All New Real User Monitoring (RUM) and APM Insight Updates - Site24x7 Blog

All New Real User Monitoring (RUM) and APM Insight Updates

We're excited to announce~that the~Real User Monitoring (RUM) feature is no longer in beta. With RUM, you gain insight into the complete life cycle of a web page and exactly know how real users experience your applications. RUM also gives you in-depth understanding of problems affecting real users and analyzes application performance from every aspect like browser, platform, country and more.

APM Insight and Real User Monitoring (RUM) are now integrated

APM Insight and Real User Monitoring (RUM) are now contextually integrated. With this integration, you get holistic visibility of an application's performance from a single console. All critical metrics, such as the application performance from the users click on the browser, the time taken in back end to process the request, network latency and the time consumed in rendering the response is all captured and displayed in a single console. With both the browser time and server time integrated, you can now easily analyze all metrics together, helping in fine tuning app performance.

.NET Agent in APM Insight is now Single Installer

In the current scenario of application monitoring, vendors provide different agents for different application types, and this can sometimes be confusing and could result in users downloading the wrong agent type for monitoring. Consider a scenario when a user's applications are 32 bit and the agent downloaded to monitor those business critical applications is of the 64 bit type, this will result in the agent not being able to collect metrics and monitoring can go haywire.

To avoid such a scenario, we have upgraded the APM Insight .NET agent resulting in profilers not requiring separate maintenance for 32 and 64 bit applications. With the latest agent upgrade (version 2.3) we are supporting monitoring of both 32 and 64 bit applications with a single installer. Now users need not worry about the type of agent that needs to be downloaded to monitor their applications.


  • Avoid duplication of license key, app filters and all agent settings
  • Upgrading older agents will now merge their settings, resulting in zero data loss
  • Removed dependency with OS or application type~

~Learn more about APM Insight.~



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