The key to centralized log aggregation and easy troubleshooting - Site24x7 Blog

The key to centralized log aggregation and easy troubleshooting

A large number of security breaches are impacting industry verticals, including banking, financial services and insurance ( BFSI ), telecom, and hospitality, so there's a growing need for organizations to fortify their infrastructure against these threats. For example, by the time T-Mobile identified the intrusion and unauthorized access to its sensitive data in 2019, both its customer and employee details were already stolen by hackers.

According to a study by the University of Maryland, hackers attack every 39 seconds— 2,244 times a day—with the average cost of a data breach reaching $3.92 million as of 2019 as per Security Intelligence. While organizations can't be completely immune to such attacks, putting some preventive measures in place to identify and remediate the issue when they occur will help miminize the damage. 

It's important to manage log files that store any event in an enterprise's infrastructure network with a time stamp. Not only do logs files act as a security control measure to track abnormal activity, they also record the general behavior of an application. With logs being one of the three pillars of observability, it's crucial to have a log management tool in place that collects, stores, and aggregates logs from multiple servers and applications built on different platforms. Site24x7's log management tool AppLogs helps you achieve this unparalleled visibility. Watch this video to learn how. 

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