Add monitor in Suspend mode with future Activate date - Site24x7 Forum
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Add monitor in Suspend mode with future Activate date

Would it be possible to have an option added for future Enable date?  This will be an important addition for newly added monitors to be able to be created for upcoming endpoints so we don't have configuration error monitors or monitors marked as down. This would allow customers to add new monitors for upcoming endpoints ahead of schedule and have them waiting in suspend mode until they are put into production and then have the monitors automatically enabled instead of having to go to each monitor and manually enable them.

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Hi Framirez,

     This is an interesting request. Thanks for adding details to it. How will we know when the endpoint is in production? 


PM, Site24x7

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Would be an extra field that is optional that would add a production date which will set the monitor to active status. If it is set it will create the monitor in suspend mode, the system would then use the production date to activate the monitor. If it is not set, the monitor is auto set to active status and starts monitoring the endpoint right away.

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