What is a file system?

A file system determines how the operating system stores, organizes, manages, and retrieves data from a storage device. With a file system in place, files are systematically stored and accessed. File systems should not be confused with storage devices like hard disks, SSDs, or USB drives. Let's learn what file systems are, their types, and why they are critical in enterprise environments.
What is a file system?
A file system has two primary jobs: structuring and managing data. This helps the operating system and application easily access data.
The file system acts as an interface between the physical storage and the operating system. This interface makes it easier for users and applications to store and access files without having to deal with hardware directly.
What does a file system do?
Typically, file systems are responsible for these operations:
- Data storage and management: File systems help organize files into directories and sub-directories and manage space on the storage device.
- Naming files: File system provides a mechanism for naming files and directories. Some file systems follow naming rules that include allowable characters and file name lengths.
- File access: File systems determine how files are accessed i.e., read, write, and execute permissions.
- Retrieve data: Tracking where files are stored on the disk is also done by file systems. This ensures retrieval is quick even if the data is spread across physical locations on the disk.
- File security: Modern file systems provide mechanisms to protect files from unauthorized personnel through permission settings.
- Metadata: Each file has associated data with metadata. This metadata contains information about size, type, creation date, modification date, and permissions. File system maintains metadata and makes its users manage and sort files.
Types of file systems
Each operating system has different file systems designed for it, depending on the storage devices and use cases. For example, some file systems are optimized for speed, while some focus on scalability. Here are the commonly used file systems:
FAT: File allocation table
FAT is one of the first file systems. It was introduced by Microsoft for MS-DOS. FAT comes in three major versions: FAT12, FAT16, and FAT32. The numbers next to the name indicate the number of bits used to identify the files.
The system is simple and compatible across operating systems. Many USB drives, memory cards, and small storage devices have FAT file systems. Since FAT32 cannot support files larger than 4GB, they are used in limited capacity storage devices. FAT also lacks the journaling feature, so data corruption can be a problem.
NTFS: New technology file system
NTFS was primarily developed for Windows NT line, but it is now the default file system for devices running on Windows operating systems. NTFS supports large files and volumes. It supports journaling, encryption, compression, enhanced security through user permissions, and access control lists (ACL). Operating systems other than Windows require third-party drivers.
APFS: Apple file system
APFS is the successor of hierarchical file system plus (HFS+). HFS+ was developed by Apple and continued to be the default file system until being replaced by APFS in 2017. APFS is now the default file system for all Apple devices including macOS, iOS, and tvOS. APFS supports SSDs, flash storage, encryption, snapshots, faster file, and directory operations.
ext: Extended file system
Linux distributions' default file system is ext. Subsequent versions of ext were named ext2, ext3, and ext4. The latest version—ext4—supports large volumes, journaling, better performance, and is backward compatible with older versions. Ext is sufficient for general computing applications. computing applications, ext is sufficient.
XFS, originally developed by Silicon Graphics for the IRIX operating system, was later made compatible for Linux. This is a high-performance file system that caters for high scalability and performance. It supports large files and large storage volumes. Along with journaling, which protects against data loss and corruption, XFS provides faster recovery after system crashes. Enterprise applications involving servers and databases prefer XFS as their preferred file system.
Btrfs: B-tree file system
Btrfs was Oracle's replacement for the limitations in ext4 and XFS. The system supports snapshots, data integrity checks, handling large volumes and files, and dynamic disk management. Btrfs' distinguishing feature is its emphasis on data reliability and self-healing capabilities. Owing to its advantages over other file systems, Btrfs is used in large-scale systems, cloud storage, and NAS devices.
How does file systems manage data
There are three major structures that most file systems use, depending on their structure.
- Flat file systems: All files are stored at the same level without directory hierarchy. This structure is outdated and not used anymore.
- Hierarchical file system: Files are stored in a directory structure to allow easy organization. This structure is used in modern systems like NTFS and ext4.
- Database oriented file system: Uses a database to store file information and allows indexing and querying.
Are all file systems important?
In short, the answer is yes. However, it depends on how you use your file systems.
Some file systems may require less frequent or less intensive monitoring. Let's look at some examples.
- FAT32: This file system is primarily used in USB drives and smaller external storage devices. In business environments, these devices are used to temporarily store a small amount of data so they do not require constant monitoring.
- Read-only file systems: File systems like ISO 9660 are read-only, and they are not going to change.
- tmpfs: The temporary file system used in RAM-based storage is identified as tmpfs. Since they are not meant for long-term storage and they are cleared on reboot, tmpfs may not require extensive monitoring.
File systems are an integral part of how you access storage devices. Based on your applications and the criticality of the data you handle, you may require:
- A comprehensive file and directory size monitoring system
- A disk monitoring tool
- Alerts when the contents of a file are either changed or haven't changed for a while
Site24x7's agent-based server monitoring can do all these and more. It is an AI powered enterprise grade infrastructure observability suite, that turns the spotlight towards any issues in your IT infrastructure before it snowballs into an outage.
The bottom line is, every requirement is unique, and sometimes, you may want to exclude a few disk partitions from monitoring based on their file system types. Our agent-based server monitoring provides you with that exact option. With configuration rules at your arsenal, you determine what to monitor, how to monitor, how to get alerts, and so many more.
If your operations are dependent on servers, try our 0-restrictions server monitoring suite that comes pre-loaded with server monitoring, database monitoring, Microsoft applications monitoring, and log management capabilities.
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