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How DevOps can stop the troubleshooting blame game with AIOps

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How DevOps can stop the troubleshooting blame game with AIOps


When presented with irrefutable data enabled by proper tooling, even seemingly unresolvable conflicts disappear. A consensus can only be reached without unsavory drama of pointing fingers, trying to evade, or absolving oneself or their teams. DevOps teams could use AIOps’ data-backed credibility to drive more clarity and context, and make better decisions unanimously, without blame games.

Modern IT is complex, spread across distributed systems and cloud deployments, connected across in a myriad ways. Often, there is no single big reason for outages, but rather, a web of multiple technologies that may not have worked together as expected.

Like the software quality metric, MTTR is a mean time to innocence (MTTI), which is the average time teams claim innocence on their sides and resort to pointing fingers at allied teams and services when things go wrong. Largely a part of organizational behavior, blame games are because of a lack of accountability, consensus, and ways of objective collaboration. With Site24x7's AI-powered IT observability, DevOps teams can eliminate MTTI, and reduce MTTR by a long way. Let us see how:

What is AIOps in IT monitoring?

DevOps is a culture of intense collaboration in IT between developers and operations to expedite production and resolve issues faster by working together. IT observability guides DevOps teams to ensure that the products are developed, delivered, and maintained to the satisfaction of end users. AIOps refers to the use of AI, ML, and data analytics in IT operations, specifically in IT observability to work smarter by automating actions, and act faster in resolving issues, often proactively.

Why DevOps needs AIOps

IT complexity has skyrocketed with the widespread adoption of hybrid cloud, container technologies, and orchestration platforms like Kubernetes and demand a real-time observability platform that can consolidate metrics, traces, and logs, and see them real-time.

Secondly, data volumes and variety has exploded too, with cloud-native technologies, microservices, containers, and components churning out huge volumes of observability data, that could easily overwhelm if not handled well.

Thirdly, software development happens swiftly, and releases are pushed out more often than before. This requires nonstop observability to ensure IT resilience, by eliminating weak links, and mistakes during updates.

Lastly, when things go wrong, a comprehensive observability solution is essential to sift through data in real-time. It also helps apply AI to aid in root cause analysis, and proactively detect anomalies to offer forecasts to stay ahead of the curve, saving IT personnel, time and effort, cutting MTTR, and meeting SLAs comfortably.

AIOps on Site24x7 helps DevOps teams expand their observability, and serves as an indispensable tool in their IT arsenal in three ways:

  • AIOps helps see your IT infrastructure in a more wholesome manner, monitor better, and avoid false positives.
  • AIOps juggles multiple data points to provide clearer RCA during troubleshooting, leading to faster recoveries.
  • AIOps enables forecasts to make proactive decisions to manage IT infrastructure more efficiently.

How DevOps can use Site24x7 to avoid the blame game in IT observability and management:

Let us assume a scenario of a performance issue occurring in a web application that leads to slow load time for users, impacting the business. While the developers say it is a server issue, the operations team points fingers at the developers and asks them to check the application code for inefficiencies. Both teams also question the cloud provider and the network components too.

On Site24x7's unified dashboard, DevOps can view the same data to arrive at a common understanding of what went wrong, to gain the first foothold in the recovery journey. Site24x7's anomalies dashboard provides a snapshot of abnormal metrics to identify drastic changes and rogue resources to investigate potential issues.

How Site24x7 AIOps helps DevOps avoid blame games in IT management

Complete digital experience monitoring with real-time insights
Site24x7 converges detailed monitoring insights from website uptime, performance, page load, resource usage, and real user metrics from across the globe and correlates with cloud performance, and network insights to gain the full picture.

Swift AI-powered troubleshooting to drill down on the root cause
Site24x7 helps you perform a comprehensive RCA by analyzing your stack, such as your server's health and performance, be it physical or virtual, track its CPU, memory, disk usage, and other parameters to track the root cause down. Mapping dependencies between individual variations in performance metrics and monitor types makes RCA simpler.

Get to the code level to unearth bottlenecks and fix performance issues
Site24x7's APM uses the power of AI and ML to monitor your web applications' performance, and track its flow through APIs, observing transaction time, errors, and resource saturation through time, helping you unearth bottlenecks, and code-level issues. Cutting across complexities helps pinpoint root causes faster.

Steer clear of false alerts, while never missing a real alert with AIOps on board
Nothing is written in stone with AIOps on Site24x7, that reviews every threshold to dynamically adjust it to changing needs. Avoiding false alerts that may result from rigid error thresholds, AIOps flags every real alert unfailingly to reflect the current state of your IT infrastructure.

Rely on AIOps that gets better with more data, to troubleshoot faster
AIOps is self-actuating, as it gets incredibly better with use, producing sharper and faster alerts that help you identify root causes better. While it gets going with minimal data, Site24x7 AIOps marks anomalies better as it learns to analyze cross-functional inputs to spot and alert on true concerns, while ignoring seasonal highs like allowable surges.

Stay ahead of the curve with AIOps forecasts
AIOps studies the patterns in parameters such as disc usage an forecasts impending points of failure as low as seven days in advance, with performance metrics forecasts available for a variety of services such as AWS. Generate anomaly reports and threshold alerts through media of your choice.

Don’t wait for manual intervention; go for automated remediation
Perform automated remediation like server restarts or scaling to eliminate human intervention, save time, and avoid blame games. AIOps helps DevOps detect real-time anomalies across their stack to detect regional variations, security attacks, or slow connections, and perform remediation actions based on AI-based dynamic.

Here are some best practices for DevOps teams to avoid the blame game, and work together to achieve business resilience:

  • Adopt a data-driven approach: When there is a conflict, leadership should avoid emotions and let the data do the talking. When people see the data together, they will act together.

  • Cut silos, enhance observability: Adopt a wholesome approach to observability and not a piecemeal, siloed aproach. Unify your tools, and switch to a comprehensive IT observability platform such as Site24x7.

  • Foster collaboration, share ownership: There is no single villain in most IT mishaps. To get to the root of where the problem has occurred, it requires the combined effort of all team members, with shared sense of ownership.

  • Automate remediation, do more with less: Use AIOps to automated remediation actions, and free your team's time to find ways to improve the processes.

  • Process over people: Make objective error handling and process-driven troubleshooting methodologies standard practice. Bad processes lead to bad behavior, and correcting your organizational processes will be fruitful.

  • Zero Trust, Zero Blame, Zero Prisoners: Adopt a zero trust policy based on data accuracy, to stop blame games, or taking prisoners while investigating issues. A stringent data security practice will automatically put an end to many instances of finger-pointing, and will drive compliance.

About Site24x7

Site24x7 is a comprehensive AI-powered observability platform that converges telemetry data, including metrics, traces, and logs, to provide actionable insights on a single platform. With centralized dashboards, flexible alerts, and detailed reports, Site24x7 helps visualize, analyze, and identify the root cause of incidents. Site24x7 observes your entire IT, including websites and servers, network and application performance, digital risk analysis, cloud cost optimization, and more. With a unified dashboard, powerful AI-led analytics and forecasts, automated actions, and exhaustive integrations, Site24x7 serves as an indispensable tool for DevOps and IT managers to maintain a healthy, high-performing, and resilient IT ecosystem.

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