Bulk Update/Remove Outages from Monitors - Site24x7 Forum
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Bulk Update/Remove Outages from Monitors

We had a monitor that was constantly failing because we were provided the wrong endpoint. We did not realize this until a long time after and there are literally hundreds of outages that we will need to either mark as maintenance or remove so the availability is not skewed. It would be great to be able to have the option to bulk remove/update outages from the Outages tab on a Monitor.

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Hey Framirez,

   My apologies for not replying to this post earlier. BTW, don't you think modifying the outage can skew the availability if not governed? We may need to bring in approval process for this. Your thoughts?

We will check on this and see how best we can implement them. Thanks for sharing your request here.


Product Manager, Site24x7


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No worries on teh late reply, here are my thoughts...

If someone selects to remove an outage that was valid then yes, but that can be done already anyway.

In my example where we were monitoring the wrong endpoint then it would not because the outages were false.

You can set a warning when using this to let customers know that bulk removing outages can skew their numbers and should proceed with caution so it's on them if the numbers do get skewed.

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Maybe you can only let Admins or someone with plenty of permissions to bulk remove outages. Also it could be somewhat of a "special" event in the Audit logs.


We are also interested in this feature.

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I think you should be able to do this via the API, i have used it in the past to clear multiple outages.


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That is still only for one outage at a time as it still needs each individual outage_id ... Using the API, one would need to know that or a constraint like time which doesn't seem to be part of the method.

What I'm asking for is to have a way to bulk remove or multi-select several outages/alerts to be removed in one action.

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This however, does come in handy for times when people forget to set maintenance windows.

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