Apache Monitoring

Gain visibility into your Apache web server performance with our ready-to-install Apache monitoring plugin integration. Our Apache monitoring tool enables you to track availability and key performance metrics so you can always stay ahead of issues and bottlenecks that affect your web server.

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Apache Monitoring Tools

What is Apache?

The Apache HTTP server (or just "Apache") is one of the world's most popular web server software. It is open-source, highly customizable, and actively managed by the Apache Software Foundation. Apache is an integral part of the Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP (LAMP) stack for web applications and allows users to deploy websites on the internet.

Monitor Apache web server performance

Get enhanced insights into the health of your Apache servers with real-time performance metrics in a single dashboard. Our Apache monitoring tool collects critical data, including CPU load, uptime, requests per second, and worker resource data, so you can identify issues like server overload and application downtime before they happen.

Visualize critical performance metrics

Ensure your customer-facing Apache services are up and running by leveraging key metrics to monitor server availability and performance.

Anticipate issues with instant alerts

Get instant notifications when values cross pre-defined threshold limits and swiftly take preventive or recovery measures.

Derive actionable insights with Apache logs

Compare and analyze incoming Apache log data and troubleshoot issues faster with an automatic Site24x7 AppLogs integration.

Create custom dashboards

Assemble data from different parts of your infrastructure with drag-and-drop widgets and build personalized dashboard views.

Get started with Site24x7's Apache monitoring tool

  • Supported Platforms:
  • Python Version:
    2.7 & above
  • Linux Agent Version:
    15.0.0 & above

Performance Metrics

Our Apache monitoring plugin collects metrics from the Apache web server using mod_status and sends it to the Site24x7 web client.

Here are the metrics you can track with the plugin:

Name Description
Requests per Second req_per_sec records the total number of HTTP requests the web server is processing per second.
Busy Workers Use the metric busy_workers to get the total number of processes actively processing an HTTP request.
Idle Workers idle_workers is the total number of idle workers/idle processes waiting for an HTTP request. If you have very few or no idle processes, it means your server is using up all the processes and new requests have to be on hold until the older requests are completed.
Uptime The metric uptime gets the total amount of time the server has been up and running.
Bytes per Second bytes_per_sec records the total amount of data the web server is transferring per second.
CPU Load Use the metric cpu_load and get the total percentage of CPU used by the web server.
Bytes per Request The average number of bytes being transferred per HTTP request is obtained using the metric bytes_per_req.
Total Accesses The total number of accesses on the server is monitored using the metric total_accessess.
Processes Processes denotes the number of async processes.
Connections Async Closing Connections Async Closing shows the number of async connections that are in the closing state.
Connections Async Keep Alive Connections Async Keep Alive displays the number of async connections that are in the keep-alive state.
Connections Async Writing Connections Async Writing denotes the number of async connections that are in the writing state.
CPU System CPU System shows the percentage of time taken by the Apache process to access the system resources.
CPU User CPU User displays the percentage of time taken by the Apache process to process the code.
Load1 Load1 shows the one-minute load average.
Load5 Load5 denotes the five-minute load average.
Load15 Load15 displays the 15-minute load average.
Total Connections Total Connections depicts the total number of connections on the Apache server.
Total kbytes Total kbytes records the total kilobytes served.
Version Version denotes the Apache server version.


Apache installer

On Linux servers, execute the command below in the terminal to run an installer that checks the prerequisites and installs the plugin.

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/site24x7/plugins/master/apache_monitoring/InstallSite24x7ApachePlugin.sh && bash InstallSite24x7ApachePlugin.sh

Note on bulk deployment: The Apache plugin supports bulk installation across multiple servers through automation using Ansible. To install the plugin using Ansible, refer to the Apache Ansible playbook.

Follow the steps below for the standard installation of the Apache plugin.


  • Download and install the Site24x7 server monitoring agent (Linux | Windows) in the network or on the specific host in which the Apache instance is running.
  • The Apache status module mod_status is enabled for the server to be available at http://localhost:80/server-status. Learn how to do this.
  • Site24x7 AppLogs is enabled to view log-related metrics.


  • Create a folder named apache_monitoring.
  • Download the apache_monitoring.py and the apache_monitoring.cfg files from our GitHub repository, and place them in the apache_monitoring folder.
    wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/site24x7/plugins/master/apache_monitoring/apache_monitoring.py && sed -i "1s|^.*|#! $(which python3)|" apache_monitoring.py
    wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/site24x7/plugins/master/apache_monitoring/apache_monitoring.cfg
  • To check if the plugin is working, execute the command below with appropriate arguments and check for a valid JSON output with applicable metrics and their corresponding value.
    python3 apache_monitoring.py --url=<apache stats url> --username=<apache username> --password=<apache password>
  • Add the applicable configurations in the apache_monitoring.cfg file.

    You can also configure Apache access logs to view the top failed requests, the URLs that take the longest to retrieve data, and more.

    url ="http://localhost:80/server-status?auto"
    password =None
    plugin_version ="1"
    heartbeat ="true"
    logs_enabled ="true"
    log_type_name ="Apache Access Logs"
    log_file_path ="/var/log/apache2/access.log"
  • Follow the steps in this article to learn how to run the Python script on a Windows server. You don't need to do this for Linux.
  • If you have virtual hosts configured and/or need to monitor the status of multiple domains using the same plugin, refer this link to configure the domains.
  • Move the apache_monitoring folder to the Site24x7 server monitoring plugins directory.

    For Linux: /opt/site24x7/monagent/plugins/

    For Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\Site24x7\WinAgent\monitoring\plugins\

The agent will automatically execute the plugin within five minutes and display performance data in Site24x7.
To view the plugin monitor and associated performance charts:
  • Log in to Site24x7.
  • Navigate to Plugins and click the required monitor.

Plugin Contribution

Feel free to contribute to our existing plugin and come up with suggestions or feedback on our Community.

  • Supported Platforms:
  • Python Version: 2.7 & above
  • Linux Agent Version:15.0.0 & above

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