123412341234/metrics/1234123412345678 \
  -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
  -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" \
  -d '{
        "metric_display_name": "Zylker Response Time",
        "suffix": "ms",
        "hide_yaxis": false,
        "metric_visibility": false,
        "aggregation_type": 1,
        "data_source_id": 2,
        "metric_description": "Zylker Servers Response Time",
        "data_source_config": {
            "monitor_id": 13532867,
            "metric_type": 2

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
    "code": 0,
    "message": "success",
    "data": {
        "metric_id": "1234123412345678",
        "enc_metric_id": "ISZmho8UNmAGxYXJYkfMLjkdshjgfjhgXD4nzhPvZ5HBongyUn3qeZP1g1DXTfb",
        "config_id": "1234123412347890",
        "data_source_id": 2,
        "aggregation_type": 1,
        "metric_display_name": "Zylker Response Time",
        "metric_visibility": false,
        "suffix": "ms",
        "hide_yaxis": false,
        "data_source_config": {
            "monitor_id": 12345678,
            "metric_type": "2"
        "created_at": "2024-09-06T15:46:33+0530"

Update a Pingdom system metric.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Update

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
metric_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Metric. This can be used as an identifier.

Request Parameters

Param Type Description
metric_display_name string Mandatory
System metric display name.
suffix string Mandatory
System metric suffix.
hide_yaxis boolean Status of visibility of Y Axis of a metric.
metric_visibility boolean Status of visibility of a metric in public pages.
aggregation_type int Aggregation Type Id
data_source_id int Mandatory
Data Source Id
metric_description string Metric description.
data_source_config json Mandatory
Json Object contains information of check and metric type.
monitor_id string Mandatory
Check ID in pingdom.
metric_type int Mandatory
Metric Type Id

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
metric_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
enc_metric_id string Encrypted metric unique ID.
config_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
data_source_id int Data Source Id
aggregation_type int Aggregation Type Id
metric_display_name string Metric display name.
metric_description string Metric description.
metric_visibility boolean Status of visibility of a metric in public pages.
suffix string Metric suffix.
hide_yaxis boolean Status of visibility of Y Axis of a metric.
data_source_config json Json object contains information of check and metric type.
monitor_id string Check ID in pingdom.
metric_type int Metric Type Id
created_at datetime System metric created time.

Create a New Relic configuration

POST /statuspages/1234123412341234/metrics/data_source_config

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/1234123412341234/metrics/data_source_config \
  -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
  -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" \
  -d '{
        "data_source_id": 3,
        "display_name": "New Relic Configuration",
        "details": {
            "api_key": "NRAK-SKKMBABCDEFGHJY9AGXLQ3Q5VA",
            "base_url": "1"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
    "code": 0,
    "message": "success",
    "data": {
        "config_id": "1234123412347890",
        "data_source_id": 3,
        "display_name": "New Relic Configuration",
        "config_status": true,
        "created_at": "2024-09-06T16:52:51+0530",
        "details": {
            "base_url": "1"

Create a New Relic configuration.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Create

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.

Request Parameters

Param Type Description
data_source_id int Mandatory
Data Source Id
display_name string Mandatory
Configuration display name.
details json Mandatory
Details of configuration.
api_key string Mandatory
API Key generated in New Relic.
base_url int Mandatory
New Relic Base Url

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
config_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
data_source_id int Data Source Id
display_name string Configuration display name.
config_status boolean Status of configuration.
created_at datetime System metric created time.
details json Details of configuration.
base_url int Mandatory
New Relic Base Url

Update a New Relic configuration

PUT /statuspages/1234123412341234/metrics/data_source_config/1234123412347890

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/1234123412341234/metrics/data_source_config/1234123412347890 \
  -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
  -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" \
  -d '{
        "data_source_id": 3,
        "display_name": "New Relic Configuration",
        "details": {
            "api_key": "NRAK-SKKMBABCDEFGHJY9AGXLQ3Q5VA",
            "base_url": "1"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
    "code": 0,
    "message": "success",
    "data": {
        "config_id": "1234123412347890",
        "data_source_id": 3,
        "display_name": "New Relic Configuration",
        "config_status": true,
        "created_at": "2024-09-06T16:52:51+0530",
        "details": {
            "base_url": "1"

Update a New Relic configuration.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Update

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
config_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Metric. This can be used as an identifier.

Request Parameters

Param Type Description
data_source_id int Mandatory
Data Source Id
display_name string Mandatory
Configuration display name.
details json Mandatory
Details of configuration.
api_key string Mandatory
API Key generated in New Relic.
base_url int Mandatory
New Relic Base Url

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
config_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
data_source_id int Data Source Id
display_name string Configuration display name.
config_status boolean Status of configuration.
created_at datetime System metric created time.
details json Details of configuration.
base_url int Mandatory
New Relic Base Url

Create a New Relic system metric

POST /statuspages/1234123412341234/metrics

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/1234123412341234/metrics \
  -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
  -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" \
  -d '{
        "metric_display_name": "Zylker Response Time",
        "suffix": "ms",
        "config_id": "1234123412347890",
        "hide_yaxis": false,
        "metric_visibility": false,
        "aggregation_type": 1,
        "data_source_id": 3,
        "metric_description": "Zylker Servers Response Time",
        "data_source_config": {
            "monitor_id": 123456789,
            "metric_type": 7

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
    "code": 0,
    "message": "success",
    "data": {
        "metric_id": "1234123412345678",
        "enc_metric_id": "ISZmho8UNmAGxYXJYkfMLjkdshjgfjhgXD4nzhPvZ5HBongyUn3qeZP1g1DXTfb",
        "config_id": "1234123412347890",
        "data_source_id": 3,
        "aggregation_type": 1,
        "metric_display_name": "Zylker Response Time",
        "metric_visibility": false,
        "suffix": "ms",
        "hide_yaxis": false,
        "data_source_config": {
            "monitor_id": 123456789,
            "metric_type": "7"
        "created_at": "2024-09-06T17:47:02+0530"

Create a New Relic system metric.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Create

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.

Request Parameters

Param Type Description
metric_display_name string Mandatory
System metric display name.
suffix string Mandatory
System metric suffix.
config_id string Mandatory
Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
hide_yaxis boolean Status of visibility of Y Axis of a metric.
metric_visibility boolean Status of visibility of a metric in public pages.
aggregation_type int Aggregation Type Id
data_source_id int Mandatory
Data Source Id
metric_description string Metric description.
data_source_config json Mandatory
Json Object contains information of check and metric type.
monitor_id string Mandatory
Monitor ID in New Relic.
metric_type int Mandatory
Metric Type Id

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
metric_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
enc_metric_id string Encrypted metric unique ID.
config_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
data_source_id int Data Source Id
aggregation_type int Aggregation Type Id
metric_display_name string Metric display name.
metric_description string Metric description.
metric_visibility boolean Status of visibility of a metric in public pages.
suffix string Metric suffix.
hide_yaxis boolean Status of visibility of Y Axis of a metric.
data_source_config json Json object contains information of check and metric type.
monitor_id string Monitor ID in New Relic.
metric_type int Metric Type Id
created_at datetime System metric created time.

Update a New Relic system metric

PUT /statuspages/1234123412341234/metrics/1234123412345678

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/1234123412341234/metrics/1234123412345678 \
  -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
  -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" \
  -d '{
        "metric_display_name": "Zylker Response Time",
        "suffix": "ms",
        "hide_yaxis": false,
        "metric_visibility": false,
        "aggregation_type": 1,
        "data_source_id": 3,
        "metric_description": "Zylker Servers Response Time",
        "data_source_config": {
            "monitor_id": 123456789,
            "metric_type": 2

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
    "code": 0,
    "message": "success",
    "data": {
        "metric_id": "1234123412345678",
        "enc_metric_id": "ISZmho8UNmAGxYXJYkfMLjkdshjgfjhgXD4nzhPvZ5HBongyUn3qeZP1g1DXTfb",
        "config_id": "1234123412347890",
        "data_source_id": 3,
        "aggregation_type": 1,
        "metric_display_name": "Zylker Response Time",
        "metric_visibility": false,
        "suffix": "ms",
        "hide_yaxis": false,
        "data_source_config": {
            "monitor_id": 123456789,
            "metric_type": "2"
        "created_at": "2024-09-06T15:46:33+0530"

Update a New Relic system metric.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Update

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
metric_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Metric. This can be used as an identifier.

Request Parameters

Param Type Description
metric_display_name string Mandatory
System metric display name.
suffix string Mandatory
System metric suffix.
hide_yaxis boolean Status of visibility of Y Axis of a metric.
metric_visibility boolean Status of visibility of a metric in public pages.
aggregation_type int Aggregation Type Id
data_source_id int Mandatory
Data Source Id
metric_description string Metric description.
data_source_config json Mandatory
Json Object contains information of check and metric type.
monitor_id string Mandatory
Monitor ID in New Relic.
metric_type int Mandatory
Metric Type Id

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
metric_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
enc_metric_id string Encrypted metric unique ID.
config_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
data_source_id int Data Source Id
aggregation_type int Aggregation Type Id
metric_display_name string Metric display name.
metric_description string Metric description.
metric_visibility boolean Status of visibility of a metric in public pages.
suffix string Metric suffix.
hide_yaxis boolean Status of visibility of Y Axis of a metric.
data_source_config json Json object contains information of check and metric type.
monitor_id string Monitor ID in New Relic.
metric_type int Metric Type Id
created_at datetime System metric created time.

Create a Datadog configuration

POST /statuspages/1234123412341234/metrics/data_source_config

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/1234123412341234/metrics/data_source_config \
  -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
  -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" \
  -d '{
        "data_source_id": 4,
        "display_name": "Datadog Configuration",
        "details": {
            "api_key": "fa9f209616fdb65d4b6ghyUd625f1641",
            "app_key": "ec36842e5b270602312345678547d31c393e3ca1",
            "base_url": "4"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
    "code": 0,
    "message": "success",
    "data": {
        "config_id": "1234123412347890",
        "data_source_id": 4,
        "display_name": "Datadog Configuration",
        "config_status": true,
        "created_at": "2024-09-06T18:17:05+0530",
        "details": {
            "base_url": "4"

Create a Datadog configuration.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Create

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.

Request Parameters

Param Type Description
data_source_id int Mandatory
Data Source Id
display_name string Mandatory
Configuration display name.
details json Mandatory
Details of configuration.
api_key string Mandatory
API Key generated in Datadog.
app_key string Mandatory
Application Key generated in Datadog.
base_url int Mandatory
Datadog Base Url

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
config_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
data_source_id int Data Source Id
display_name string Configuration display name.
config_status boolean Status of configuration.
created_at datetime System metric created time.
details json Details of configuration.
base_url int Mandatory
Datadog Base Url

Update a Datadog configuration

PUT /statuspages/1234123412341234/metrics/data_source_config/1234123412347890

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/1234123412341234/metrics/data_source_config/1234123412347890 \
  -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
  -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" \
  -d '{
        "data_source_id": 4,
        "display_name": "Datadog Configuration",
        "details": {
            "api_key": "fa9f209616fdb65d4b6ghyUd625f1641",
            "app_key": "ec36842e5b270602312345678547d31c393e3ca1",
            "base_url": "4"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
    "code": 0,
    "message": "success",
    "data": {
        "config_id": "1234123412347890",
        "data_source_id": 4,
        "display_name": "Datadog Configuration",
        "config_status": true,
        "created_at": "2024-09-06T18:17:05+0530",
        "details": {
            "base_url": "4"

Update a Datadog configuration.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Update

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
config_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Metric. This can be used as an identifier.

Request Parameters

Param Type Description
data_source_id int Mandatory
Data Source Id
display_name string Mandatory
Configuration display name.
details json Mandatory
Details of configuration.
api_key string Mandatory
API Key generated in Datadog.
app_key string Mandatory
Application Key generated in Datadog.
base_url int Mandatory
Datadog Base Url

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
config_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
data_source_id int Data Source Id
display_name string Configuration display name.
config_status boolean Status of configuration.
created_at datetime System metric created time.
details json Details of configuration.
base_url int Mandatory
Datadog Base Url

Create a Datadog system metric

POST /statuspages/1234123412341234/metrics

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/1234123412341234/metrics \
  -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
  -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" \
  -d '{
        "metric_display_name": "Zylker System Usage",
        "suffix": "%",
        "config_id": "1234123412347890",
        "hide_yaxis": false,
        "metric_visibility": false,
        "aggregation_type": 1,
        "data_source_id": 4,
        "metric_description": "Zylker System Usage Stats",
        "data_source_config": {
            "query": "max:system.io.await{*}"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
    "code": 0,
    "message": "success",
    "data": {
        "metric_id": "1234123412345678",
        "enc_metric_id": "ISZmho8UNmAGxYXJYkfMLjkdshjgfjhgXD4nzhPvZ5HBongyUn3qeZP1g1DXTfb",
        "config_id": "1234123412347890",
        "data_source_id": 4,
        "aggregation_type": 1,
        "metric_display_name": "Zylker System Usage",
        "metric_visibility": false,
        "suffix": "%",
        "hide_yaxis": false,
        "metric_description": "Zylker System Usage Stats",
        "data_source_config": {
           "query": "max:system.io.await{*}"
        "created_at": "2024-09-06T17:47:02+0530"

Create a Datadog system metric.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Create

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.

Request Parameters

Param Type Description
metric_display_name string Mandatory
System metric display name.
suffix string Mandatory
System metric suffix.
config_id string Mandatory
Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
hide_yaxis boolean Status of visibility of Y Axis of a metric.
metric_visibility boolean Status of visibility of a metric in public pages.
aggregation_type int Aggregation Type Id
data_source_id int Mandatory
Data Source Id
metric_description string Metric description.
data_source_config json Mandatory
Json Object contains information of check and metric type.
query string Mandatory
Query in Datadog.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
metric_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
enc_metric_id string Encrypted metric unique ID.
config_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
data_source_id int Data Source Id
aggregation_type int Aggregation Type Id
metric_display_name string Metric display name.
metric_description string Metric description.
metric_visibility boolean Status of visibility of a metric in public pages.
suffix string Metric suffix.
hide_yaxis boolean Status of visibility of Y Axis of a metric.
data_source_config json Json object contains information of check and metric type.
query string Query in Datadog.
created_at datetime System metric created time.

Update a Datadog system metric

PUT /statuspages/1234123412341234/metrics/1234123412345678

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/1234123412341234/metrics/1234123412345678 \
  -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
  -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" \
  -d '{
        "metric_display_name": "Zylker System Usage",
        "suffix": "%",
        "hide_yaxis": false,
        "metric_visibility": false,
        "aggregation_type": 1,
        "data_source_id": 4,
        "metric_description": "Zylker System Usage Stats",
        "data_source_config": {
            "query": "max:system.io.await{*}"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
    "code": 0,
    "message": "success",
    "data": {
        "metric_id": "1234123412345678",
        "enc_metric_id": "ISZmho8UNmAGxYXJYkfMLjkdshjgfjhgXD4nzhPvZ5HBongyUn3qeZP1g1DXTfb",
        "config_id": "1234123412347890",
        "data_source_id": 4,
        "aggregation_type": 1,
        "metric_display_name": "Zylker System Usage",
        "metric_visibility": false,
        "suffix": "%",
        "hide_yaxis": false,
        "metric_description": "Zylker System Usage Stats",
        "data_source_config": {
           "query": "max:system.io.await{*}"
        "created_at": "2024-09-06T17:47:02+0530"

Update a Datadog system metric.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Update

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
metric_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Metric. This can be used as an identifier.

Request Parameters

Param Type Description
metric_display_name string Mandatory
System metric display name.
suffix string Mandatory
System metric suffix.
hide_yaxis boolean Status of visibility of Y Axis of a metric.
metric_visibility boolean Status of visibility of a metric in public pages.
aggregation_type int Aggregation Type Id
data_source_id int Mandatory
Data Source Id
metric_description string Metric description.
data_source_config json Mandatory
Json Object contains information of check and metric type.
query string Mandatory
Query in Datadog.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
metric_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
enc_metric_id string Encrypted metric unique ID.
config_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
data_source_id int Data Source Id
aggregation_type int Aggregation Type Id
metric_display_name string Metric display name.
metric_description string Metric description.
metric_visibility boolean Status of visibility of a metric in public pages.
suffix string Metric suffix.
hide_yaxis boolean Status of visibility of Y Axis of a metric.
data_source_config json Json object contains information of check and metric type.
query string Query in Datadog.
created_at datetime System metric created time.

