Meet us at Jenkins World 2016 - Site24x7 Blog

Meet us at Jenkins World 2016

Site24x7 is exhibiting at booth no. K18 at Jenkins World 2016, the annual gathering of DevOps practitioners using open source Jenkins. The conference held at the Santa Clara Convention Center is the largest gathering of Jenkins users in the world and is a multi-day event comprised of sessions, workshops, training and other learning opportunities.~

[caption id="attachment_3610" align="alignnone" width="800"]Meet us at Jenkins World 2016, Booth No. K18 Meet us at Jenkins World 2016, Booth No. K18[/caption]

This is a great opportunity for you to meet and interact with our solution experts and experience Site24x7 in action by being part of in-depth and interactive product presentations and demos. Our solution experts would love to discuss with you about product tips and tricks, feature updates, how-tos, best practices, industry insights, and much more. We also have some cool swag awaiting at our booth, another reason for you to swing by our booth and grab em all!~

Don't miss out on this on this opportunity.~~Join us as we participate in the largest Jenkins user community.

Event details:

Jenkins World 2016

Santa Clara Convention Center

5001 Great America Pkwy

Santa Clara, CA 95054

~About Jenkins and the Jenkins Community.

Jenkins is the leading open source automation server supported by a large and growing community of developers, testers, designers and other people interested in continuous integration, continuous delivery and other modern software delivery practices. Built on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), it provides more than 1,000 plugins that extend Jenkins to automate with practically any technology software delivery teams use.

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