Credential Profile support for website monitors, and changes to APIs - Site24x7 Forum
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Credential Profile support for website monitors, and changes to APIs

We recently released Credential Profile, which you can use to store the usernames and passwords of your resources and associate these details with monitors while configuring monitoring. We’re now extending Credential Profile support to Website (URL) monitors.

With this update, there will be a change in the API response of website monitors; this is important for customers who have configured basic authentication for their monitors. The auth_user and auth_pass parameters will be removed from the API response and replaced with credential_profile_id.

This change will take effect on December 31, 2020. Please modify your API parsing to accommodate these changes as soon as possible. To change the username and password for your monitors, use the Credential Profile APIs from now on.

We will continue to support adding or editing monitors using the current approach until December 31, 2020. This means that the API response will contain the auth_user, auth_pass, and credential_profile_id parameters.

The following APIs of the Website (URL) monitors will be affected by this change:

  • POST/monitors: Used to add a monitor
  • GET/monitors/{monitor_id}: Used to fetch monitor details
  • GET/monitors/name/{display_name}: Used to fetch individual monitor details
  • PUT/monitors/{monitor_id}: Used to update a monitor

Please fetch the latest APIs to accommodate these changes, and feel free to contact for further clarification.

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