Create a AppOptics configuration

POST /statuspages/1234123412341234/metrics/data_source_config

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/1234123412341234/metrics/data_source_config \
  -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
  -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" \
  -d '{
        "data_source_id": 5,
        "display_name": "Zylker AppOptics Configuration",
        "details": {
            "api_token": "gNaJvz0gIhshsdgjhuwGyahDXPAWeIgOlMiGmI0xkzCVboPiFVzEEHVFU1NuKdqGNJ4EmCFs"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
    "code": 0,
    "message": "success",
    "data": {
        "config_id": "1234123412347890",
        "data_source_id": 2,
        "display_name": "Zylker AppOptics Configuration",
        "config_status": true,
        "created_at": "2024-09-06T15:15:35+0530"

Create a AppOptics configuration.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Create

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.

Request Parameters

Param Type Description
data_source_id int Mandatory
Data Source Id
display_name string Mandatory
Configuration display name.
details json Mandatory
Details of configuration.
api_token string Mandatory
API Token generated in AppOptics.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
config_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
data_source_id int Data Source Id
display_name string Configuration display name.
config_status boolean Status of configuration.
created_at datetime System metric created time.

Update a AppOptics configuration

PUT /statuspages/1234123412341234/metrics/data_source_config/1234123412347890

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/1234123412341234/metrics/data_source_config/1234123412347890 \
  -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
  -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" \
  -d '{
        "data_source_id": 5,
        "display_name": "Zylker AppOptics Configuration",
        "details": {
            "api_token": "gNaJvz0gIhshsdgjhuwGyahDXPAWeIgOlMiGmI0xkzCVboPiFVzEEHVFU1NuKdqGNJ4EmCFs"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
    "code": 0,
    "message": "success",
    "data": {
        "config_id": "1234123412347890",
        "data_source_id": 2,
        "display_name": "Zylker AppOptics Configuration",
        "config_status": true,
        "created_at": "2024-09-06T15:15:35+0530"

Update a AppOptics configuration.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Update

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
config_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Metric. This can be used as an identifier.

Request Parameters

Param Type Description
data_source_id int Mandatory
Data Source Id
display_name string Mandatory
Configuration display name.
details json Mandatory
Details of configuration.
api_token string Mandatory
API Token generated in AppOptics.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
config_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
data_source_id int Data Source Id
display_name string Configuration display name.
config_status boolean Status of configuration.
created_at datetime System metric created time.

Create a AppOptics system metric

POST /statuspages/1234123412341234/metrics

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/1234123412341234/metrics \
  -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
  -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" \
  -d '{
        "metric_display_name": "Zylker Response Time",
        "suffix": "ms",
        "config_id": "1234123412347890",
        "hide_yaxis": false,
        "metric_visibility": false,
        "aggregation_type": 1,
        "data_source_id": 5,
        "metric_description": "Zylker Servers Response Time",
        "data_source_config": {
            "metric": "system.load.1"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
    "code": 0,
    "message": "success",
    "data": {
        "metric_id": "1234123412345678",
        "enc_metric_id": "ISZmho8UNmAGxYXJYkfMLjkdshjgfjhgXD4nzhPvZ5HBongyUn3qeZP1g1DXTfb",
        "config_id": "1234123412347890",
        "data_source_id": 5,
        "aggregation_type": 1,
        "metric_display_name": "Zylker Response Time",
        "metric_visibility": false,
        "suffix": "ms",
        "hide_yaxis": false,
        "data_source_config": {
            "metric": "system.load.1"
        "created_at": "2024-09-06T15:46:33+0530"

Create a AppOptics system metric.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Create

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.

Request Parameters

Param Type Description
metric_display_name string Mandatory
System metric display name.
suffix string Mandatory
System metric suffix.
config_id string Mandatory
Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
hide_yaxis boolean Status of visibility of Y Axis of a metric.
metric_visibility boolean Status of visibility of a metric in public pages.
aggregation_type int Aggregation Type Id
data_source_id int Mandatory
Data Source Id
metric_description string Metric description.
data_source_config json Mandatory
Json Object contains information of check and metric type.
metric string Mandatory
Metric Name in AppOptics.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
metric_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
enc_metric_id string Encrypted metric unique ID.
config_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
data_source_id int Data Source Id
aggregation_type int Aggregation Type Id
metric_display_name string Metric display name.
metric_description string Metric description.
metric_visibility boolean Status of visibility of a metric in public pages.
suffix string Metric suffix.
hide_yaxis boolean Status of visibility of Y Axis of a metric.
data_source_config json Json object contains information of check and metric type.
metric string Metric Name in AppOptics.
created_at datetime System metric created time.

Update a AppOptics system metric

PUT /statuspages/1234123412341234/metrics/1234123412345678

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/1234123412341234/metrics/1234123412345678 \
  -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
  -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" \
  -d '{
        "metric_display_name": "Zylker Response Time",
        "suffix": "ms",
        "config_id": "1234123412347890",
        "hide_yaxis": false,
        "metric_visibility": false,
        "aggregation_type": 1,
        "data_source_id": 5,
        "metric_description": "Zylker Servers Response Time",
        "data_source_config": {
            "metric": "system.load.1"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
    "code": 0,
    "message": "success",
    "data": {
        "metric_id": "1234123412345678",
        "enc_metric_id": "ISZmho8UNmAGxYXJYkfMLjkdshjgfjhgXD4nzhPvZ5HBongyUn3qeZP1g1DXTfb",
        "config_id": "1234123412347890",
        "data_source_id": 5,
        "aggregation_type": 1,
        "metric_display_name": "Zylker Response Time",
        "metric_visibility": false,
        "suffix": "ms",
        "hide_yaxis": false,
        "data_source_config": {
            "metric": "system.load.1"
        "created_at": "2024-09-06T15:46:33+0530"

Update a AppOptics system metric.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Update

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
metric_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Metric. This can be used as an identifier.

Request Parameters

Param Type Description
metric_display_name string Mandatory
System metric display name.
suffix string Mandatory
System metric suffix.
hide_yaxis boolean Status of visibility of Y Axis of a metric.
metric_visibility boolean Status of visibility of a metric in public pages.
aggregation_type int Aggregation Type Id
data_source_id int Mandatory
Data Source Id
metric_description string Metric description.
data_source_config json Mandatory
Json Object contains information of check and metric type.
metric string Mandatory
Metric Name in AppOptics.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
metric_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
enc_metric_id string Encrypted metric unique ID.
config_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
data_source_id int Data Source Id
aggregation_type int Aggregation Type Id
metric_display_name string Metric display name.
metric_description string Metric description.
metric_visibility boolean Status of visibility of a metric in public pages.
suffix string Metric suffix.
hide_yaxis boolean Status of visibility of Y Axis of a metric.
data_source_config json Json object contains information of check and metric type.
metric string Metric Name in AppOptics.
created_at datetime System metric created time.

Get a list of system metrics

GET /statuspages/1234123412341234/metrics

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/1234123412341234/metrics \
   -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
   -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "code": 0,
    "message": "success",
    "data": [
            "metric_id": "1234123412345678",
            "enc_metric_id": "ISZmho8UNmAGxYXJYkfMLEo2XgJ12345mLD4nzhPvZ7zdRJzJSTqYFNuUqpFtpUD",
            "config_id": "1234123412347890",
            "data_source_id": 1,
            "aggregation_type": 1,
            "metric_display_name": "Zylker API uptime",
            "metric_visibility": true,
            "suffix": "%",
            "hide_yaxis": false,
            "created_at": "2024-06-24T15:33:07+0530"

Get a list of system metrics.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Read

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
metric_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
enc_metric_id string Encrypted metric unique ID.
config_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
data_source_id int Data Source Id
aggregation_type int Aggregation Type Id
metric_display_name string Metric display name.
metric_description string Metric description.
metric_visibility boolean Status of visibility of a metric in public pages.
suffix string Metric suffix.
hide_yaxis boolean Status of visibility of Y Axis of a metric in a chart.
data_source_config json Configuration details of a metric.
monitor_id long Unique ID generated by the third-party data source for a monitor.
metric_type int Metric Type Id
query string Query details of third-party data source.
metric string Metric Name of third-party data source.
created_at datetime System metric created time.

Get a system metric

GET /statuspages/1234123412341234/metrics/1234123412345678

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/1234123412341234/metrics/1234123412345678 \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "code": 0,
    "message": "success",
    "data": {
        "metric_id": "1234123412345678",
        "enc_metric_id": "ISZmho8UNmAGxYXJYkfMLEo2XgJYcqPqm1425737PvZ7zdRJzJSTqYFNuUqpFtpUD",
        "config_id": "1234123412347890",
        "data_source_id": 1,
        "aggregation_type": 1,
        "metric_display_name": "Zylker API uptime",
        "metric_visibility": true,
        "suffix": "%",
        "hide_yaxis": false,
        "created_at": "2024-06-24T15:33:07+0530"

Get a system metric.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Read

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
metric_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Metric. This can be used as an identifier.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
metric_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
enc_metric_id string Encrypted metric unique ID.
config_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
data_source_id int Data Source Id
aggregation_type int Aggregation Type Id
metric_display_name string Metric display name.
metric_description string Metric description.
metric_visibility boolean Status of visibility of a metric in public pages.
suffix string Metric suffix.
hide_yaxis boolean Status of visibility of Y Axis of a metric.
data_source_config json Configuration details of a metric.
monitor_id long Unique ID generated by the third-party data source for a monitor.
metric_type int Metric Type Id
query string Query details of third-party data source.
metric string Metric Name of third-party data source.
created_at datetime System metric created time.

Get a list of Third-Party Data Source Configuration

GET /statuspages/1234123412341234/metrics/data_source_config

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/1234123412341234/metrics/data_source_config \
   -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
   -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "code": 0,
    "message": "success",
    "data": [
            "config_id": "1234123412347890",
            "data_source_id": 2,
            "display_name": "Zylker Pingdom Configuration",
            "config_status": true,
            "created_at": "2024-09-06T15:15:35+0530"

Get a list of Third-Party Data Source Configuration.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Read

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
config_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
data_source_id int Data Source Id
display_name string Third-Party Datasource Configuration name.
config_status boolean Status of Configuration.
created_at datetime System metric created time.

Get a Third-Party Data Source Configuration

GET /statuspages/1234123412341234/metrics/data_source_config/1234123412347890

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/1234123412341234/metrics/data_source_config/1234123412347890 \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "code": 0,
    "message": "success",
    "data": {
        "config_id": "1234123412347890",
        "data_source_id": 2,
        "display_name": "Zylker Pingdom Configuration",
        "config_status": true,
        "created_at": "2024-09-06T15:15:35+0530"

Get a Third-Party Data Source Configuration.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Read

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
config_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Metric. This can be used as an identifier.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
config_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
data_source_id int Data Source Id
display_name string Third-Party Datasource Configuration name.
config_status boolean Status of Configuration.
created_at datetime System metric created time.

Delete a system metric

DELETE /statuspages/1234123412341234/metrics/1234123412345678

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/1234123412341234/metrics/1234123412345678 \
  -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
  -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
    "code": 0,
    "message": "success",
    "data": {
        "metric_id": "1234123412345678",
        "enc_metric_id": "ISZmho8UNmAGxYXJYkfMLEo2XgJYcqPqmLD1234567Z7zdRJzJSTqYFNuUqpFtpUD",
        "config_id": "1234123412347890",
        "data_source_id": 1,
        "aggregation_type": 1,
        "metric_display_name": "Zylker API Response Time",
        "display_status": true,
        "suffix": "%",
        "hide_yaxis": false,
        "created_at": "2024-06-24T15:33:07+0530"

Delete a system metric.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Delete

Path Parameters

Param Type Descriptionbase_url
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
metric_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Metric. This can be used as an identifier.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
metric_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
enc_metric_id string Encrypted metric unique ID.
config_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
data_source_id int Data Source Id
aggregation_type int Aggregation Type Id
metric_display_name String Metric display name.
metric_description String Metric description.
metric_visibility boolean Status of visibility of a metric in public pages.
suffix string Metric suffix.
hide_yaxis boolean Status of visibility of Y Axis of a metric.
data_source_config json Configuration details of a metric.
monitor_id long Unique ID generated by the third-party data source for a monitor.
metric_type int Metric Type Id
monitor_name string Monitor Name in third-party data source.
query string Query details of third-party data source.
metric string Metric Name of third-party data source.
created_at datetime System metric created time.


You can customize your status pages to suit your convenience.

Custom Domain

Custom Domain

Provide the custom domain name to publish the status page on your preferred domain.

Retrieve Custom Domain

GET /statuspages/{statuspage_id}/rebrand/custom_domain

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/rebrand/custom_domain \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": {
    "statuspage_id": "123412341234123412",
    "custom_domain": "status.zylker.com",
    "domain_path": "application-team",
    "domain_verification_key": "site24x7-signals-domain-verification=ss6c8d8a37664123ssa2",
    "domain_verification_status": true,
    "cname_mapped": true,

Retrieve the custom domain details of the Status page

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Read

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status page. This can be used as an identifier.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status page. This can be used as an identifier.
custom_domain string Domain name over which the Status page can be accessible.
domain_path string Unique URL path for each Status page accessing multiple status pages under same custom domain.
domain_verification_key string This unique alphanumeric key must be entered in your custom domain host’s DNS TXT records to verify your domain ownership successfully.
domain_verification_status boolean TXT record updated verification status.
cname_mapped boolean Cname mapped verification status.

Update Custom Domain

PUT /statuspages/{statuspage_id}/rebrand/custom_domain

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/rebrand/custom_domain \
    -X PUT \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f" \
    -d '{
        "custom_domain": "status.zylker.com",
        "domain_path": "application-team"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data":  {
    "statuspage_id": "123412341234123412",
    "custom_domain": "status.zylker.com",
    "domain_path": "application-team",
    "domain_verification_key": "site24x7-signals-domain-verification=ss6c8d8a37664123ssa2",
    "domain_verification_status": true,
    "cname_mapped": true,

Update the custom domain details.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Update

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.

Request Parameters

Param Type Description
custom_domain string Domain name over which the Status page can be accessible.
domain_path string Unique URL path for each Status page accessing multiple status pages under same custom domain.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status page. This can be used as an identifier.
custom_domain string Domain name over which the Status page can be accessible.
domain_path string Unique URL path for each Status page accessing multiple status pages under same custom domain.
domain_verification_key string This unique alphanumeric key must be entered in your custom domain host’s DNS TXT records to verify your domain ownership successfully.
domain_verification_status boolean TXT record updated verification status.
cname_mapped boolean Cname mapped verification status.

Delete Custom Domain

DELETE /statuspages/{statuspage_id}/rebrand/custom_domain

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/rebrand/custom_domain \
    -X DELETE \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "code": 0,
    "message": "success"
    "statuspage_id": "123412341234123412",
    "custom_domain": "status.zylker.com",
    "domain_path": "application-team",
    "domain_verification_key": "site24x7-signals-domain-verification=ss6c8d8a37664123ssa2",
    "domain_verification_status": true,
    "cname_mapped": true,

Delete an existing Custom domain.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Delete

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status page. This can be used as an identifier.
custom_domain string Domain name over which the Status page can be accessible.
domain_path string Unique URL path for each Status page accessing multiple status pages under same custom domain.
domain_verification_key string This unique alphanumeric key must be entered in your custom domain host’s DNS TXT records to verify your domain ownership successfully.
domain_verification_status boolean TXT record updated verification status.
cname_mapped boolean Cname mapped verification status.

Customize Email Notifications

Modify the notification emails which will be sent to your subscribers.

Get Simple Email Configuration

GET /statuspages/{statuspage_id}/email_customization/simple

Request Example

curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/email_customization/simple \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": {
    "date_format": "MMM dd, YYYY hh:mm a z",
    "footer": "<p>Your footer text</p>"

Get the email configuration for simple customization.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Read

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
date_format string Date format which will be sent in the notification emails.
footer string Footer of the notification emails.

Get Advanced Email Configuration

GET /statuspages/{statuspage_id}/email_customization/advanced/{email_type}

Request Example

curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/email_customization/advanced/1 \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": {
    "date_format": "MMM dd, YYYY hh:mm a z",
    "subject": "${STATUSPAGE_NAME} - ${INCIDENT_TYPE}",
    "body": "<p>Your email body text</p>"

Get the email configuration for advanced customization.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Read

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
email_type int Customize Email Templates - Email Types

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
date_format string Date format which will be sent in the notification emails.
subject string Subject of the notification emails.
body string HTML Body of the notification emails.

