Introducing better viewability for network interfaces - Site24x7 Blog

Introducing better viewability for network interfaces

Has jumping over dashboards or tabs and searching for a key piece of data ever bothered you? Don't worry, you are no anomaly. The new interface view of Site24x7's network monitoring enables network administrators to keep a close tab on the performance of all their interfaces. Thus, the protracted process of searching interfaces under devices is eliminated.

Site24x7 now offers its users the ease to view all their interfaces under one view as an independent tab. This simplification gives a bird's-eye view on the status of all interfaces, viz., "up", "down" or "trouble". You can keep track of incoming and outgoing traffic too. There is a status icon corresponding to each interface, which in a single click details the status.

While the home page of this view gives generic details on the interfaces and their status, the holistic view of every interface is just a click away. You can check out the particulars of every interface explicitly there.

Attributes such as traffic counters, bandwidth details, transmission and reception details, packet details and more are available on deck, as lists and in other visually intuitive means, which you will experience as and when you use this view. This, on the whole, gives a complete analytical report on all the interfaces, reasoning the errors and the downtime. Just lay back and monitor your network at ease. Happy monitoring!

Interested in trying out Site24x7's network monitoring? No worries. Sign-up for a 30-day free trial from our pricing page.

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