NFS Monitoring

Monitor NFS file system usage on Linux servers and analyze disk usage to stay on top of issues with our ready-to-install plugin integration.

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Network File System (NFS) is used for file sharing between Linux servers. It provides a centralized storage solution and easy access to remote files. This plugin shows the status of the configured NFS mount points in the server.


Plugin Installation

  • Create a folder named nfs.
  • Download the and the nfs.cfg files from our GitHub repository and place them in the nfs folder.
  • The plugin will automatically identify and monitor all NFS mounts present on the server.
  • To check if the plugin is working, execute the command below with appropriate arguments and check for a valid JSON output with applicable metrics and their corresponding value.
  • Move the nfs folder to the Site24x7 Linux server monitoring plugin directory: /opt/site24x7/monagent/plugins/
The agent will automatically execute the plugin within five minutes and display performance data in Site24x7
Note: To add mount points after the registration of the plugin, increase the version of the plugin in nfs.cfg file as mentioned below.
plugin_version = "2"

View Data in the Site24x7 Web Client

  1. Log in to Site24x7 and go to Server > Plugins > click on the name of the plugin monitor.
  2. You will be able to view the performance charts on the various metrics for your NFS system.

Plugin Contribution

Feel free to contribute to our existing plugin and come up with suggestions or feedback on our Community.

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