Update Simple Email Configuration

PUT /statuspages/{statuspage_id}/email_customization/simple/

Request Example

curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/email_customization/simple \
    -X PUT \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f" \
    -d '{
        "footer":"<p>updated footer content</p>",
        "date_format":"dd/MM/YYYY, hh:mm a z"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": {
    "date_format": "dd/MM/YYYY, hh:mm a z",
    "footer": "<p>updated footer content</p>"

Update the email configuration for simple customization.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Update

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.

Request Parameters

Param Type Description
date_format string Customize Email Templates - Date Format
footer string Footer of the notification emails.
page_id_array array Status Page ids to which this settings has to be applied.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
date_format string Date format which will be sent in the notification emails.
footer string Footer of the notification emails.

Update Advanced Email Configuration

PUT /statuspages/{statuspage_id}/email_customization/advanced/{email_type}

Request Example

curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/email_customization/advanced/1 \
    -X PUT \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f" \
    -d '{
        "subject":"updated email subject",
        "body":"<p>updated body content</p>",
        "date_format":"dd/MM/YYYY, hh:mm a z"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": {
    "date_format": "dd/MM/YYYY, hh:mm a z",
    "subject": "updated email subject",
    "body": "<p>updated body content</p>"

Update the email configuration of advanced customization.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Update

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
email_type int Customize Email Templates - Email Types

Request Parameters

Param Type Description
date_format string Customize Email Templates - Date Format
subject string Subject of the notification emails.
body string HTML Body of the notification emails.
page_id_array array Status Page ids to which this settings has to be applied.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
date_format string Date format which will be sent in the notification emails.
subject string Subject of the notification emails.
body string HTML Body of the notification emails.

Reset Simple Email Configuration

DELETE /statuspages/{statuspage_id}/email_customization/simple

Request Example

curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/email_customization/simple \
    -X DELETE \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": {
    "date_format": "MMM dd, YYYY hh:mm a z",
    "footer": "<p>Default footer text</p>"

Reset the email configuration for simple customization.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Delete

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
date_format string Default date format notification which will be sent in the emails.
footer string Default Footer of the notification emails.

Reset Advanced Email Configuration

DELETE /statuspages/{statuspage_id}/email_customization/advanced/{email_type}

Request Example

curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/email_customization/advanced/1 \
    -X DELETE \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": {
    "date_format": "MMM dd, YYYY hh:mm a z",
    "subject": "default email subject",
    "body": "<p>Default email body text</p>"

Reset the email configuration for advanced customization.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Delete

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
email_type int Customize Email Templates - Email Types

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
date_format string Default date format which will be sent in the notification emails.
subject string Default subject of the notification emails.
body string HTML Body of the notification emails.

Preview Simple Email Configuration

POST /statuspages/{statuspage_id}/email_customization/simple/

Request Example

curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/email_customization/simple \
    -X POST \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f" \
    -d '{
        "footer": "<p>updated footer content</p>",
        "date_format": "dd/MM/YYYY, hh:mm a z",
        "customization": "simple"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": {
    "date_format": "dd/MM/YYYY, hh:mm a z",
    "footer": "<p>updated footer content</p>"

Send an email with your simple email configurations.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Update

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.

Request Parameters

Param Type Description
date_format string Customize Email Templates - Date Format
footer string Footer of the preview email.
customization string Type of the customization.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
date_format string Date format which will be sent in the preview email.
footer string Footer of the preview email.

Preview Advanced Email Configuration

POST /statuspages/{statuspage_id}/email_customization/send_email_preview

Request Example

curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/email_customization/send_email_preview \
    -X POST \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f" \
    -d '{
        "subject":"preview email subject",
        "body":"<p>preview body content</p>",
        "date_format":"dd/MM/YYYY, hh:mm a z",
        "customization": "advanced",
        "mail_type": 1

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": {
    "date_format": "dd/MM/YYYY, hh:mm a z",
    "subject": "preview email subject",
    "body": "<p>preview body content</p>"

Send an email with your advanced email configurations.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Update

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.

Request Parameters

Param Type Description
date_format string Customize Email Templates - Date Format
subject string Subject of the preview email.
body string HTML Body of the preview email.
customization string Type of the customization.
email_type int Customize Email Templates - Email Types

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
date_format string Date format which will be sent in the preview email.
subject string Subject of the preview email.
body string HTML Body of the preview email.


Templates are the functional parts of your service or IT infrastructure.Resources or services used by the end user can be added as templates.

Create a Template

POST /statuspages/123412341234123412/templates

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/templates \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f" \
    -d '{
      "incident_title": "Zylker Website",
      "incident_desc": "Real-time operational status of Zylker Website.",
      "display_name":"Zylker Template",

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": {
    "template_id": "123412341234123413",
    "statuspage_id": "123412341234123412",
    "template_group_id": "123412341234123414",
    "display_name":"Zylker Template",
    "incident_title": "Zylker Website",
    "incident_desc": "Real-time operational status of Zylker Website.",

Create a new Template.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Create

Request Parameters

Param Type Description
display_name string Mandatory
Public name of your template.
incident_title string Mandatory
Incident title
incident_desc string Mandatory
Incident status Description for your incident status to be added to applied incident/maintenance
template_group_id string Unique ID generated by the server for template group. This can be used as an identifier.
notify_pref array To notify email and SMS subscribers
incident_severity int Mandatory
Incident Severity Id
incident_status boolean Mandatory
Incident Status Id
affected_components array List of affected components associated.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
display_name string Mandatory
Public name of your template.
incident_title string Mandatory
Incident title
incident_desc string Mandatory
Incident status Description for your incident status to be added to applied incident/maintenance
template_group_id string Unique ID generated by the server for template group. This can be used as an identifier.
notify_pref array To notify email and SMS subscribers
incident_severity int Mandatory
Incident Severity Id
incident_status boolean Mandatory
Incident Status Id
affected_components array List of affected components associated.

Retrieve a Template

GET /statuspages/123412341234123412/templates/{template_id}

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/templates/123412341234123413 \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": {
    "incident_title": "Zylker Website",
    "incident_desc": "Real-time operational status of Zylker Website.",
    "display_name":"Zylker Template",

Retrieve the configuration of the Template.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Read

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
template_id string Unique ID generated by the server for template. This can be used as an identifier.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
display_name string Mandatory
Public name of your template.
incident_title string Mandatory
Incident title
incident_desc string Mandatory
Incident status Description for your incident status to be added to applied incident/maintenance
template_group_id string Unique ID generated by the server for template group. This can be used as an identifier.
notify_pref array To notify email and SMS subscribers
incident_severity int Mandatory
Incident Severity Id
incident_status boolean Mandatory
Incident Status Id
affected_components array List of affected components associated.

Update a Template

PUT /statuspages/123412341234123412/templates/{template_id}

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/templates/123412341234123413 \
    -X PUT \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f" \
    -d '{
        "incident_title": "Zylker Website",
        "incident_desc": "Real-time operational status of Zylker Website.",
        "display_name":"Zylker Template",

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": {
    "incident_title": "Zylker Website",
    "incident_desc": "Real-time operational status of Zylker Website.",
    "display_name":"Zylker Template",

Update the configuration of an existing Template.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Update

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
template_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Template. This can be used as an identifier.

Request Parameters

Param Type Description
display_name string Mandatory
Public name of your template.
incident_title string Mandatory
Incident title
incident_desc string Mandatory
Incident status Description for your incident status to be added to applied incident/maintenance
template_group_id string Unique ID generated by the server for template group. This can be used as an identifier.
notify_pref array To notify email and SMS subscribers
incident_severity int Mandatory
Incident Severity Id
incident_status boolean Mandatory
Incident Status Id
affected_components array List of affected components associated.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
display_name string Mandatory
Public name of your template.
incident_title string Mandatory
Incident title
incident_desc string Mandatory
Incident status Description for your incident status to be added to applied incident/maintenance
template_group_id string Unique ID generated by the server for template group. This can be used as an identifier.
notify_pref array To notify email and SMS subscribers
incident_severity int Mandatory
Incident Severity Id
incident_status boolean Mandatory
Incident Status Id
affected_components array List of affected components associated.

Delete a Template

DELETE /stauspages/123412341234123412/templates/{template_id}

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/templates/123412341234123413 \
    -X DELETE \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "code": 0,
    "message": "success"
        "incident_title": "Zylker Website",
        "incident_desc": "Real-time operational status of Zylker Website.",
        "display_name":"Zylker Template",

Delete an existing template

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Delete

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
template_id string Unique ID generated by the server for the component. This can be used as an identifier.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
display_name string Mandatory
Public name of your template.
incident_title string Mandatory
Incident title
incident_desc string Mandatory
Incident status Description for your incident status to be added to applied incident/maintenance
template_group_id string Unique ID generated by the server for template group. This can be used as an identifier.
notify_pref array To notify email and SMS subscribers
incident_severity int Mandatory
Incident Severity Id
incident_status boolean Mandatory
Incident Status Id
affected_components array List of affected components associated.

List of templates

GET /statuspages/123412341234123412/templates

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/templates \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": [
        "incident_title": "Zylker Website",
        "incident_desc": "Real-time operational status of Zylker Website.",
        "display_name":"Zylker Template",

List of all templates in a Status page

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Read

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
display_name string Mandatory
Public name of your template.
incident_title string Mandatory
Incident title
incident_desc string Mandatory
Incident status Description for your incident status to be added to applied incident/maintenance
template_group_id string Unique ID generated by the server for template group. This can be used as an identifier.
notify_pref array To notify email and SMS subscribers
incident_severity int Mandatory
Incident Severity Id
incident_status boolean Mandatory
Incident Status Id
affected_components array List of affected components associated.

Template Groups

Template Group lets you group similar templates together and in turn help you organize your templates for easy end-user consumption.

Create a Template Group

POST /statuspages/123412341234123412/template_groups

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/template_groups \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f" \
    -d '{
      "templategroup_display_name": "Zylker Template Group",
      "templategroup_desc":"Incident Templates"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": {
    "templategroup_display_name":"Zylker Resources",
    "templategroup_desc":"Incident Templates"

Create a new Template Group.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Create

Request Parameters

Param Type Description
templategroup_display_name string Mandatory
Public name of template group.
templategroup_desc string Public name of template group.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
template_group_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
templategroup_display_name string Public name of your template group.
templategroup_desc string Description for the template group in Status page to highlight the purpose.

Retrieve a Template Group

GET /statuspages/123412341234123412/template_groups/{group_id}

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/templates_groups/123412341234123414 \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": {
    "templategroup_display_name":"Zylker Template Group",
    "templategroup_desc":"Incident Templates",

Retrieve the configuration of the Template Group.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Read

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
componentgroup_id string Unique ID generated by the server for template group. This can be used as an identifier.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
template_group_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
templategroup_display_name string Public name of your template group.
templategroup_desc string Description for the template group in Status page to highlight the purpose.
templates json List of templates in the template group.

Update a Template Group

PUT /statuspages/123412341234123412/template_groups/{group_id}

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/template_groups/123412341234123414 \
    -X PUT \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f" \
    -d '{
      "templategroup_display_name": "Zylker Template Group",
      "templategroup_desc":"Incident Templates"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": {
    "templategroup_display_name":"Zylker Template Group",
    "templategroup_desc":"Incident Templates"

Update the configuration of an existing Template Group.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Update

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
group_id string Unique ID generated by the server for template group. This can be used as an identifier.

Request Parameters

Param Type Description
templategroup_display_name string Mandatory
Public name of your template group.
templategroup_desc string Description for the template group in Status page to highlight the purpose.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
template_group_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
templategroup_display_name string Public name of your template group.
templategroup_desc string Description for the template group in Status page to highlight the purpose.

Delete a Template Group

DELETE /stauspages/123412341234123412/template_groups/{componentgroup_id}?delete_templates=false

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/template_groups/123412341234123414?delete_templates=false \
    -X DELETE \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "code": 0,
    "message": "success"
        "templategroup_display_name":"Zylker Template Group",
        "templategroup_desc":"Incident Templates",

Delete an existing Template Group.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Delete

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
template_group_id string Unique ID generated by the server for template group. This can be used as an identifier.
delete_template boolean Boolean variable to decide templates in the group to be unassociated to template or to be deleted.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
template_group_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
templategroup_display_name string Public name of your template group.
templategroup_desc string Description for the template group in Status page to highlight the purpose.
templates json List of templates in the template group.

List of Template Groups

GET /statuspages/123412341234123412/template_groups

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/template_groups \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": [
        "templategroup_display_name":"Zylker Template Group",
        "templategroup_desc":"Incident Templates"

List of all Template Groups

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Read

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
template_group_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
templategroup_display_name string Public name of your template group.
templategroup_desc string Description for the template group in Status page to highlight the purpose.
templates json List of templates in the template group.

Active Incidents

Incidents can seamlessly communicate details about component outages to your customers.

Create an Active Incident

POST /statuspages/123412341234123412/incidents/active

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/incidents/active \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f" \
    -d '{
        "incident_title":"This is incident title",
        "incident_desc": "This is incident description",
        "incident_start_time":"2019-06-12 06:58:08",
        "incident_affected_components": ["123412341234123413"]
        "notify_email_subscribers": true,
        "notify_sms_subscribers": true

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": {
    "incident_title":"This is incident title",
    "incident_desc": "This is incident description",
    "incident_severity": "Partial Outage",
            "component_id": "123412341234123413", 
            "display_name": "Zylker Resource",
            "statuspage_id": "123412341234123412"
            "enc_inc_state_progress_id": "DCLfaeHudYarZ_-6HSsZYA692==Q",
            "incident_status_desc": "This is state progeress description",
            "incident_status_id": 10,
            "incident_status": "Acknowledged",
            "status_updated_at": "2019-06-12T06:58:08+0000",
            "posted_by": {
                    "email_id": "p.boyle@zylker.com"
            "sms_sent_count": 0,  
            "email_sent_count": 0

Create a new Active Incident.

oauthscope : StatusPages.operations.Create

Request Parameters

Param Type Description
incident_title string Mandatory
Title of the incident
incident_desc string Mandatory
Description about the incident.
incident_start_time string Mandatory
Incident start time
Format - yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
incident_severity_id int Mandatory
Severity of the incident
incident_status_id int Mandatory
Status id of the incident
incident_affected_components array List of affected components associated to this incident.
notify_email_subscribers boolean To notify email subscribers about this update
notify_sms_subscribers boolean To notify SMS subscribers about this update
timezone string Timezone of the incident

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
incident_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
incident_title string Title of the incident.
incident_desc string Description of the incident.
enc_inc_id string Encrypted unique incident id.
incident_type int To notify as outage or maintenance
incident_severity_id int Severity of the incident
incident_severity string Incident severity name.
sms_sent_count int Total SMS sent count
email_sent_count int Total email sent count
created_by int Variable to identify if the incident is pushed form Site24x7 or StatusIQ.
incident_began_at string Incident began time in ISO format
incident_affected_components array List of affected components associated to this incident.
component_id string Component Id associated to this incident
display_name string Display name of the component
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
incident_status_updates array List of state progress details
enc_inc_state_progress_id string Encrypted unique status update id.
incident_status_desc string state updates description.
incident_status_id int Incident status id.
incident_status string Incident status id name
status_updated_at string ISO format status update time
posted_by string contains details about who posted the incident.
name string Name of the admin who posted it.
email_id string Email address of the admin who posted it.
sms_sent_count int Total SMS sent count for this status update.
email_sent_count int Total email sent count for this status update.

