Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ) monitoring

Gain insights into Microsoft Messaging Queuing (MSMQ) performance with Site24x7's ready-to-install plugin integration. Monitor key metrics to diagnose issues, optimize performance, and ensue seamless message delivery between services.

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Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ) monitoring

What is MSMQ?

Microsoft Message Queuing, or MSMQ, is message-oriented middleware by Microsoft that enables applications running on different systems to communicate in a reliable and asynchronous manner. MSMQ provides a messaging infrastructure that allows messages to be sent, stored, and retrieved from queues. It is commonly used in distributed systems, allowing applications to communicate even if they are not online or available at the same time.

Monitor the performance of your MSMQ servers

Degradation in performance of MSMQ servers can lead to loss of messages between the services within an organization. Site24x7's MSMQ monitoring plugin integration tracks critical metrics such as message count and bytes in journal, enabling you to manage and optimize the performance of your MSMQ instances.

Ensure reliable delivery of messages

Track metrics like queue size and message count to make informed decisions regarding capacity planning and resource allocation, and reduce message processing time.

Detect potential issues with instant alerting and AI-based anomaly detection

Get notified when metric values exceed predefined threshold limits or during instances of irregular monitor behavior, enabling you to take preventative or recovery measures and maintain seamless communication.

Correlate and visualize metrics that matter with personalized dashboards

Correlate metrics from different parts of your IT infrastructure by creating custom dashboards through intuitive drag-and-drop widgets.

Remediate incidents with event-driven IT automation

Implement automated workflows to trigger corrective actions when specific thresholds are exceeded, and ensure uninterrupted MQ operation and effective incident management.

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Get started with Site24x7's MSMQ monitoring tool

Performance Metrics

The following metrics are captured by the plugin integration:

Metric Name Description
Bytes in Journal The number of message bytes in the journal of the destination queue
Bytes in Queue The number of message bytes in the destination queue
Message Count The message count for the specified queue on the host computer
Machine Name The name of the host machine
Max Journal Size The maximum journal size
Max Queue Size The maximum queue size
Transactional The insight on whether the queue is transactional or not



Ensure you meet the following requirements before installing the plugin:


  • Create a folder named msmq_monitoring.
  • Download the msmq_monitoring.ps1 and the msmq_monitoring.cfg files from our GitHub repository and place them in the msmq_monitoring folder.
  • To check if the plugin is working, execute the command below with appropriate arguments and check for a valid JSON output with applicable metrics and their corresponding values.
    .\msmq_monitoring.ps1 -queueName "queuename"
  • Add the applicable configurations in the msmq_monitoring.cfg file.
  • Move the msmq_monitoring folder to the Site24x7 Windows server monitoring plugins directory.

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Site24x7\WinAgent\monitoring\plugins\

The agent will automatically execute the plugin within five minutes and display performance data in Site24x7.
To view the plugin monitor and associated performance charts:
  • Log in to Site24x7.
  • Navigate to Plugins and click the required monitor.

Plugin Contribution

Feel free to contribute to our existing plugin and come up with suggestions or feedback on our Community.

  • Supported Platforms:
  • Python Version: 2.7 & above
  • Linux Agent Version:15.0.0 & above

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