You can quickly get values from an object by using destructuring. It's a shortcut to assign values to variables without writing multiple lines of code.
const rubiksCube = { permutations: '43,252,003,274,489,856,000', yearInvented: '1974', largestSize: '17x17x17' }; const { permutations, yearInvented, largestSize } = rubiksCube; console.log(permutations); // '43,252,003,274,489,856,000' console.log(yearInvented); // '1974' console.log(largestSize); // '17x17x17'
When you create an object, if the property name is the same as a variable, you can use a shorter way to write it.
const activity = 'Surfing'; const beach = { activity }; console.log(beach); // { activity: 'Surfing' }
'This' refers to the object where a method belongs. It lets you access that object's properties inside the method.
const cat = { name: 'Pipey', age: 8, getName() { return; } }; console.log(cat.getName()); // 'Pipey'
In JavaScript, 'this' refers to the object that is calling the function. It allows you to work with that object's properties.
const restaurant = { customers: 45, seats: 100, getAvailableSeats() { return this.seats - this.customers; } }; console.log(restaurant.getAvailableSeats()); // 55
Arrow functions don’t have their own 'this'. They use 'this' from the surrounding context, which can cause unexpected results.
const myObj = { data: 'abc', arrowFunc: () => { console.log(; }, regularFunc() { console.log(; } }; myObj.arrowFunc(); // undefined myObj.regularFunc(); // 'abc'
Getters and setters are special methods to get or set the value of an object’s property. They help you control access to the properties.
const myCat = { _name: 'Snickers', get name() { return this._name; }, set name(newName) { if (typeof newName === 'string' && newName.length > 0) { this._name = newName; } else { console.log('ERROR: name must be a non-empty string'); } } }; = 'Whiskers'; console.log(; // 'Whiskers'
Factory functions are regular functions that create and return objects. They're useful for making multiple similar objects without repeating code.
const createDog = (name, age, breed) => { return { name, age, breed, bark() { console.log('Woof!'); } }; }; const myDog = createDog('Buddy', 3, 'Golden Retriever'); myDog.bark(); // 'Woof!'
Getters and setters can be used to control how properties are accessed or modified, ensuring that only valid data is accepted.
const myCat = { _name: 'Dottie', get name() { return this._name; }, set name(newName) { this._name = newName; } }; console.log(; // 'Dottie' = 'Yankee'; console.log(; // 'Yankee'
Property names in JavaScript have certain rules. Names with spaces or special characters need to be inside quotes.
const schedule = { 'platform number': 10, // Quotes are needed for spaces. '40-10+2': 30 // Quotes are needed for special characters. }; console.log(schedule['platform number']); // 10
Dot notation is an easy way to access properties in an object when the property name doesn’t have spaces or special characters.
const apple = { color: 'Green', price: { bulk: '$3/kg', smallQty: '$4/kg' } }; console.log(apple.color); // 'Green' console.log(apple.price.bulk); // '$3/kg'
If you try to access a property that doesn’t exist, JavaScript will return 'undefined'. You can avoid errors by checking if the property exists.
const student = { name: 'Sheldon', score: 100, grade: 'A' }; console.log(student.age); // undefined
In JavaScript, you can change objects after you create them by adding, modifying, or deleting properties.
let mobile = { brand: 'Samsung', model: 'Galaxy Note 9' }; mobile.brand = 'Apple'; console.log(mobile.brand); // 'Apple'
The loop lets you go through all the properties in an object, making it easy to access each one.
const classOf2018 = { students: 38, year: 2018 }; for (let key in classOf2018) { console.log(`${key}: ${classOf2018[key]}`); }
Object properties store data in an object. Sometimes, private properties are marked with an underscore to show they shouldn’t be accessed directly.
const person = { firstName: 'Matilda', age: 27, _hobby: 'knitting' }; delete person._hobby; console.log(person); // { firstName: 'Matilda', age: 27 }
The delete operator removes a property from an object. The property name must be valid and enclosed in quotes if it has special characters.
const car = { color: 'blue', model: 'Toyota' }; delete car.color; console.log(car); // { model: 'Toyota' }
You can pass objects to functions. Since objects are passed by reference, any changes made to them inside the function will affect the original object.
const car = { brand: 'Toyota', color: 'blue' }; const updateCar = (obj) => { obj.color = 'red'; }; updateCar(car); console.log(car.color); // 'red'
Methods are functions inside an object. They allow the object to perform actions related to its data.
const engine = { start() { console.log('Engine started'); } }; engine.start(); // 'Engine started'
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