Retrieve an Active Incident

GET /statuspages/123412341234123412/incidents/active/{incident_id}

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/incidents/active/123412341233333 \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": {
    "incident_title":"This is incident title",
    "incident_desc": "This is incident description",
    "incident_severity": "Partial Outage",
            "component_id": "123412341234123413",
            "display_name": "Zylker Resource",
            "statuspage_id": "123412341234123412"
            "enc_inc_state_progress_id": "DCLfaeHudYarZ_-6HSsZYA692==Q",
            "incident_status_desc": "This is state progeress description",
            "incident_status_id": 10,
            "incident_status": "Acknowledged",
            "status_updated_at": "2019-06-12T06:58:08+0000",
            "posted_by": {
                    "email_id": "p.boyle@zylker.com"
            "sms_sent_count": 0,  
            "email_sent_count": 0

Retrieve the details of the active incident

oauthscope : StatusPages.operations.Read

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
incident_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Active Incident. This can be used as an identifier.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
incident_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
incident_title string Title of the incident.
incident_desc string Description of the incident.
enc_inc_id string Encrypted unique incident id.
incident_type int To notify as outage or maintenance
incident_severity_id int Severity of the incident
incident_severity string Incident severity name.
sms_sent_count int Total SMS sent count
email_sent_count int Total email sent count
created_by int Variable to identify if the incident is pushed form Site24x7 or StatusIQ.
incident_began_at string Incident began time in ISO format
incident_affected_components array List of affected components associated to this incident.
component_id string Component Id associated to this incident
display_name string Display name of the component
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
incident_status_updates array List of state progress details
enc_inc_state_progress_id string Encrypted unique status update id.
incident_status_desc string state updates description.
incident_status_id int Incident status id.
incident_status string Incident status id name
status_updated_at string ISO format status update time
posted_by string contains details about who posted the incident.
name string Name of the admin who posted it.
email_id string Email address of the admin who posted it.
sms_sent_count int Total SMS sent count for this status update.
email_sent_count int Total email sent count for this status update.

Update an Active Incident

PUT /statuspages/123412341234123412/incidents/active/{incident_id}

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/incidents/active/123412341233333 \
    -X PUT \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f" \
    -d '{
        "incident_title":"This is incident title updated",
        "incident_start_time":"2019-06-12 06:58:08",
        "incident_affected_components": ["123412341234123413"]

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": {
    "incident_title":"This is incident title updated",
    "incident_desc": "This is incident description",
    "incident_severity": "Partial Outage",
            "component_id": "123412341234123413",
            "display_name": "Zylker Resource",
            "statuspage_id": "123412341234123412"
            "enc_inc_state_progress_id": "DCLfaeHudYarZ_-6HSsZYA692==Q",
            "incident_status_desc": "This is state progeress description",
            "incident_status_id": 10,
            "incident_status": "Acknowledged",
            "status_updated_at": "2019-06-12T06:58:08+0000",
            "posted_by": {
                    "email_id": "p.boyle@zylker.com"
            "sms_sent_count": 0,  
            "email_sent_count": 0

Update the configuration of an existing Active Incident

oauthscope : StatusPages.operations.Update

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
incident_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Active Incident. This can be used as an identifier.

Request Parameters

Param Type Description
incident_title string Mandatory
Title of the incident
incident_start_time string Mandatory
Incident start time
Format - yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
incident_severity_id int Mandatory
Severity of the incident
incident_affected_components array List of affected components associated to this incident.
timezone string Timezone of the incident

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
incident_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
incident_title string Title of the incident.
incident_desc string Description of the incident.
enc_inc_id string Encrypted unique incident id.
incident_type int To notify as outage or maintenance
incident_severity_id int Severity of the incident
incident_severity string Incident severity name.
sms_sent_count int Total SMS sent count
email_sent_count int Total email sent count
created_by int Variable to identify if the incident is pushed form Site24x7 or StatusIQ.
incident_began_at string Incident began time in ISO format
incident_affected_components array List of affected components associated to this incident.
component_id string Component Id associated to this incident
display_name string Display name of the component
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
incident_status_updates array List of state progress details
enc_inc_state_progress_id string Encrypted unique status update id.
incident_status_desc string state updates description.
incident_status_id int Incident status id.
incident_status string Incident status id name
status_updated_at string ISO format status update time
posted_by string contains details about who posted the incident.
name string Name of the admin who posted it.
email_id string Email address of the admin who posted it.
sms_sent_count int Total SMS sent count for this status update.
email_sent_count int Total email sent count for this status update.

Delete an Active Incident

DELETE /stauspages/123412341234123412/incidents/active/123412341233333?update_components_status_to_operational=true?

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/incidents/active/123412341233333?update_components_status_to_operational=true \
    -X DELETE \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "code": 0,
    "message": "success"
        "incident_title":"This is incident title updated",
        "incident_desc": "This is incident description",
        "incident_severity": "Partial Outage",
                "component_id": "123412341234123413",
                "display_name": "Zylker Resource",
                "statuspage_id": "123412341234123412"
                "enc_inc_state_progress_id": "DCLfaeHudYarZ_-6HSsZYA692==Q",
                "incident_status_desc": "This is state progeress description",
                "incident_status_id": 10,
                "incident_status": "Acknowledged",
                "status_updated_at": "2019-06-12T06:58:08+0000",
                "posted_by": {
                    "email_id": "p.boyle@zylker.com"
                "sms_sent_count": 0,  
                "email_sent_count": 0

Delete an active incidents

oauthscope : StatusPages.operations.Delete

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
incident_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Active Incident. This can be used as an identifier.
update_components_status_to_operational boolean Boolean variable to decide after deleting the incident the components' status to turn operational or remains same as incident status.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
incident_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
incident_title string Title of the incident.
incident_desc string Description of the incident.
enc_inc_id string Encrypted unique incident id.
incident_type int To notify as outage or maintenance
incident_severity_id int Severity of the incident
incident_severity string Incident severity name.
sms_sent_count int Total SMS sent count
email_sent_count int Total email sent count
created_by int Variable to identify if the incident is pushed form Site24x7 or StatusIQ.
incident_began_at string Incident began time in ISO format
incident_affected_components array List of affected components associated to this incident.
component_id string Component Id associated to this incident
display_name string Display name of the component
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
incident_status_updates array List of state progress details
enc_inc_state_progress_id string Encrypted unique status update id.
incident_status_desc string state updates description.
incident_status_id int Incident status id.
incident_status string Incident status id name
status_updated_at string ISO format status update time
posted_by string contains details about who posted the incident.
name string Name of the admin who posted it.
email_id string Email address of the admin who posted it.
sms_sent_count int Total SMS sent count for this status update.
email_sent_count int Total email sent count for this status update.

List of all Active Incidents

GET /statuspages/123412341234123412/incidents/active

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/incidents/active \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": [
        "incident_title":"This is incident title updated",
        "incident_desc": "This is incident description",
        "incident_severity": "Partial Outage",
                "component_id": "123412341234123413",
                "display_name": "Zylker Resource",
                "statuspage_id": "123412341234123412"
                "enc_inc_state_progress_id": "DCLfaeHudYarZ_-6HSsZYA692==Q",
                "incident_status_desc": "This is state progeress description",
                "incident_status_id": 10,
                "incident_status": "Acknowledged",
                "status_updated_at": "2019-06-12T06:58:08+0000",
               "posted_by": {
                    "email_id": "p.boyle@zylker.com"
                "sms_sent_count": 0,  
                "email_sent_count": 0


List of all Active Incidents

oauthscope : StatusPages.operations.Read

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
incident_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
incident_title string Title of the incident.
incident_desc string Description of the incident.
enc_inc_id string Encrypted unique incident id.
incident_type int To notify as outage or maintenance
incident_severity_id int Severity of the incident
incident_severity string Incident severity name.
sms_sent_count int Total SMS sent count
email_sent_count int Total email sent count
created_by int Variable to identify if the incident is pushed form Site24x7 or StatusPages.
incident_began_at string Incident began time in ISO format
incident_affected_components array List of affected components associated to this incident.
component_id string Component Id associated to this incident
display_name string Display name of the component
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
incident_status_updates array List of state progress details
enc_inc_state_progress_id string Encrypted unique status update id.
incident_status_desc string state updates description.
incident_status_id int Incident status id.
incident_status string Incident status id name
status_updated_at string ISO format status update time
posted_by string contains details about who posted the incident.
name string Name of the admin who posted it.
email_id string Email address of the admin who posted it.
sms_sent_count int Total SMS sent count for this status update.
email_sent_count int Total email sent count for this status update.

Create an Incident State Progress Details

POST /statuspages/123412341234123412/incidents/active/{incident_id}/incident_status_updates

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/incidents/active/123412341233333/incident_status_updates \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f" \
    -d  '{
        "incident_status_desc":"This is state progeress description",
        "update_time":"2019-06-12 06:58:08",
        "notify_email_subscribers": true,

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": {

    "incident_title":"This is incident title",
    "incident_desc": "This is incident description",
    "incident_severity": "Partial Outage",
            "component_id": "123412341234123413",
            "display_name": "Zylker Resource",
            "statuspage_id": "123412341234123412"
            "enc_inc_state_progress_id": "DCLfaeHudYarZ_-6HSsZYA692==Q",
            "incident_status_desc": "This is state progeress description",
            "incident_status_id": 10,
            "incident_status": "Acknowledged",
            "status_updated_at": "2019-06-12T06:58:08+0000",
            "posted_by": {
                    "email_id": "p.boyle@zylker.com"
            "sms_sent_count": 0,  
            "email_sent_count": 0

Add incident state progress details to an existing active incident

oauthscope : StatusPages.operations.Create

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
incident_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Resolved Incident. This can be used as an identifier.

Request Parameters

Param Type Description
incident_status_id int Mandatory
Status id of the incident
update_time string Mandatory
Incident status update time
Format - yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
incident_status_desc string Incident status Description
is_private boolean Whether to show this update in the public page or not
notify_email_subscribers boolean To notify email subscribers about this update
notify_sms_subscribers boolean To notify SMS subscribers about this update
timezone string Timezone of the incident status update

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
incident_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
incident_title string Title of the incident.
incident_desc string Description of the incident.
enc_inc_id string Encrypted unique incident id.
incident_type int To notify as outage or maintenance
incident_severity_id int Severity of the incident
incident_severity string Incident severity name.
sms_sent_count int Total SMS sent count
email_sent_count int Total email sent count
created_by int Variable to identify if the incident is pushed form Site24x7 or StatusIQ.
incident_began_at string Incident began time in ISO format
incident_affected_components array List of affected components associated to this incident.
component_id string Component Id associated to this incident
display_name string Display name of the component
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
incident_status_updates array List of state progress details
enc_inc_state_progress_id string Encrypted unique status update id.
incident_status_desc string state updates description.
incident_status_id int Mandatory
Incident status
incident_status string Incident status id name
status_updated_at string ISO format status update time
posted_by string contains details about who posted the incident.
name string Name of the admin who posted it.
email_id string Email address of the admin who posted it.
sms_sent_count int Total SMS sent count for this status update.
email_sent_count int Total email sent count for this status update.

Update an Active Incident State Progress Details

PUT /statuspages/123412341234123412/incidents/active/{incident_id}/incident_status_updates/{enc_inc_state_progress_id}

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/incidents/active/123412341233333/incident_status_updates/VTVS1VPMH0U4bxEqwjOqfmVhBQeRiUmLF2qTvQcRV_sTWQ-AJbCBw8jNyktheW38cUKw=OO \
    -X PUT \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f" \
    -d '{
        "incident_status_desc":"This is incident status description updated",
        "update_time":"2019-08-12 11:35:00",

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": {
        "enc_inc_state_progress_id": "VTVS1VPMH0U4bxEqwjOqfmVhBQeRiUmLF2qTvQcRV_sTWQ-AJbCBw8jNyktheW38cUKw=OO",
        "incident_status_desc": "This is incident status description updated",
        "incident_status_id": 12,
        "status_updated_at": "2019-08-12T11:35:00+0000"

Update the configuration of an existing active incident state progress details

oauthscope : StatusPages.operations.Update

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
incident_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Resolved Incident. This can be used as an identifier.
enc_inc_state_progress_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Resolved Incident State Progress. This can be used as an identifier.

Request Parameters

Param Type Description
incident_status_id int Mandatory
Status id of the incident
update_time string Mandatory
Incident status update time
Format - yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
incident_status_desc string Incident status Description
timezone string Timezone of the incident status update

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
enc_inc_state_progress_id string Encrypted unique status update id.
incident_status_desc string state updates description.
incident_status_id int Incident status id.
status_updated_at string ISO format status update time

Delete an Active Incident State Progress Details

DELETE /stauspages/123412341234123412/incidents/active/{incident_id}/incident_status_updates/{enc_inc_state_progress_id}

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/incidents/active/123412341233333/incident_status_updates/VTVS1VPMH0U4bxEqwjOqfmVhBQeRiUmLF2qTvQcRV_sTWQ-AJbCBw8jNyktheW38cUKw=OO \
    -X DELETE \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "code": 0,
    "message": "success"
        "enc_inc_state_progress_id": "VTVS1VPMH0U4bxEqwjOqfmVhBQeRiUmLF2qTvQcRV_sTWQ-AJbCBw8jNyktheW38cUKw=OO",
        "incident_status_desc": "This is incident status description updated",
        "incident_status_id": 14,
        "status_updated_at": "2019-08-12T11:35:00+0000"

Delete Delete an Active Incident State Progress Details.

oauthscope : StatusPages.operations.Delete

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
incident_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Active Incident. This can be used as an identifier.
enc_inc_state_progress_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Resolved Incident State Progress. This can be used as an identifier.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
enc_inc_state_progress_id string Encrypted unique status update id.
incident_status_desc string state updates description.
incident_status_id int Incident status id.
status_updated_at string ISO format status update time

Resolved Incidents

Incidents can seamlessly communicate details about component outages to your customers.

Create Resolved Incident

POST /statuspages/123412341234123412/incidents/resolved

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/incidents/resolved \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f" \
    -d '{
        "incident_title":"This is incident title",
        "incident_desc": "This is incident description",
        "incident_affected_components": ["123412341234123413"]
        "incident_start_time": 2019-08-09 11:34:00,
        "incident_end_time": 2019-08-12 11:35:00,
        "timezone": "Asia/Kolkata"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": {
    "incident_title":"This is incident title",
    "incident_desc": "This is incident description",
    "incident_severity": "Partial Outage",
            "component_id": "123412341234123413",
            "display_name": "Zylker Resource",
            "statuspage_id": "123412341234123412"
            "enc_inc_state_progress_id": "DCLfaarZ_-6HSsZYWD692==Q",
            "incident_status_desc": "This is state progeress resolved description",
            "incident_status_id": 14,
            "incident_status": "Resolved",
            "status_updated_at": "2019-06-12T06:58:08+0000",
                    "name": "P.Boyle",
            "sms_sent_count": 0,  
            "email_sent_count": 0

Create a new Resolved Incident.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Operations.Create

Request Parameters

Param Type Description
incident_title string Mandatory
Title of the incident.
incident_desc string Mandatory
Description about the incident.
incident_severity_id int Mandatory
Incident severity
incident_status_id int Incident status
incident_affected_components array List of affected components associated to this incident.
incident_start_time string Mandatory
Incident start time
Format - yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
incident_end_time string Mandatory
Incident end time
Format - yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
timezone string Incident start and end time timezone

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
incident_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
incident_title string Title of the incident.
incident_desc string Description of the incident.
enc_inc_id string Encrypted unique incident id.
incident_type int To notify as outage or maintenance.
incident_severity_id int Severity of the incident.
incident_severity string Incident severity name.
sms_sent_count int Total SMS sent count.
email_sent_count int Total email sent count.
created_by int Variable to identify if the incident is pushed form Site24x7 or StatusIQ.
incident_began_at string Incident began time in ISO format.
incident_ended_at string Incident ended time in ISO format.
incident_affected_components array List of affected components associated to this incident.
component_id string Component Id associated to this incident.
display_name string Display name of the component.
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
incident_status_updates array List of state progress details.
enc_inc_state_progress_id string Encrypted unique status update id.
incident_status_desc string state updates description.
incident_status_id int Incident status id.
incident_status string Incident status id name.
status_updated_at string ISO format status update time.
posted_by string Contains details about who posted the incident.
name string Name of the admin who posted it.
email_id string Email address of the admin who posted it.
sms_sent_count int Total SMS sent count for this status update.
email_sent_count int Total email sent count for this status update.

