Online Training
Q4 2024

Nov 19 to Dec 10

11.00 AM EST: USA, UK, Canada, Mexico and Europe

06.00 AM GMT: MiddleEast, Asia and Australia

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Incident Management | LATAM

Key Findings

Mean time to resolve (MTTR) an incident #

68% of all respondents said it takes somewhere between 1 to 8 hours to resolve incidents.

Mean time to resolve (MTTR) a failure - LATAM

Benefits of IT orchestration for customer support #

69% of respondents believe IT orchestration can lead to an increase in efficiency and productivity.

IT orchestration benefits - LATAM

Reduce supports calls during an incident #

73% of respondents announce an incident when it happens.

How do organizations reduce calls during incidents? - LATAM

Approaches for better incident management #

68% of respondents say that incidents are routed to on-call engineers using an incident management tool.

Incident management strategies - LATAM