Sneak Peek on New Admin Tab - Site24x7 Blog

Sneak Peek on New Admin Tab

Making Site24x7 easier and faster to administer has always been our important focus. The Site24x7 team is proud to provide you a sneak peak on our upcoming release~ of the new and improved Admin Tab.~ We are providing a guide on the changes you can expect in our upcoming release. You can also learn about these changes from our help docs~and watch the video below for a quick demo.


What's New With The Upcoming Site24x7 Admin Tab? We?re cutting the marketing speak and getting right to the point, we want to give you something you can just use, and just works. 

1. Accessibility

The new admin section now has a sidebar to simplify the adding and managing part of monitors while providing a simple interface to quickly access advanced configurations for monitors and account related settings.


The new admin tab is also the host for many other important elements linked with your monitors, these include:

  • User Management
  • Configuration Profiles
  • Operations
  • Report Settings
  • API & Integration among others.

Note: We have made changes to labels to better reflect their usage, existing customers

will notice the label change from " Contact" to "User" under User Management.

2. Monitors 

The Monitor Inventory section provides an access for adding monitor and monitor groups. We have also extended the support for importing monitors through a CSV file.


~You can now add or update monitors by uploading a CSV file and matching it to corresponding~ monitor type.

3. Configuration Profiles

Now Configure Profiles and not Values for Locations, Thresholds and Notifications. We have made changes from how values were defined to each monitors in the old admin interface to setting up configuration profiles which can be associated to new and existing monitors. This drastically decreases the time taken to~ configure monitors.
Location Profile: Configure Primary and Secondary location as a profile and associate to multiple monitors. This helps in setting uniform Location configuration for your monitors and makes managing monitors easier.

Threshold Profile: Create monitor specific thresholds and configure number of down locations thresholds.

Notification Profile: Configure policies to receive alerts. Apply uniformly for all monitors.

Additionally, you can also configure Email Templates:~that helps you customize the content of an alert email sent and Actions:~that helps you take corrective steps on failure thus improving productivity of your staff.

4. RESTful API

With this new RESTful API, you can access all configurations from Site24x7. This API provides~ a foundation to continue evolving the client and access the full functionality of Site24x7.~ The RESTful API is a major step toward making our client more accessible and powerful, but this is only the beginning. We are working on a lot of other improvements and features that we will release throughout the year.

Note: Old API for monitor addition / deletion / activate and suspend will not work after this~ new admin release. The current Device Key~cannot be used for accessing the new API's. It should be generated freshly. Lear more~at API Documentation.

5. High Performance with HTML5 & AngularJS

Many of your favorite services and applications have demonstrated the power of HTML5 and AngularJS platform which are extremely robust, productive and yet simple. We've selected the best of what HTML5 and AngularJS~ have to offer. We've then modified, improved and re-imagined them to bring you the best blend possible with new admin tab.

Getting Started with the New Site24x7 Admin Tab

We will be rolling out the new admin tab in few days and we will notify you through email before the launch. Given the status of this release, we?d appreciate any and all feedback - reach us at You can also browse our help, user guide and knowledge base sections to learn more about the new admin tab.

We have more awesomeness coming through this year for you. Stay connected with us by subscribing to our blog~posts and following us on Twitter and Facebook!

Happy Monitoring!

Site24x7 Team

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