Retrieve Resolved Incident

GET /statuspages/123412341234123412//incidents/active/{incident_id}?start_date={start_date}

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/incidents/active/123412341233333?start_date=2019-08-09 11:34 \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": {

    "incident_title":"This is incident title",
    "incident_desc": "This is incident description",
    "incident_severity": "Partial Outage",
            "component_id": "123412341234123413",
            "display_name": "Zylker Resource",
            "statuspage_id": "123412341234123412"
            "enc_inc_state_progress_id": "DCLfaarZ_-6HSsZYWD692==Q",
            "incident_status_desc": "This is state progeress resolved description",
            "incident_status_id": 14,
            "incident_status": "Resolved",
            "status_updated_at": "2019-06-12T06:58:08+0000",
                    "name": "P.Boyle",
            "sms_sent_count": 0,  
            "email_sent_count": 0

Retrieve the details of the resolved incident

oauthscope : StatusPages.Operations.Read

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
incident_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Active Incident. This can be used as an identifier.
start_date string incident start date
Format - yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
incident_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
incident_title string Title of the incident.
incident_desc string Description of the incident.
enc_inc_id string Encrypted unique incident id.
incident_type int To notify as outage or maintenance
incident_severity_id int Severity of the incident
incident_severity string Incident severity name.
sms_sent_count int Total SMS sent count
email_sent_count int Total email sent count
created_by int Variable to identify if the incident is pushed form Site24x7 or StatusIQ.
incident_began_at string Incident began time in ISO format
incident_ended_at string Incident ended time in ISO format
incident_affected_components array List of affected components associated to this incident.
component_id string Component Id associated to this incident
display_name string Display name of the component
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
incident_status_updates array List of state progress details
enc_inc_state_progress_id string Encrypted unique status update id.
incident_status_desc string state updates description.
incident_status_id int Incident status id.
incident_status string Incident status id name
status_updated_at string ISO format status update time
posted_by string Contains details about who posted the incident.
name string Name of the admin who posted it.
email_id string Email address of the admin who posted it.
sms_sent_count int Total SMS sent count for this status update.
email_sent_count int Total email sent count for this status update.

Update Resolved Incident

PUT /statuspages/123412341234123412/incidents/resolved/{incident_id}

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/incidents/resolved/123412341233333 \
    -X PUT \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f" \
    -d '{
        "incident_title":"This is incident title updated",
        "incident_start_time":"2019-08-09 11:34:00",

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": {
    "incident_title":"This is incident title updated",
    "incident_desc": "This is incident description",
    "incident_severity": "Partial Outage",
            "component_id": "123412341234123413",
            "display_name": "Zylker Resource",
            "statuspage_id": "123412341234123412"
            "enc_inc_state_progress_id": "DCLfaarZ_-6HSsZYWD692==Q",
            "incident_status_desc": "This is state progeress description",
            "incident_status_id": 10,
            "incident_status": "Acknowledged",
            "incident_state_start_time": "1560322688333",
            "status_updated_at": "2019-06-12T06:58:08+0000",
            "posted_by": "p.boyle@zylker.com",
            "sms_sent_count": 0,  
            "email_sent_count": 0

Update the configuration of an existing resolved incident

oauthscope : StatusPages.Operations.Update

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
incident_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Resolved Incident. This can be used as an identifier.

Request Parameters

Param Type Description
incident_severity_id int Mandatory
Severity of the incident
incident_title string Mandatory
Title of the incident
incident_start_time string Start time of the incident
Format - yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
timezone string Timezone of the incident

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
incident_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
incident_title string Title of the incident.
incident_desc string Description of the incident.
enc_inc_id string Encrypted unique incident id.
incident_type int To notify as outage or maintenance
incident_severity_id int Severity of the incident
incident_severity string Incident severity name.
sms_sent_count int Total SMS sent count
email_sent_count int Total email sent count
created_by int Variable to identify if the incident is pushed form Site24x7 or StatusIQ.
incident_began_at string Incident began time in ISO format
incident_ended_at string Incident ended time in ISO format
incident_affected_components array List of affected components associated to this incident.
component_id string Component Id associated to this incident
display_name string Display name of the component
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
incident_status_updates array List of state progress details
enc_inc_state_progress_id string Encrypted unique status update id.
incident_status_desc string state updates description.
incident_status_id int Incident status id.
incident_status string Incident status id name
status_updated_at string ISO format status update time
posted_by string Contains details about who posted the incident.
name string Name of the admin who posted it.
email_id string Email address of the admin who posted it.
sms_sent_count int Total SMS sent count for this status update.
email_sent_count int Total email sent count for this status update.

Delete Resolved Incident

DELETE /stauspages/123412341234123412/incidents/resolved/{incident_id}?start_date={start_date}

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/incidents/resolved/123412341233333?start_date=2019-08-09 11:34 \
    -X DELETE \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "code": 0,
    "message": "success"
            "incident_title":"This is incident title updated",
            "incident_desc": "This is incident description",
            "incident_severity": "Partial Outage",
                    "component_id": "123412341234123413",
                    "display_name": "Zylker Resource",
                    "statuspage_id": "123412341234123412"
                    "enc_inc_state_progress_id": "DCLfaarZ_-6HSsZYWD692==Q",
                    "incident_status_desc": "This is state progeress description",
                    "incident_status_id": 10,
                    "incident_status": "Acknowledged",
                    "incident_state_start_time": "1560322688333",
                    "status_updated_at": "2019-06-12T06:58:08+0000",
                    "posted_by": "p.boyle@zylker.com",
                    "sms_sent_count": 0,  
                    "email_sent_count": 0

Delete an existing resolved incident.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Operations.Delete

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
incident_id string Unique ID generated by the server for resolved Incident. This can be used as an identifier.
start_date string Incident start date
Format - yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
incident_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
incident_title string Title of the incident.
incident_desc string Description of the incident.
enc_inc_id string Encrypted unique incident id.
incident_type int To notify as outage or maintenance
incident_severity_id int Severity of the incident
incident_severity string Incident severity name.
sms_sent_count int Total SMS sent count
email_sent_count int Total email sent count
created_by int Variable to identify if the incident is pushed form Site24x7 or StatusIQ.
incident_began_at string Incident began time in ISO format
incident_ended_at string Incident ended time in ISO format
incident_affected_components array List of affected components associated to this incident.
component_id string Component Id associated to this incident
display_name string Display name of the component
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
incident_status_updates array List of state progress details
enc_inc_state_progress_id string Encrypted unique status update id.
incident_status_desc string state updates description.
incident_status_id int Incident status id.
incident_status string Incident status id name
status_updated_at string ISO format status update time
posted_by string Contains details about who posted the incident.
name string Name of the admin who posted it.
email_id string Email address of the admin who posted it.
sms_sent_count int Total SMS sent count for this status update.
email_sent_count int Total email sent count for this status update.

List of all Resolved Incidents

GET /statuspages/123412341234123412/incidents/resolved

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/incidents/resolved \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": [
        "incident_title":"This is incident title updated",
        "incident_desc": "This is incident description",
        "incident_severity": "Partial Outage",
                "component_id": "123412341234123413",
                "display_name": "Zylker Resource",
                "is_site24x7_component": false,
                "statuspage_id": "123412341234123412"
                "enc_inc_state_progress_id": "DCLfaarZ_-6HSsZYWD692==Q",
                "incident_status_desc": "This is state progeress description",
                "incident_status_id": 14,
                "incident_status": "Resolved",
                "status_updated_at": "2019-06-12T06:58:08+0000",
                "posted_by": "p.boyle@zylker.com",
                "sms_sent_count": 0,  
                "email_sent_count": 0
                "enc_inc_state_progress_id": "DCLfaarZ_-6HSsZYWD692==Q",
                "incident_status_desc": "This is state progeress description",
                "incident_status_id": 10,
                "incident_status": "Acknowledged",
                "status_updated_at": "2019-06-12T06:58:08+0000",
                "posted_by": "p.boyle@zylker.com",
                "sms_sent_count": 0,  
                "email_sent_count": 0


List of all Resolved Incident

oauthscope : StatusPages.Operations.Read

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
incident_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
incident_title string Title of the incident.
incident_desc string Description of the incident.
enc_inc_id string Encrypted unique incident id.
incident_type int To notify as outage or maintenance
incident_severity_id int Severity of the incident
incident_severity string Incident severity name.
sms_sent_count int Total SMS sent count
email_sent_count int Total email sent count
created_by int Variable to identify if the incident is pushed form Site24x7 or StatusIQ.
incident_began_at string Incident began time in ISO format
incident_formatted_elapsed_last_updated_time string Incident last updated time.
incident_formatted_elapsed_start_time string Incident start time.
incident_affected_components array List of affected components associated to this incident.
component_id string Component Id associated to this incident
display_name string Display name of the component
is_site24x7_component boolean To identify if the component is Site24x7 automated
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
incident_status_updates array List of state progress details
enc_inc_state_progress_id string Encrypted unique status update id.
incident_status_desc string state updates description.
incident_status_id int Incident status id.
incident_status string Incident status id name
incident_state_start_time long Incident status start time.
status_updated_at string ISO format status update time
posted_by string contains details about who posted the incident.
sms_sent_count int Total SMS sent count for this status update.
email_sent_count int Total email sent count for this status update.

Update Resolved Incident State Progress Details

PUT /statuspages/123412341234123412/incidents/resolved/{incident_id}/incident_status_updates/{enc_inc_state_progress_id}

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/incidents/resolved/123412341233333/incident_status_updates/VTVS1VPMH0U4bxEqwjOqfmVhBQeRiUmLF2qTvQcRV_sTWQ-AJbCBw8jNyktheW38cUKw=OO \
    -X PUT \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f" \
    -d '{
        "incident_status_desc":"This is incident status description updated",
        "update_time":"2019-08-12 11:35:00"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": {
        "enc_inc_state_progress_id": "VTVS1VPMH0U4bxEqwjOqfmVhBQeRiUmLF2qTvQcRV_sTWQ-AJbCBw8jNyktheW38cUKw=OO",
        "incident_status_desc": "This is incident status description updated",
        "incident_status_id": 14,
        "status_updated_at": "2019-08-12T11:35:00+0000"

Update the configuration of an existing resolved incident state progress details

oauthscope : StatusPages.Operations.Update

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
incident_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Resolved Incident. This can be used as an identifier.
enc_inc_state_progress_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Resolved Incident State Progress. This can be used as an identifier.

Request Parameters

Param Type Description
update_time string Mandatory
Incident status update time
Format - yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
incident_status_id int Mandatory
Status id of the incident
incident_status_desc string Incident status Description
timezone string Timezone of the incident status update

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
enc_inc_state_progress_id string Encrypted unique status update id.
incident_status_desc string state updates description.
incident_status_id int Incident status id.
status_updated_at string ISO format status update time

Delete Resolved Incident State Progress Details

DELETE /stauspages/123412341234123412/incidents/resolved/{incident_id}/incident_status_updates/{enc_inc_state_progress_id}

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/incidents/resolved/123412341233333/incident_status_updates/VTVS1VPMH0U4bxEqwjOqfmVhBQeRiUmLF2qTvQcRV_sTWQ-AJbCBw8jNyktheW38cUKw=OO \
    -X DELETE \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "code": 0,
    "message": "success"
        "enc_inc_state_progress_id": "VTVS1VPMH0U4bxEqwjOqfmVhBQeRiUmLF2qTvQcRV_sTWQ-AJbCBw8jNyktheW38cUKw=OO",
        "incident_status_desc": "This is incident status description updated",
        "incident_status_id": 14,
        "status_updated_at": "2019-08-12T11:35:00+0000"

Delete an existing resolved incident state progress details

oauthscope : StatusPages.Operations.Delete

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
incident_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Active Incident. This can be used as an identifier.
enc_inc_state_progress_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Resolved Incident State Progress. This can be used as an identifier.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
enc_inc_state_progress_id string Encrypted unique status update id.
incident_status_desc string state updates description.
incident_status_id int Incident status id.
status_updated_at string ISO format status update time


Share an in-depth analysis to ascertain the actual reason behind this incident to your end users.

Retrieve Postmortem Detail

GET /statuspages/123412341234123412/incidents/resolved/{incident_id}/postmortem?start_date={start_date}

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/incidents/resolved/123412341233333/postmortem?start_date=2019-08-09 11:34 \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": {
    "body": "Share an in-depth analysis to ascertain the actual reason behind this incident to your end users.",
    "email_sent_count": "0",
    "sms_sent_count": "0",
    "published_at": "2019-06-12T06:58:08+0000",
        "name": "P.Boyle",
        "name": "P.Boyle",

Retrieve the postmortem configurations..

oauthscope : StatusPages.Operations.Read

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
incident_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Incident. This can be used as an identifier.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
body string Mandatory
Postmortem details
email_sent_count int Total email sent count for postmortem detail
sms_sent_count int Total SMS sent count for postmortem detail
published_at string published date in ISO format
published_by JsonObject published by details
name string Name of the admin who published it.
email_id string Email Id of the admin who published it.
updated_at string Updated datein ISO format
updated_by JsonObject Updated by details
name string Name of the admin who updated it.
email_id string Email Id of the admin who updated it.

Update Postmortem Details

PUT /statuspages/{statuspage_id}/incidents/resolved/{incident_id}/postmortem

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/incidents/resolved/123412341233333/postmortem \
    -X PUT \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f" \
    -d '{
        "incident_start_time":"2019-06-12 06:58",
        "body":"Share an in-depth analysis to ascertain the actual reason behind this incident to your end users.",

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": {
    "body": "Share an in-depth analysis to ascertain the actual reason behind this incident to your end users.",
    "email_sent_count": "0",
    "sms_sent_count": "0",
    "published_at": "2019-06-12T06:58:08+0000",
        "name": "P.Boyle",
        "name": "P.Boyle",

Update the postmortem details of an incident.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Operations.Update

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
incident_id string Unique ID generated by the server for resolved incident. This can be used as an identifier.

Request Parameters

Param Type Description
body string Mandatory
Postmortem details
incident_start_time string Mandatory
Published time of postmortem
Format - DD-MM-YY HH:mm
publish boolean To publish the postmortem or to save as a draft
notify_email_subscribers boolean Notify email subscriber
notify_sms_subscribers boolean Notify SMS subscriber

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
body string Mandatory
Postmortem details
email_sent_count int Total email sent count for postmortem detail
sms_sent_count int Total SMS sent count for postmortem detail
published_at string published date in ISO format
published_by JsonObject published by details
name string Name of the admin who published it.
email_id string Email Id of the admin who published it.
updated_at string Updated date in ISO format
updated_by JsonObject Updated by details
name string Name of the admin who updated it.
email_id string Email Id of the admin who updated it.

Delete Postmortem Details

DELETE /statuspages/123412341234123412/incidents/resolved/{incident_id}/postmortem?start_date={start_date}

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/incidents/resolved/123412341233333/postmortem?start_date=2019-08-09 11:34 \
    -X DELETE \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "code": 0,
    "message": "success"

Delete postmortem of an incident

oauthscope : StatusPages.Operations.Delete

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
incident_id string Unique ID generated by the server for resolved incident. This can be used as an identifier.
start_date string Incident start date
Format - yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm

Upload Postmortem Attachment

PUT /statuspages/{statuspage_id}/incidents/resolved/{incident_id}/postmortem_attachments

Request Example

$ curl  https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/incidents/resolved/123412341233333/postmortem_attachments\
    -X PUT \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f" \
    -F 'rca_attachments=@/home/test/postmortem.png' \
    -F 'rca_attachments=@/home/test/postmortem.pdf' \
    -F 'incident_start_time=2024-05-27 15:30'         

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Upload postmortem attachment..

oauthscope : StatusPages.Operations.Update

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
incident_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Incident. This can be used as an identifier.

Request Parameters

Param Type Description
rca_attachments string Mandatory
Attachment file path
incident_start_time string Mandatory
Incident start time
Format - yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm

Download Postmortem Attachment

GET /statuspages/{statuspage_id}/resolved/incidents/{incident_id}/postmortem/attachments?id={file_id}

Request Example

$ curl -O https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/resolved/incidents/123412341233333/postmortem/attachments?id=1234123412341\
    -X POST \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "code": 0,
    "message": "success"

Download postmortem attachment..

oauthscope : StatusPages.Operations.Read

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
incident_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Incident. This can be used as an identifier.
id string Mandatory
Unique ID generated by the server for Attachment. This can be used as an identifier.

Delete Postmortem Attachment

DELETE /statuspages/{statuspage_id}/incidents/resolved/{incident_id}/postmortem_attachments?start_date={start_date}&deleting_file_ids={deleting_file_ids}

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/incidents/resolved/123412341233333/postmortem_attachments?start_date=2019-08-09 11:34&deleting_file_ids=1234123412341,1234123412341 \
    -X DELETE \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Delete postmortem attachment..

oauthscope : StatusPages.Operations.Delete

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.
incident_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Incident. This can be used as an identifier.
start_date string Mandatory
Incident start date
Format - yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm
deleting_file_ids string Mandatory
Unique ID generated by the server for Attachment. This can be used as an identifier for deleting attachments.

