The CSS box model is how the browser calculates the size of elements on a page. The `box-sizing` property decides whether the width and height include padding and borders. `content-box` only includes the content itself. `border-box` includes content, padding, and borders in the width and height.
.container { box-sizing: border-box; /* This makes the width and height include padding and borders */ }
When you set `box-sizing` to `border-box`, the width and height you set will include padding and borders.
#box-example { box-sizing: border-box; /* Width and height include padding and borders */ }
Sometimes, vertical margins of adjacent blocks merge into one larger margin instead of adding up.
/* If both margins are 20px and 30px, the result is 30px due to margin collapse */ .block-one { margin: 20px; } .block-two { margin: 30px; }
Setting `margin: auto` horizontally centers an element within its container. The remaining space is evenly split between the left and right margins.
/* Centers the element horizontally within its container */ div { margin: auto; }
The `overflow` property determines how to handle content that is too large for its container. Setting `overflow: scroll` adds scrollbars if needed.
.small-block { overflow: scroll; }
The `max-width` property sets the maximum width an element can be, regardless of the `width` property value. This ensures the element doesn’t exceed a certain size.
/* Limits the width to 200px, even if `width` is set to 500px */ .column { max-width: 200px; width: 500px; }
The `visibility` property controls whether an element is visible or hidden. Setting it to `hidden` will make the element invisible but still take up space.
.invisible-elements { visibility: hidden; }
The `z-index` property controls how far forward or backward an element appears when it overlaps other elements. Higher values appear on top.
/* `element1` will be on top of `element2` */ .element1 { position: absolute; z-index: 1; } .element2 { position: absolute; z-index: -1; }
Setting `position: fixed` keeps an element in the same place on the screen, even when scrolling. This is useful for navigation bars that stay in view.
#navbar { position: fixed; }
The `display` property determines how an element is rendered. Common values include `block` (takes up full width and starts on a new line), `inline` (takes up only as much width as necessary), and `inline-block` (combines `inline` and `block` characteristics).
.container1 { display: block; } .container2 { display: inline; } .container3 { display: inline-block; }
Setting `position: absolute` removes the element from the normal document flow and positions it relative to its nearest positioned ancestor.
.element { position: absolute; }
Setting `position: relative` positions an element relative to its normal position, allowing for adjustments using `top`, `right`, `bottom`, or `left` properties.
.element { position: relative; }
The `float` property positions an element to the left or right, allowing text and inline elements to wrap around it.
/* Floats the content to the left */ .left { float: left; } /* Floats the content to the right */ .right { float: right; }
The `clear` property controls the behavior of elements next to floated elements. It can prevent floating elements from affecting layout.
/* Clears any floats on the left side */ .element { clear: left; } /* Clears any floats on the right side */ .element { clear: right; } /* Clears any floats on both sides */ .element { clear: both; } /* Allows floats on both sides */ .element { clear: none; }
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