Amazon CloudSearch Integration: Monitor the status of your search domains - Site24x7 Forum
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Amazon CloudSearch Integration: Monitor the status of your search domains

To provide a comprehensive view of the various services powering your AWS hosted websites and applications, we're extending our monitoring support to Amazon's managed search service platform, CloudSearch. With this new integration, you can gain insight into the status of your search domains and make informed decisions about scaling.
For example, a recurring decline in the number of successful search requests could mean that your search domain is unable to handle sudden spikes in traffic, and you may need to reconsider your scaling options.

Feature highlights: Gain a high-level overview of your domain's search capacity and understand document add/delete trends by viewing charts and configuring thresholds for metrics such as index utilization, number of partitions, and searchable documents. Learn more.

Licensing: Each CloudSearch domain is considered a basic monitor.

Availability: The CloudSearch integration is available in all Site24x7 subscription plans.

AWS IAM policy: If you've assigned a custom policy to the Site24x7 IAM entity (IAM role or IAM user), please add the following read-level actions to the policy.json to collect metadata and domain metrics: cloudsearch:Describe* and cloudsearch:List*. If you've assigned the AWS managed policy ReadOnlyAccess, you can begin monitoring by enabling the CloudSearch integration via the Service View.

Well, that's it for now. Get started and let us know how we can improve your AWS monitoring experience even further by posting to this thread. If you have any questions you can get in touch with us at

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