Schedule Maintenances

Schedule a maintenance window to collaborate effectively within the IT team. It prevents redundant alerts from being triggered.

Create Maintenance

POST /statuspages/123412341234123412/maintenance

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/maintenance \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f" \
    -d '{
        "maintenance_title":"statck Local",
        "maintenance_desc": "The IT stack will be under maintenance during this period",
        "maintenance_freq_id": 3,
            "end_date": "2019-08-08", 
            "start_time": "18:21",
            "end_time": "19:21"
        "timezone": "Asia/Kolkata",

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": {
        "maintenance_title":"statck Local",
        "maintenance_desc": "The IT stack will be under maintenance during this period",
        "maintenance_will_begin_at": "2019-08-08T18:21:00+0530",
        "maintenance_will_end_at": "2019-08-08T19:21:00+0530",
        "maintenance_freq_id": 3,
            "end_date": "2019-08-08", 
            "start_time": "18:21",
            "end_time": "19:21"
        "timezone": "Asia/Kolkata",
                "component_id": "123412341234123413",
                "display_name": "Zylker Resource",
                "is_site24x7_component": false,
                "statuspage_id": "123412341234123412"
                "component_id": "123412341234123415",
                "display_name": "Zylker Url",
                "is_site24x7_component": false,
                "statuspage_id": "123412341234123412"

Scheduled a new maintenance window.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Operations.Create

Request Parameters

Param Type Description
maintenance_title string Mandatory
Title for the maintenance.
maintenance_desc string Description of maintenance.
maintenance_freq_id int Mandatory
Configuration for Once/Daily/Weekly/Monthly only maintenance.
start_date string Mandatory, if the maintenance_type chosen is Once
Maintenance start date.
Format - yyyy-MM-dd
start_time string Mandatory
Maintenance start time.
Format - HH:mm
end_date string Mandatory, if the maintenance_type chosen is Once.
Maintenance end date.
Format - yyyy-MM-dd
end_time string Mandatory
Maintenance end time.
Format - HH:mm
monthly_start_date int Mandatory, if the maintenance_type chosen is Monthly - By Date.
Date on which the maintenance must recur.
start_week int Mandatory, if the maintenance_type chosen is Monthly - By Day.
The week of the month on which the maintenance must recur.
duration int Mandatory, if the maintenance_type chosen is Monthly - By Date or Monthly - By Day.
The maximum maintenance duration should be less than 1440 minutes.
Format - in minutes
start_day int Mandatory, if the maintenance_type chosen is Weekly or Monthly - By Day.
The day on which the maintenance must recur.
end_day int Mandatory, if the maintenance_type chosen is Weekly.
The day on which the maintenance must end.
maintenance_notify_pref array Notify to subscriber preference.
mnp_1 boolean True to notify email subscribers now.
mnp_11 boolean True to notify email subscribers when maintenance starts.
mnp_21 boolean True to notify email subscribers when maintenance ends.
mnp_31 boolean True to notify email subscribers 1 hour before the maintenance starts.
mnp_41 boolean True to notify email subscribers 24 hours before the maintenance starts.
mnp_2 boolean True to notify SMS subscribers now.
mnp_12 boolean True to notify SMS subscribers when maintenance starts.
mnp_22 boolean True to notify SMS subscribers when maintenance ends.
mnp_32 boolean True to notify SMS subscribers 1 hour before the maintenance starts.
mnp_42 boolean True to notify SMS subscribers 24 hours before the maintenance starts.
maintenance_notify_custom_pref array Notify subscribers before ‘n’ days.
mncp_[10001-10005] int notifies email subscribers before ‘n’ days.
mncp_[10011-10015] int notifies SMS subscribers before ‘n’ days.
timezone string Timezone for in which maintenance will be scheduled.
maintenance_affected_components array List of affected components associated to this maintenance.
component_id string Component Id associated to this maintenance.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
maintenance_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
maintenance_title string Title for the maintenance.
maintenance_desc string Description of maintenance.
maintenance_freq_id int Configuration for Once/Daily/Weekly/Monthly only maintenance.
start_date string if the maintenance_type chosen is Once
Maintenance start date.
Format - yyyy-MM-dd
start_time string Maintenance start time.
Format - HH:mm
end_date string If the maintenance_type chosen is Once.
Maintenance end date.
Format - yyyy-MM-dd
end_time string Maintenance end time.
Format - HH:mm
monthly_start_date int If the maintenance_type chosen is Monthly - By Date.
Date on which the maintenance must recur.
start_week int If the maintenance_type chosen is Monthly - By Day.
The week of the month on which the maintenance must recur.
duration int If the maintenance_type chosen is Monthly - By Date or Monthly - By Day.
The maximum maintenance duration should be less than 1440 minutes.
Format - in minutes
start_day int If the maintenance_type chosen is Weekly or Monthly - By Day.
The day on which the maintenance must recur.
end_day int If the maintenance_type chosen is Weekly.
The day on which the maintenance must end.
maintenance_notify_pref array Notify to subscriber preference.
mnp_1 boolean True to notify email subscribers now.
mnp_11 boolean True to notify email subscribers when maintenance starts.
mnp_21 boolean True to notify email subscribers when maintenance ends.
mnp_31 boolean True to notify email subscribers 1 hour before the maintenance starts
mnp_41 boolean True to notify email subscribers 24 hours before the maintenance starts.
mnp_2 boolean True to notify SMS subscribers now.
mnp_12 boolean True to notify SMS subscribers when maintenance starts.
mnp_22 boolean True to notify SMS subscribers when maintenance ends.
mnp_32 boolean True to notify SMS subscribers 1 hour before the maintenance starts.
mnp_42 boolean True to notify SMS subscribers 24 hours before the maintenance starts.
maintenance_notify_custom_pref array Notify subscribers before ‘n’ days.
mncp_[10001-10005] int notifies email subscribers before ‘n’ days.
mncp_[10011-10015] int notifies SMS subscribers before ‘n’ days.
timezone string Timezone for in which maintenance will be scheduled.
is_site24x7_maintenance boolean True if maintenance is pushed from Site24x7 monitoring.
maintenance_status char used to identify maintenance status .
maintenance_affected_components array List of affected components associated to this maintenance.
component_id string Component Id associated to this maintenance.
display_name string Display name of the component.
is_site24x7_component boolean To identify if the component is Site24x7 automated.
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.

Retrieve Maintenance

GET /statuspages/123412341234123412/maintenance/{maintenance_id}

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/maintenance/1234123412344444 \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": {
        "maintenance_title":"statck Local",
        "maintenance_desc": "The IT stack will be under maintenance during this period",
        "maintenance_will_begin_at": "2019-08-08T18:21:00+0530",
        "maintenance_will_end_at": "2019-08-08T19:21:00+0530",
        "maintenance_freq_id": 3,
            "end_date": "2019-08-08", 
            "start_time": "18:21",
            "end_time": "19:21"
        "timezone": "Asia/Kolkata",
                "component_id": "123412341234123413",
                "display_name": "Zylker Resource",
                "is_site24x7_component": false,
                "statuspage_id": "123412341234123412"
                "component_id": "123412341234123415",
                "display_name": "Zylker Url",
                "is_site24x7_component": false,
                "statuspage_id": "123412341234123412"

Retrieve configuration of a Scheduled Maintenance.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Operations.Read

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
maintenance_id string Mandatory
Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
maintenance_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
maintenance_title string Title for the maintenance.
maintenance_desc string Description of maintenance.
maintenance_freq_id int Configuration for Once/Daily/Weekly/Monthly only maintenance.
start_date string If the maintenance_type chosen is Once
Maintenance start date.
Format - yyyy-MM-dd
start_time string Maintenance start time.
Format - HH:mm
end_date string If the maintenance_type chosen is Once.
Maintenance end date.
Format - yyyy-MM-dd
end_time string Maintenance end time.
Format - HH:mm
monthly_start_date int If the maintenance_type chosen is Monthly - By Date.
Date on which the maintenance must recur.
start_week int If the maintenance_type chosen is Monthly - By Day.
The week of the month on which the maintenance must recur.
duration int If the maintenance_type chosen is Monthly - By Date or Monthly - By Day.
The maximum maintenance duration should be less than 1440 minutes.
Format - in minutes.
start_day int If the maintenance_type chosen is Weekly or Monthly - By Day.
The day on which the maintenance must recur.
end_day int If the maintenance_type chosen is Weekly.
The day on which the maintenance must end.
maintenance_notify_pref array Notify to subscriber preference.
mnp_1 boolean True to notify email subscribers now.
mnp_11 boolean True to notify email subscribers when maintenance starts.
mnp_21 boolean True to notify email subscribers when maintenance ends.
mnp_31 boolean True to notify email subscribers 1 hour before the maintenance starts.
mnp_41 boolean True to notify email subscribers 24 hours before the maintenance starts.
mnp_2 boolean True to notify SMS subscribers now.
mnp_12 boolean True to notify SMS subscribers when maintenance starts
mnp_22 boolean True to notify SMS subscribers when maintenance ends
mnp_32 boolean True to notify SMS subscribers 1 hour before the maintenance starts.
mnp_42 boolean True to notify SMS subscribers 24 hours before the maintenance starts.
maintenance_notify_custom_pref array Notify subscribers before ‘n’ days.
mncp_[10001-10005] int notifies email subscribers before ‘n’ days.
mncp_[10011-10015] int notifies SMS subscribers before ‘n’ days.
timezone string Timezone for in which maintenance will be scheduled.
is_site24x7_maintenance boolean True if maintenance is pushed from Site24x7 monitoring.
maintenance_status char used to identify maintenance status .
maintenance_affected_components array List of affected components associated to this maintenance.
component_id string Component Id associated to this maintenance.
display_name string Display name of the component.
is_site24x7_component boolean To identify if the component is Site24x7 automated.
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.

Update Maintenance

PUT /statuspages/123412341234123412/maintenance/{maintenance_id}

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/maintenance/1234123412344444 \
    -X PUT \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f" \
    -d '{
        "maintenance_title":"statck Local",
        "maintenance_desc": "The IT stack will be under maintenance during this period",
        "maintenance_freq_id": 3,
            "end_date": "2019-08-08", 
            "start_time": "18:21",
            "end_time": "19:21"
        "timezone": "Asia/Kolkata",

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": {
        "maintenance_title":"statck Local",
        "maintenance_desc": "The IT stack will be under maintenance during this period",
        "maintenance_will_begin_at": "2019-08-08T18:21:00+0530",
        "maintenance_will_end_at": "2019-08-08T19:21:00+0530",
        "maintenance_freq_id": 3,
            "end_date": "2019-08-08", 
            "start_time": "18:21",
            "end_time": "19:21"
        "timezone": "Asia/Kolkata",
                "component_id": "123412341234123413",
                "display_name": "Zylker Resource",
                "is_site24x7_component": false,
                "statuspage_id": "123412341234123412"
                "component_id": "123412341234123415",
                "display_name": "Zylker Url",
                "is_site24x7_component": false,
                "statuspage_id": "123412341234123412"

Update an existing Scheduled Maintenance.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Operations.Update

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
maintenance_id string Mandatory
Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.

Request Parameters

Param Type Description
maintenance_title string Mandatory
Title for the maintenance.
maintenance_desc string Description of maintenance.
maintenance_freq_id int Mandatory
Configuration for Once/Daily/Weekly/Monthly only maintenance.
start_date string Mandatory, if the maintenance_type chosen is Once
Maintenance start date.
Format - yyyy-MM-dd
start_time string Mandatory
Maintenance start time.
Format - HH:mm
end_date string Mandatory, if the maintenance_type chosen is Once.
Maintenance end date.
Format - yyyy-MM-dd
end_time string Mandatory
Maintenance end time.
Format - HH:mm
monthly_start_date int Mandatory, if the maintenance_type chosen is Monthly - By Date.
Date on which the maintenance must recur.
start_week int Mandatory, if the maintenance_type chosen is Monthly - By Day.
The week of the month on which the maintenance must recur.
duration int Mandatory, if the maintenance_type chosen is Monthly - By Date or Monthly - By Day.
The maximum maintenance duration should be less than 1440 minutes.
Format - in minutes
start_day int Mandatory, if the maintenance_type chosen is Weekly or Monthly - By Day.
The day on which the maintenance must recur.
end_day int Mandatory, if the maintenance_type chosen is Weekly.
The day on which the maintenance must end.
maintenance_notify_pref array Notify to subscriber preference.
mnp_1 boolean True to notify email subscribers now.
mnp_11 boolean True to notify email subscribers when maintenance starts.
mnp_21 boolean True to notify email subscribers when maintenance ends.
mnp_31 boolean True to notify email subscribers 1 hour before the maintenance start.
mnp_41 boolean True to notify email subscribers 24 hours before the maintenance start.
mnp_2 boolean True to notify SMS subscribers now.
mnp_12 boolean True to notify SMS subscribers when maintenance starts.
mnp_22 boolean True to notify SMS subscribers when maintenance ends.
mnp_32 boolean True to notify SMS subscribers 1 hour before the maintenance starts.
mnp_42 boolean True to notify SMS subscribers 24 hours before the maintenance starts.
maintenance_notify_custom_pref array Notify subscribers before ‘n’ days.
mncp_[10001-10005] int notifies email subscribers before ‘n’ days.
mncp_[10011-10015] int notifies SMS subscribers before ‘n’ days.
timezone string Timezone for in which maintenance will be scheduled.
maintenance_affected_components array List of affected components associated to this maintenance.
component_id string Component Id associated to this maintenance.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
maintenance_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
maintenance_title string Title for the maintenance.
maintenance_desc string Description of maintenance.
maintenance_freq_id int Configuration for Once/Daily/Weekly/Monthly only maintenance.
start_date string If the maintenance_type chosen is Once
Maintenance start date.
Format - yyyy-MM-dd
start_time string Maintenance start time.
Format - HH:mm
end_date string If the maintenance_type chosen is Once.
Maintenance end date.
Format - yyyy-MM-dd
end_time string Maintenance end time.
Format - HH:mm
monthly_start_date int If the maintenance_type chosen is Monthly - By Date.
Date on which the maintenance must recur.
start_week int If the maintenance_type chosen is Monthly - By Day.
The week of the month on which the maintenance must recur.
duration int If the maintenance_type chosen is Monthly - By Date or Monthly - By Day.
The maximum maintenance duration should be less than 1440 minutes.
Format - in minutes
start_day int If the maintenance_type chosen is Weekly or Monthly - By Day.
The day on which the maintenance must recur.
end_day int If the maintenance_type chosen is Weekly.
The day on which the maintenance must end.
maintenance_notify_pref array Notify to subscriber preference.
mnp_1 boolean True to notify email subscribers now.
mnp_11 boolean True to notify email subscribers when maintenance starts.
mnp_21 boolean True to notify email subscribers when maintenance ends.
mnp_31 boolean True to notify email subscribers 1 hour before the maintenance starts.
mnp_41 boolean True to notify email subscribers 24 hours before the maintenance starts.
mnp_2 boolean True to notify SMS subscribers now.
mnp_12 boolean True to notify SMS subscribers when maintenance starts.
mnp_22 boolean True to notify SMS subscribers when maintenance ends.
mnp_32 boolean True to notify SMS subscribers 1 hour before the maintenance starts.
mnp_42 boolean True to notify SMS subscribers 24 hours before the maintenance starts.
maintenance_notify_custom_pref array Notify subscribers before ‘n’ days.
mncp_[10001-10005] int notifies email subscribers before ‘n’ days.
mncp_[10011-10015] int notifies SMS subscribers before ‘n’ days.
timezone string Timezone for in which maintenance will be scheduled.
is_site24x7_maintenance boolean True if maintenance is pushed from Site24x7 monitoring.
maintenance_status char used to identify maintenance status .
maintenance_affected_components array List of affected components associated to this maintenance.
component_id string Component Id associated to this maintenance.
display_name string Display name of the component.
is_site24x7_component boolean To identify if the component is Site24x7 automated.
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.

