SysAdmin Day

From tapes to discs, through drives to cloud, change has been the only constant in the IT industry. Oh wait, we have one more! We have another constant, our SysAdmins, who have been IT sentinels since humans began sitting down and staring at computer screens.

We know it is not easy being a SysAdmin, and we appreciate that you are there for us. Today, we thank our SysAdmins, our very own IT warriors who fight our collective IT battles to keep our systems running.


Play and win!

It's time to have a little fun, with some tech terms thrown in. Here's interesting and fun games on tech themes. Participation itself is winning, but there are exciting prizes too! Dive in!

Join the buzz!

Tag us at #SysAdminDay and share your experiences about your hero sysadmins—or about being one! Share your insights with us! Include quips, memes, and positive thoughts.


The quiz has 10 tech-related questions. You will be shown your total score at the end of the quiz.
To enter the contest, share your total score on Twitter with the hashtag #SysAdminDay and a mention of @Site24x7.
The participants with the highest score will stand a chance to win a $50 gift card.

Your score


What next?
Share this on twitter tagging us (@Site24x7) with the hashtag '#SysAdminDay' to stand a chance to win a $50 gift voucher. You can also share Quiz with your peers and everyone else, and encourage them to play.
Question 1/10
API (Application Programming Interface)
Command Line Interface (CLI)
System Reboot
Patch Management
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