Web site monitoring from an end-user perspective - Site24x7 Blog

Web site monitoring from an end-user perspective

Author: ArunAny business web site owner or webmaster will know the perils of slow-loading web pages and what they can do to drive away users from the web site. One of their main concerns should be to ensure their web pages are loading fast enough for the users. Sometimes the web page might load fast enough for some users but not all users might share the same experience. It is therefore important to have a look at things from an end-user perspective. Here is where the Web Page Analyzer monitor (WPA) can help. It will let you understand how exactly your web page loads the first time, from an end-user perspective. It downloads the full content of your web page including the header and all HTML contents, and objects including images, css, java scripts, etc. It provides you with the total load time of the web page as well as the individual load times of all its components.

You can find out how fast your page is loading, which component is slowing down your page, how to improve page load time, etc. The web page summary section provides insightful data such as total page load time, total page size, total objects, images, css, java scripts, etc.

The WPA is more advanced than a web site monitor. Basic web site monitoring only monitors the uptime and performance of websites, but the WPA can do much more. It helps you find out how much each component is contributing to the total response time of a web page. You can check if the image/script/css count of your home page exceeds a certain limit, or if the image size increases beyond an upper limit, or if the image size changes, etc. What is your opinion of the Web Page Analyzer (WPA)? Let us know your feedback.

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