Delete Maintenance

DELETE /statuspages/123412341234123412/maintenance/{maintenance_id}

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412maintenance/1234123412344444 \
    -X DELETE \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "code": 0,
    "message": "success"
        "maintenance_title":"statck Local",
        "maintenance_desc": "The IT stack will be under maintenance during this period",
        "maintenance_will_begin_at": "2019-08-08T18:21:00+0530",
        "maintenance_will_end_at": "2019-08-08T19:21:00+0530",
        "maintenance_freq_id": 3,
            "end_date": "2019-08-08", 
            "start_time": "18:21",
            "end_time": "19:21"
        "timezone": "Asia/Kolkata",
                "component_id": "123412341234123413",
                "display_name": "Zylker Resource",
                "is_site24x7_component": false,
                "statuspage_id": "123412341234123412"
                "component_id": "123412341234123415",
                "display_name": "Zylker Url",
                "is_site24x7_component": false,
                "statuspage_id": "123412341234123412"

Delete an existing Scheduled Maintenance.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Operations.Delete

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
maintenance_id string Mandatory
Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
maintenance_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
maintenance_title string Title for the maintenance.
maintenance_desc string Description of maintenance.
maintenance_freq_id int Configuration for Once/Daily/Weekly/Monthly only maintenance.
start_date string If the maintenance_type chosen is Once
Maintenance start date.
Format - yyyy-MM-dd
start_time string Maintenance start time.
Format - HH:mm
end_date string If the maintenance_type chosen is Once.
Maintenance end date.
Format - yyyy-MM-dd
end_time string Maintenance end time.
Format - HH:mm
monthly_start_date int If the maintenance_type chosen is Monthly - By Date.
Date on which the maintenance must recur.
start_week int If the maintenance_type chosen is Monthly - By Day.
The week of the month on which the maintenance must recur.
duration int If the maintenance_type chosen is Monthly - By Date or Monthly - By Day.
The maximum maintenance duration should be less than 1440 minutes.
Format - in minutes
start_day int If the maintenance_type chosen is Weekly or Monthly - By Day.
The day on which the maintenance must recur.
end_day int If the maintenance_type chosen is Weekly.
The day on which the maintenance must end.
maintenance_notify_pref array Notify to subscriber preference.
mnp_1 boolean True to notify email subscribers now.
mnp_11 boolean True to notify email subscribers when maintenance starts.
mnp_21 boolean True to notify email subscribers when maintenance ends.
mnp_31 boolean True to notify email subscribers 1 hour before the maintenance starts.
mnp_41 boolean True to notify email subscribers 24 hours before the maintenance starts.
mnp_2 boolean True to notify SMS subscribers now.
mnp_12 boolean True to notify SMS subscribers when maintenance starts.
mnp_22 boolean True to notify SMS subscribers when maintenance ends.
mnp_32 boolean True to notify SMS subscribers 1 hour before the maintenance starts.
mnp_42 boolean True to notify SMS subscribers 24 hours before the maintenance starts.
maintenance_notify_custom_pref array Notify subscribers before ‘n’ days.
mncp_[10001-10005] int notifies email subscribers before ‘n’ days.
mncp_[10011-10015] int notifies SMS subscribers before ‘n’ days.
timezone string Timezone for in which maintenance will be scheduled.
is_site24x7_maintenance boolean True if maintenance is pushed from Site24x7 monitoring.
maintenance_status char used to identify maintenance status .
maintenance_affected_components array List of affected components associated to this maintenance.
component_id string Component Id associated to this maintenance.
display_name string Display name of the component.
is_site24x7_component boolean To identify if the component is Site24x7 automated.
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.

List of all Maintenances

GET /statuspages/123412341234123412/maintenance

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412maintenance \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": [
        "maintenance_title":"statck Local",
        "maintenance_desc": "The IT stack will be under maintenance during this period",
        "maintenance_will_begin_at": "2019-08-08T18:21:00+0530",
        "maintenance_will_end_at": "2019-08-08T19:21:00+0530",
        "maintenance_freq_id": 3,
            "end_date": "2019-08-08", 
            "start_time": "18:21",
            "end_time": "19:21"
        "timezone": "Asia/Kolkata",
                "component_id": "123412341234123413",
                "display_name": "Zylker Resource",
                "is_site24x7_component": false,
                "statuspage_id": "123412341234123412"
                "component_id": "123412341234123415",
                "display_name": "Zylker Url",
                "is_site24x7_component": false,
                "statuspage_id": "123412341234123412"

List of all Scheduled Maintenance.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Operations.Read

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
maintenance_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
maintenance_title string Title for the maintenance.
maintenance_desc string Description of maintenance.
maintenance_freq_id int Configuration for Once/Daily/Weekly/Monthly only maintenance.
start_date string If the maintenance_type chosen is Once
Maintenance start date.
Format - yyyy-MM-dd
start_time string Maintenance start time.
Format - HH:mm
end_date string If the maintenance_type chosen is Once.
Maintenance end date.
Format - yyyy-MM-dd
end_time string Maintenance end time.
Format - HH:mm
monthly_start_date int If the maintenance_type chosen is Monthly - By Date.
Date on which the maintenance must recur.
start_week int If the maintenance_type chosen is Monthly - By Day.
The week of the month on which the maintenance must recur.
duration int If the maintenance_type chosen is Monthly - By Date or Monthly - By Day.
The maximum maintenance duration should be less than 1440 minutes.
Format - in minutes
start_day int If the maintenance_type chosen is Weekly or Monthly - By Day.
The day on which the maintenance must recur.
end_day int If the maintenance_type chosen is Weekly.
The day on which the maintenance must end.
maintenance_notify_pref array Notify to subscriber preference.
mnp_1 boolean True to notify email subscribers now.
mnp_11 boolean True to notify email subscribers when maintenance starts.
mnp_21 boolean True to notify email subscribers when maintenance ends.
mnp_31 boolean True to notify email subscribers 1 hour before the maintenance starts.
mnp_41 boolean True to notify email subscribers 24 hours before the maintenance starts.
mnp_2 boolean True to notify SMS subscribers now.
mnp_12 boolean True to notify SMS subscribers when maintenance starts.
mnp_22 boolean True to notify SMS subscribers when maintenance ends.
mnp_32 boolean True to notify SMS subscribers 1 hour before the maintenance starts.
mnp_42 boolean True to notify SMS subscribers 24 hours before the maintenance starts.
maintenance_notify_custom_pref array Notify subscribers before ‘n’ days.
mncp_[10001-10005] int notifies email subscribers before ‘n’ days.
mncp_[10011-10015] int notifies SMS subscribers before ‘n’ days.
timezone string Timezone for in which maintenance will be scheduled.
is_site24x7_maintenance boolean True if maintenance is pushed from Site24x7 monitoring.
maintenance_status char used to identify maintenance status .
maintenance_affected_components array List of affected components associated to this maintenance.
component_id string Component Id associated to this maintenance.
display_name string Display name of the component.
is_site24x7_component boolean To identify if the component is Site24x7 automated.
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.

Update Site24x7 Maintenance Notifications

PUT /statuspages/123412341234123412/site24x7_maintenance_notification/{maintenance_id}

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/site24x7_maintenance_notification/1234123412344444 \
    -X PUT \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f" \
    -d '{

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": {
        "maintenance_title":"statck Local",
        "maintenance_desc": "The IT stack will be under maintenance during this period",
        "maintenance_will_begin_at": "2019-08-08T18:21:00+0530",
        "maintenance_will_end_at": "2019-08-08T19:21:00+0530",
        "maintenance_freq_id": 3,
            "end_date": "2019-08-08", 
            "start_time": "18:21",
            "end_time": "19:21"
        "timezone": "Asia/Kolkata",
                "component_id": "123412341234123413",
                "display_name": "Zylker Resource",
                "is_site24x7_component": false,
                "statuspage_id": "123412341234123412"
                "component_id": "123412341234123415",
                "display_name": "Zylker Url",
                "is_site24x7_component": false,
                "statuspage_id": "123412341234123412"

Update an existing Scheduled Maintenance.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Operations.Update

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
maintenance_id string Mandatory
Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.

Request Parameters

Param Type Description
maintenance_notify_pref array Notify to subbscriber preferance
mnp_1 boolean True to notify email subscribers now
mnp_11 boolean True to notify email subscribers when maintenance starts
mnp_21 boolean True to notify email subscribers when maintenance ends
mnp_31 boolean True to notify email subscribers 1 hour before the maintenance starts
mnp_41 boolean True to notify email subscribers 24 hours before the maintenance starts
mnp_2 boolean True to notify SMS subscribers now
mnp_12 boolean True to notify SMS subscribers when maintenance starts
mnp_22 boolean True to notify SMS subscribers when maintenance ends
mnp_32 boolean True to notify SMS subscribers 1 hour before the maintenance starts
mnp_42 boolean True to notify SMS subscribers 24 hours before the maintenance starts
maintenance_notify_custom_pref array Notify subscribers before ‘n’ days.
mncp_[10001-10005] int notifies email subscribers before ‘n’ days.
mncp_[10011-10015] int notifies SMS subscribers before ‘n’ days.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
maintenance_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
maintenance_title string Title for the maintenance.
maintenance_desc string Description of maintenance.
maintenance_freq_id int Configuration for Once/Daily/Weekly/Monthly only maintenance.
start_date string If the maintenance_type chosen is Once
Maintenance start date.
Format - yyyy-MM-dd.
start_time string Maintenance start time.
Format - hh:mm.
end_date string If the maintenance_type chosen is Once.
Maintenance end date.
Format - yyyy-MM-dd.
end_time string Maintenance end time.
Format - hh:mm.
monthly_start_date int If the maintenance_type chosen is Monthly - By Date.
Date on which the maintenance must recur.
start_week int If the maintenance_type chosen is Monthly - By Day.
The week of the month on which the maintenance must recur.
duration int If the maintenance_type chosen is Monthly - By Date or Monthly - By Day.
The maximum maintenance duration should be less than 1440 minutes.
Format - in minutes.
start_day int If the maintenance_type chosen is Weekly or Monthly - By Day.
The day on which the maintenance must recur.
end_day int If the maintenance_type chosen is Weekly.
The day on which the maintenance must end.
maintenance_notify_pref array Notify to subbscriber preferance.
mnp_1 boolean True to notify email subscribers now.
mnp_11 boolean True to notify email subscribers when maintenance starts.
mnp_21 boolean True to notify email subscribers when maintenance ends.
mnp_31 boolean True to notify email subscribers 1 hour before the maintenance starts.
mnp_41 boolean True to notify email subscribers 24 hours before the maintenance starts.
mnp_2 boolean True to notify SMS subscribers now.
mnp_12 boolean True to notify SMS subscribers when maintenance starts.
mnp_22 boolean True to notify SMS subscribers when maintenance ends.
mnp_32 boolean True to notify SMS subscribers 1 hour before the maintenance starts.
mnp_42 boolean True to notify SMS subscribers 24 hours before the maintenance starts.
maintenance_notify_custom_pref array Notify subscribers before ‘n’ days.
mncp_[10001-10005] int notifies email subscribers before ‘n’ days.
mncp_[10011-10015] int notifies SMS subscribers before ‘n’ days.
timezone string Timezone for in which maintenance will be scheduled.
is_site24x7_maintenance boolean True if maintenance is pushed from Site24x7 monitoring.
maintenance_status char used to identify maintenance status .
maintenance_affected_components array List of affected components associated to this maintenance.
component_id string Component Id associated to this maintenance.
display_name string Display name of the component.
is_site24x7_component boolean To identify if the component is Site24x7 automated.
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.

Email Subscribers

StatusIQ allow your customers to subscribe to the your status page and receive Email notifications for incidents and maintenances.

Create Email Subscriber

POST /subscribers/email

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/subscribers/email \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f" \
    -d '{
      "subscriber_name": "P.Boyle",
      "email_id": "p.boyle@zylker.com",
      "subscribe_statuspage_info":  {

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": {
    "subscriber_name": "P.Boyle",
    "email_id": "p.boyle@zylker.com",
    "subscribe_statuspage_info":  {
            DCLfaeHudYarZ_-6HStY9A69w= :{
                enc_statuspage_id :"DCLfaeHudYarZ_-6HStY9A69w=",
                statuspage_display_name :"Zylker Status",

    email_id_verify_status: 0,
    enc_subscriber_id: "dQittZnIWHAVigCcvnQFIeKdThsFGYaVJuaDPFw0xY=",
    subscribed_on: "2020-02-02T10:49:37+0000",
    notification_preference: 0

Email Subscriber

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Create

Request Parameters

Param Type Description
subscriber_name string Mandatory
Subscriber name.
email_id string Mandatory
Subscriber email.
subscribe_statuspage_info jsonObject Contains encrypted status page id.
enc_statuspage_id string Encrypted status page unique ID.
notification_preference int Mandatory
Notification preference
language string Language for subscriber email
timezone string Timezone for subscriber email

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
subscriber_name string Subscriber name.
email_id string Subscriber email.
subscribe_statuspage_info jsonObject Contains subcriber info and encrypted status page id.
enc_statuspage_id string Encrypted status page unique ID.
subscribe_statuspages_info_map jsonArary Contains details of status page.
enc_statuspage_id string Encrypted status page unique ID.
statuspage_display_name string Public name of your status page.
email_id_verify_status int Email Address is verified by subscribers or not
enc_subscriber_id string Encrypted Subscriber unique ID.
subscribed_on string Subscribed date details.
notification_preference int Notification preference opted by the subscriber

List of Email subscribers

GET /statuspages/123412341234123412/subscribers?type=1

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/subscribers?type=1  \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": {
      "enc_statuspage_id" : "DCLfaeHudYarZ_-6HStY9A69w=",
      "subscribers_list" : [
            "subscriber_name": "P.Boyle",
            "email_id": "p.boyle@zylker.com",
            "mobile_verify_status": 0,
            "enc_subscriber_id": "dQittZnIWHAVigCcvnQFIeKdThsFGYaVJuaDPFw0xY=",
            "subscribed_on" : "2020-02-02T10:49:37+0000",

List of all Email Subscribers

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Read

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
subscriber_name string Subscriber name.
email_id string Subscriber email.
enc_statuspage_id string Encrypted status page unique ID.
enc_statuspage_id string Encrypted status page unique ID.
statuspage_display_name string Public name of your status page.
enc_subscriber_id string Encrypted Subscriber unique ID.
subscribed_on string Subscribed date details.
notification_preference int Notification preference opted by the subscriber

SMS Subscribers

StatusIQ allow your customers to subscribe to the your status page and receive SMS notifications for incidents and maintenance.

Create SMS Subscriber

POST /subscribers/sms

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/subscribers/sms \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f" \
    -d '{
      "subscriber_name": "P.Boyle",
      "country_code": "91",
      "mobile_number": "01234567889"
      "subscribe_statuspage_info":  {

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": {
    "subscriber_name": "P.Boyle",
    "country_code": "91",
    "mobile_number": "01234567889"
    "subscribe_statuspage_info":  {
            DCLfaeHudYarZ_-6HSsZYWD_Wwa_9w= :{
                enc_statuspage_id :"DCLfaeHudYarZ_-6HSsZYWD_Wwa_9w=",
                statuspage_display_name :"Zylker Status"
    mobile_verify_status: 0,
    enc_subscriber_id: "dQittZnIWHAVigCcvnQFIeKdThsFGYaVJuaDPFw0xY=",
    subscribed_on: "2020-02-02T10:49:37+0000"

SMS Subscriber

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Create

Request Parameters

Param Type Description
subscriber_name string Mandatory
Subscriber name.
country_code string Mandatory
Subscriber country code
mobile_number int Mandatory
Subscriber mobile number.
subscribe_statuspage_info json Contains arrays of components to subsriber and encrypted status page id.
enc_statuspage_id string Encrypted status page unique ID.
notification_preference int Mandatory
Notification preference

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
subscriber_name string Mandatory
Subscriber name.
country_code string Mandatory
Subscriber country code.
mobile_number int Mandatory
Subscriber mobile number.
subscribe_statuspage_info json Contains subsriber details and encrypted statuspage id.
enc_statuspage_id string Encrypted status page unique ID.
statuspage_display_name string Public name of the status page.
subscribe_statuspages_info_map jsonArary Contains details of status page.
enc_statuspage_id string Encrypted status page unique ID.
mobile_verify_status int Email Address is verified by subscribers or not
enc_subscriber_id string Encrypted Subscriber unique ID.
subscribed_on string Subscribed date details
notification_preference int Notification preference opted by the subscriber

List of SMS subscribers

GET /statuspages/123412341234123412/subscribers?type=2

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/subscribers?type=2  \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": {
      "enc_statuspage_id" : "DCLfaeHudYarZ_-6HSsZYWD_Wwa_9w=",
      "subscribers_list" : [
            "subscriber_name": "P.Boyle",
            "country_code": "91",
            "mobile_number": "01234567889",
            "mobile_verify_status": 0,
            "enc_subscriber_id": "dQittZnIWHAVigCcvnQFIeKdThsFGYaVJuaDPFw0xY=",
            "subscribed_on" : "2020-02-02T10:49:37+0000",

List of all SMS subscribers

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Read

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
subscriber_name string Mandatory
Subscriber name.
country_code string Mandatory
Subscriber country code.
mobile_number int Mandatory
Subscriber mobile number
enc_statuspage_id string Encrypted status page unique ID.
statuspage_display_name string Public name of your status page.
enc_subscriber_id string Encrypted Subscriber unique ID.
subscribed_on string Subscribed date details.
notification_preference int Notification preference opted by the subscriber


Get details about your subscription plan and add-on details


Get the complete overview of your subscription plan. Retrieve details like pack name, monitor count, add-on count, alert credits, billing details, and more. To learn more about features supported, see plans supported..

