Web Application Monitoring

Monitor your business-critical web applications 24x7
  • Do you rely too much on your end users to bring web application problems to your attention?
  • Are you not sure if customers are able to buy products online from your shopping cart?
  • Do you stand the risk of losing revenue because of discarded e-business transactions?
  • Is your credibility at stake due to bad user experiences on your site?
Then, Site24x7 is the perfect solution for all your worries. With Site24x7 you can remotely monitor the availability and performance of business-critical web applications that involves multiple web transactions.
The sample flow for an online flight ticket booking process is illustrated below.

web application monitoring

Using Web Application Monitoring feature each of the above steps (steps in any e-cart transaction) can be monitored and analyzed. If any errors are detected, Email/SMS/RSS/Twitter notifications are immediately sent and you can take corrective actions accordingly before your customers are affected. With web application monitoring, you also know how effectively your web applications are performing at any point of time.

Using Site24x7's web application monitoring feature

  • Ensure your web applications are running 24x7 and are delivering excellent performance from an end-user perspective.
  • Get daily/ weekly reports through email indicating your web application uptime and performance.
  • Get instant notifications when there are problems with your application such as connectivity problems, slow page load time, or content errors.
  • Improve customer experience by improving performance of your web applications.
  • Eliminate any risk of loss of revenue and credibility to your business.
How it works:

We provide a downloadable transaction recorder tool that records all user transactions on your site in their exact sequence. These transactions will then be replayed at regular intervals of time and notifications will be sent when any error is detected.

All you need to do is to download the recorder tool and record the sequence of user transactions. Typical user transactions include login checks, online purchase through shopping carts, any sort of online form submission, signup processes, etc. Every step of the transaction will be captured and recorded.

Site24x7 will then keep simulating these actions continuously, scanning for any sign of trouble. From our availability and response time stats, you can get a clear picture of how your web application is performing. We also provide detailed response time reports including response times at different times during the day as well on an hourly basis.

web application monitoring - availability and performance

Site24x7's web application monitoring feature comes handy especially for e-commerce sites and sites that provides multiple forms to be filled-in by users. You can perform URL sequence monitoring to see what is returned at every step of a URL sequence. This helps in quicker troubleshooting by identifying which page in the sequence, that is typically followed by users, gives trouble.

To start using our web application monitoring feature, all you need to do is sign up for a free trial account. No installation required. No software to maintain. Nothing to lose.

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