Thanks for visiting us at Microsoft Ignite 2017. - Site24x7 Blog

Thanks for visiting us at Microsoft Ignite 2017.

Update: Exclusive giveaway for our booth visitors! [Terms and conditions mentioned below]

In addition to 700+ sessions, insights into product roadmaps from industry leaders, and live demos on products that you use every day, here's another reason you'd want to attend Microsoft Ignite 2017 - Site24x7 is one of the proud sponsors of the event, and we're exhibiting at booth # 1663.

This is an excellent opportunity to meet and interact with our product experts who'd be at the booth taking your questions and giving you an opportunity to experience the product on-hand. Our booth will be packed with a ton of activity, with live demos going on and conversations addressing problems that affect your business every day. The event is also an excellent opportunity to discuss product tips and tricks, feature updates, best practices and lot more. To make your visit to our booth a little more exciting and interesting, we have some cool swag waiting for you, in addition to some exciting raffle contests lined up, all this and more at booth # 1663, meet us there.

Event details:

Microsoft Ignite 2017
Date: September 25-29, 2017 
Booth # 1663
Orange County Convention Center
9800 International Drive, Orlando, Orlando, FL 32819.

Exclusive Giveaway for our booth visitors: Brand new Bose QuietComfort 35 wireless headphone

How to register for the FREE giveaway contest:

  • Sign up with the URL mentioned at the back of your raffle ticket. This gives you access to a pack worth $468, free for a year
  • Once logged into the client, go to Help & Support menu icon on the top right corner and select Ask Support from the drop-down menu
  • Submit the Ask Support form with the below details
    • Enter the Subject field with - "I am in for Microsoft Ignite Giveaway - <Your Raffle Ticket Number>"
    • Select the Question Type field as "Other Monitoring" from the drop-down menu
    • In the Feedback field, enter why you think you need Site24x7 for your IT Infrastructure, or just share with us what you like.

Once you submit the form, you've registered for the giveaway contest. We will announce the winners on Wednesday, 04th Oct'17 at 11 AM PST on Twitter with the hashtag #MSIgniteSite24x7Giveaway. You can also follow us on Twitter @Site24x7.

All the best!

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