GET /subscriptions

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/api/subscriptions \
    -X GET \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f"

Response Example

  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": {
        "plan_name":"Green Plan",
    "billing_details": {
      "next_payment_date": "2018-01-01T19:00:00-1100",
      "payment_type": "Purchase Order"

Retrieve details about your subscription plan.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Account.Read

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
plan_name string Current subscription plan name.
addons json Contains the addons details including additional units of statuspages, subscribers, and sms credits purchase and usage details.
billing_details json Contains the billing details, including next payment date and payment type.


Get the add-ons count and usage of all statuspages.

GET /subscriptions/statuspages_license

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/api/subscriptions/statuspages_license \
    -X GET \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f"

Response Example

  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": {
        addon_subscribers_count: 250,
        sms_count: 0
        status: 1,
        statuspage_addon: true,
        statuspage_display_name: "Zylker Status",
        statuspage_id: "123412341234123412",
        subscriber_addon: 0,
        subscriber_addon_usage: 2044

Retrieve subscription and add on details of all status pages

oauthscope : StatusPages.Account.Read

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
license_list json Contains the addon and status page status
addon_subscribers_count int Number of subscriber add-ons applied to a page.
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
statuspage_display_name string Public name of your status page.
subscriber_addon int Number of subscriber add-ons included
subscriber_addon_usage int Number of subscribers added in the page.
sms_count int SMS credits left in the page.

Security & Privacy

You can customize your status pages to suit your convenience.

IP Restriction
Password Protection
Search Engine Indexing
Cookie Consent

IP Restriction

Whitelist a range of trusted IP address to restrict to status page to those IP addresses alone.

Update IP Restriction

PUT /statuspages/{statuspage_id}/security/ip_ranges

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/security/ip_ranges \
    -X PUT \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f" \
    -d '{
        "allowed_ip_ranges": [
            {"from" :"","to":""},
            {"from" :"","to":""},
            {"from" :"","to":""},
            {"from" :"","to":""},
            {"from" :"","to":""}

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data":  {
            {"from" :"","to":""},
            {"from" :"","to":""},
            {"from" :"","to":""},
            {"from" :"","to":""},
            {"from" :"","to":""}

Update the IP Restriction.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Update

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.

Request Parameters

Param Type Description
allowed_ip_ranges JSONArray Array of IP range.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
allowed_ip_ranges JSONArray Array of IP range.

Delete IP Restriction

DELETE /statuspages/{statuspage_id}/security/ip_ranges

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/{statuspage_id}/security/ip_ranges \
    -X DELETE \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "code": 0,
    "message": "success"

Delete an existing IP Range

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Delete

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.

Password Protection

Protect your status page with a password to restrict it to a select audience

Update Password

PUT /statuspages/{statuspage_id}/security/page_password

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/security/page_password \
    -X PUT \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f" \
    -d '{

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data":  {
        "page_password" : "3fe2462ffee2b22sdsdsdnjssskjbbfef46a0f0e8db27"

Update the Password

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Update

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.

Request Parameters

Param Type Description
page_password string MandatoryPassword to the page
confirm_password string MandatoryTo reconfirm password to the page
current_password string To update new password to a page, current password is given to validate

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
page_password EncryptedId Encrypted password

Delete Page Password

DELETE /statuspages/{statuspage_id}/security/page_password

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/{statuspage_id}/security/page_password \
    -X DELETE \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "code": 0,
    "message": "success"

Delete Page Password

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Delete

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.

Search Engine Indexing

Allow or prohibit search engines from indexing your public status page.

Update Search Engine Indexing

PUT /statuspages/{statuspage_id}/security/search_engine_crawling

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/security/search_engine_crawling \
    -X PUT \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f" \
    -d '{
        "disable_search_engine_indexing": true

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data":  {
        "disable_search_engine_indexing": true

Update the Search Engine Indexing

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Update

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.

Request Parameters

Param Type Description
disable_search_engine_indexing Boolean True to prevent this from being shown in the search engine results.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
disable_search_engine_indexing Boolean True to prevent this from being shown in the search engine results.

Show cookie consent banner for users visiting your status page

PUT /statuspages/{statuspage_id}/cookie_consent

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/cookie_consent \
    -X PUT \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f" \
    -d '{

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data":  {

Update Cookie Consent

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Update

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.

Request Parameters

Param Type Description
cookie_consent JSONObject Contains cookie consent related details
show_cookie_banner boolean True to cookie consent
privacy_policy_url string If custom domain cname and domain path verfied, user can link their own privacy url else statusIQ default URL will be shown.
cookie_policy_url string If custom domain cname and domain path verfied, user can link their own cookie url else statusIQ default URL will be shown.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
cookie_consent JSONObject Contains cookie consent related details
show_cookie_banner boolean True to cookie consent
privacy_policy_url string If custom domain cname and domain path verfied, user can link their own privacy url else statusIQ default URL will be shown.
cookie_policy_url string If custom domain cname and domain path verfied, user can link their own cookie url else statusIQ default URL will be shown.


Get the complete overview of your subscription plan. Retrieve details like pack name, monitor count, add-on count, alert credits, billing details, and more. To learn more about what resources fall under basic and advanced monitors, see monitor type categorization.

Get Licensing details of a status page

GET /statuspages/123412341234123412/license

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/license \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": {

Retrieve the license details of the status page.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Read

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server for Status Page. This can be used as an identifier.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
pack_details json Contains pack details including statuspage addon, subscriber addon and total sms count left.
statuspage_id boolean Set to true to initiate SMS credits purchase whenever the SMS credit count drops to less than twice the count of the SMS Subscribers.
statuspage_display_name string Public name of your status page.
subscriber_count_prop json Contains subscriber details including subscriber addon, addon subscribers count, package subscribers count
subscriber_usage_prop json Contains count details of email and SMS subscribers.

Update a Licensing Details

PUT /statuspages/123412341234123412/license

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/statuspages/123412341234123412/license \
    -X PUT \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f" \
    -d '{

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": {

Update the configuration of an existing Component.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Update

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
statuspage_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.

Request Parameters

Param Type Description
subscriber_addon int Number of subscriber addon assigned for this page.
statuspage_addon int Number of statuspage addon assigned for this page.
sms_count int SMS assigned for this page.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
pack_details json Contains pack details including statuspage addon, subscriber addon and total sms count left.
statuspage_id boolean Set to true to initiate SMS credits purchase whenever the SMS credit count drops to less than twice the count of the SMS Subscribers.
statuspage_display_name string Public name of your status page.
subscriber_count_prop json Contains subscriber details including subscriber addon, addon subscribers count, package subscribers count
subscriber_usage_prop json Contains count details of email and SMS subscribers.


Setup other users who can login to StatusIQ/

Create new user

POST /users

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/users \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f" \
    -d '{
            "display_name":"user name",

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": {
    "image_present": false,
    "email_address": "example@abc.com",
    "is_account_contact": false,
    "is_contact": false,
     "email_format": 0,
    "user_groups": [
    "is_invited": false,
    "im_settings": {},
    "notify_medium": [
    "is_edit_allowed": true,
    "display_name": "user name",
    "user_id": "113770000041267039",
    "mobile_settings": {
      "country_code": "1",
      "sms_provider_id": 1,
      "mobile_number": "3547658910",
      "call_provider_id": 0
    "user_role": 21,
    "zuid" : "65478659"

Create a new user.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Account.Create

Request Parameters

Param Type Description
display_name string Mandatory
Name of the User.
email_address string Mandatory
Email address of the user.
user_role string Mandatory
Role of the user for accessing StatusIQ.
Role will be updated only after the user accepts the invitation
notify_medium array Mandatory
Notify medium to receive alerts.
mobile_settings json Phone number configurations to receive alerts.
JSON Format: {country_code: $country_code, mobile_number: $mobile_number, sms_provider_id: $sms_providers, call_provider_id: $voice_call_provider}
user_groups array Group to be associated for the user for receiving alerts.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
display_name string Name of the User.
email_address string Email address of the user.
user_role string Role of the user for accessing StatusIQ.
Role will be updated only after the user accepts the invitation
notify_medium array Notify medium to receive alerts.
mobile_settings json Phone number configurations to receive alerts.
JSON Format: {country_code: $country_code, mobile_number: $mobile_number, sms_provider_id: $sms_providers, call_provider_id: $voice_call_provider}
user_groups array Group to be associated for the user for receiving alerts.
zuid String Unique ID of the user.

Retrieve User

GET /users/{user_id}

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/users/152798000075330005 \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": {
    "image_present": false,
    "twitter_settings": {},
    "selection_type": 0,
    "email_address": "example@abc.com",
    "is_account_contact": false,
    "is_contact": false,
    "user_groups": [
    "is_invited": false,
    "notify_medium": [
    "is_edit_allowed": true,
    "display_name": "user name",
    "user_id": "113770000041267039",
    "mobile_settings": {
      "country_code": "1",
      "sms_provider_id": 1,
      "mobile_number": "3547658910",
      "call_provider_id": 0
    "user_role": 1,
    "zuid" : "65478659"

Retrieve information for an existing user.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Account.Read

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
user_id string Mandatory
Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
display_name string Name of the User.
email_address string Email address of the user.
user_role string Role of the user for accessing StatusIQ.
Role will be updated only after the user accepts the invitation
notify_medium array Notify medium to receive alerts.
mobile_settings json Phone number configurations to receive alerts.
JSON Format: {country_code: $country_code, mobile_number: $mobile_number, sms_provider_id: $sms_providers, call_provider_id: $voice_call_provider}
user_groups array Group to be associated for the user for receiving alerts.
zuid String Unique ID of the user.

Update User

PUT /users/{user_id}

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/users/113770000041267039 \
    -X PUT \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f" \
    -d '{
            "display_name":"user name",

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": {
    "image_present": false,
    "email_address": "example@abc.com",
    "is_account_contact": false,
    "is_contact": false,
    "user_groups": [
    "is_invited": false,
    "notify_medium": [
    "is_edit_allowed": true,
    "display_name": "user name",
    "user_id": "113770000041267039",
    "mobile_settings": {
      "country_code": "1",
      "sms_provider_id": 1,
      "mobile_number": "3547658910",
      "call_provider_id": 0
    "user_role": 1,
    "zuid" : "65478659"

Update an existing User.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Account.Update

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
user_id string Mandatory
Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.

Request Parameters

Param Type Description
display_name string Mandatory
Name of the User.
email_address string Mandatory
Email address of the user.
user_role string Mandatory
Role of the user for accessing StatusIQ.
Role will be updated only after the user accepts the invitation
notify_medium array Mandatory
Notify medium to receive alerts.
mobile_settings json Phone number configurations to receive alerts.
JSON Format: {country_code: $country_code, mobile_number: $mobile_number, sms_provider_id: $sms_providers, call_provider_id: $voice_call_provider}
user_groups array Group to be associated for the user for receiving alerts.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
user_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
display_name string Name of the User.
email_address string Email address of the user.
user_role string Role of the user for accessing StatusIQ.
Role will be updated only after the user accepts the invitation
notify_medium array Notify medium to receive alerts.
mobile_settings json Phone number configurations to receive alerts.
JSON Format: {country_code: $country_code, mobile_number: $mobile_number, sms_provider_id: $sms_providers, call_provider_id: $voice_call_provider}
user_groups array Group to be associated for the user for receiving alerts.
zuid String Unique ID of the user.

Delete User

DELETE /users/{user_id}

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/users/113770000041267039 \
    -X DELETE \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "code": 0,
    "message": "success"
    "resource_name":"user name"

Delete an existing User.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Account.Delete

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
user_id string Mandatory
Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.

List of all Users

GET /users

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/users \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": [{
    "image_present": false,
    "email_address": "example@abc.com",
    "is_account_contact": false,
    "is_contact": false,
    "user_groups": [
    "is_invited": false,
    "im_settings": {},
    "notify_medium": [
    "is_edit_allowed": true,
    "display_name": "user name",
    "user_id": "113770000041267039",
    "mobile_settings": {
      "country_code": "1",
      "sms_provider_id": 1,
      "mobile_number": "3547658910",
      "call_provider_id": 0
    "user_role": 1,
    "zuid" : "65478659"

List of all Users.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Account.Read

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
user_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
display_name string Name of the User.
email_address string Email address of the user.
user_role string Role of the user for accessing StatusIQ.
Role will be updated only after the user accepts the invitation
notify_medium array Notify medium to receive alerts.
mobile_settings json Phone number configurations to receive alerts.
JSON Format: {country_code: $country_code, mobile_number: $mobile_number, sms_provider_id: $sms_providers, call_provider_id: $voice_call_provider}
user_groups array Group to be associated for the user for receiving alerts.
zuid String Unique ID of the user.

User Groups

User Groups help you to organize individuals based on their responsibility.

Create User Group

POST /user_groups

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/user_groups \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f" \
    -d '{
      "display_name": "Manager",
      "users": [

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": {
    "user_group_id": "113770000041195204",
    "display_name": "Manager",
    "is_master_group": false,
    "users": [

Create a new User Group.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Create

Request Parameters

Param Type Description
display_name string Mandatory
Display name for the user group.
users array Mandatory
User IDs of the users to be associated to the group.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
user_group_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
display_name string Display name for the user group.
users array User IDs of the users associated with the group.

Retrieve User Group

GET /user_groups/{user_group_id}

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/user_groups/113770000041195204 \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": {
    "user_group_id": "113770000041195204",
    "display_name": "Manager",
    "is_master_group": false,
    "users": [

Retrieve information for an existing user group.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Read

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
user_group_id string Mandatory
Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
user_group_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
display_name string Display name for the user group.
users array User IDs of the users associated with the group.

Update User Group

PUT /user_groups/{user_group_id}

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/user_groups/113770000041195204 \
    -X PUT \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f" \
    -d '{
      "display_name": "Manager",
      "users": [

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "code": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "data": {
    "user_group_id": "113770000041195204",
    "display_name": "Manager",
    "is_master_group": false,
    "users": [

Update an existing User Group.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Update

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
user_group_id string Mandatory
Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.

Request Attributes

Attribute Type Description
display_name string Mandatory
Display name for the user group.
users array Mandatory
User IDs of the users associated with the group.

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
user_group_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
display_name string Display name for the user group.
users array User IDs of the users associated with the group.

Delete User Group

DELETE /user_groups/{user_group_id}

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/user_groups/113770000041195204 \
    -X DELETE \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f" \

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "code": 0,
    "message": "success"

Delete an existing User Group.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Delete

Path Parameters

Param Type Description
user_group_id string Mandatory
Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.

List of all User Groups

GET /user_groups

Request Example

$ curl https://www.site24x7.com/sp/api/user_groups \
    -H "Accept: application/json; version=2.0" \
    -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9f2cfbd1b7a8f9e314b7aff7ab2d1.8fcc9810810a216793f385b9dd6e125f" \

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "code": 0,
    "message": "success",
      "user_group_id": "726000000002465",
      "display_name": "Manager",
      "users": [

List of all User Groups.

oauthscope : StatusPages.Admin.Read

Response Attributes

Attribute Type Description
user_group_id string Unique ID generated by the server. This can be used as an identifier.
display_name string Display name for the user group.
users array User IDs of the users associated with the group.