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Customized Dashboards

We need the ability to create and customize dashboards to display the exact information we require.

There should be widgets that we can drag and drop on to a dashboard template and after a dashboard has been created, we should have a choice whether it is public or private.  If public, it should generate a permalink and if private, obviously not.  Dashboards should auto-update without the need for third party tools to refresh the page

Suggestions of widgets:  

  • Disk Space utilization (select what servers we want to display this info for)
  • Disk Partition details (select what servers we want to display this info for)
  • Service status of monitored services/processes (select what servers we want to display this info for)
  • CPU Utilization (select what servers we want to display this info for)
  • Memory Utilization (select what servers we want to display this info for)
  • Network Interface Card status & data (select what servers we want to display this info for)
  • Monitor alert Summary
  • Monitor groups
  • SMTP Response time (select what monitor we want to display this info for)
  • Graphs & Metrics (select what Monitors and what elements we want to display this info for)
  • Database metrics (select what SQL databases we want to display this info for)
  • IIS Sites (select what Sites we want to display this info for)
  • IIS Applications (select what Applications we want to display this info for)
  • IIS Application pools (select what poolswe want to display this info for)

These are just a few suggestions but there are so many more you could and should add.  Every element of Site24x7 monitoring should have a customized widget.  This way we can set up a SQL dashboard for a monitoring screen for the DBAs, a Server and application dashboard for a monitoring screen for the systems administrators, a Network monitoring dashboard for a monitoring screen for the network team, a Cloud dashboard for the Cloud Platform architects and so on and so forth.

Site 24x7 does provide some valuable information but lacks the ability to present it in an easy to see way.  Also have to bare in mind that different teams work in different ways so each team needs to ability to customize their dashboard to suit their way of working.

Azure allows you to customize your dashboard so you can use that as a reference point.  Other monitoring platforms like Zabbix and Nagios also allow for custom dashboards so you can also look at that as a reference.

As things stand right now, we can't put Site24x7 on a monitoring screen as the way it would present the data isn't really useful to the teams but if this is implemented, we can respond more quickly to behavior changes before alerts are even triggered.

To the other users of Site24x7, feel free to comment and add your two pence in.  You may have suggestions that we haven't thought of and add value to this feature request.
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Replies (63)

+1 for the customized dashboards
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Hi Robert,

Thanks for bringing up this post.  This has been posted at the right time where we would like to build better dashboards in Site24x7. 

The above inputs were really helpful for our designing considerations. We will share the prototype of it soon once we have done our design work for you to provide any further comments.

We will get back on this sooner.
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We built a dashboard using the API to get our availability stats on a single page for the executives but it would be nice to be able to do things like this out of the box, I'm sure many customers would love to have this kind of option without having to build from scratch...


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>> "We built a dashboard using the API to get our availability stats on a single page for the executives but it would be nice to be able to do things like this out of the box, I'm sure many customers would love to have this kind of option without having to build from scratch..."

Thanks for bringing this up Fransisco, I sure this will be useful. 

>>"Another thing that would make the dashboards better would be to make them dynamic.

 The wider the screen, the more widgets can fit horizontally."

We have options to choose based on the display screen size. It is not dynamic though. But yes, dynamic adjustment is something that will make it cleaner.  We will see how we can do it.

Thanks for the suggestions and keep posting as you find something that is going to help us all. 


Site24x7 Team


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Making the Site24x7 dashboards widget-based like Robert is suggesting is the #1 item on our wish list! DevOps, IT, Management -- everyone at our company wants this!

The most important dashboard widget we need is one for Monitor Groups. For example, if we create a Monitor Group in Site24x7 called "Web Servers" we want the ability to create a "Web Servers" dashboard widget that would show the status of the Monitor Group as a whole. 

A bonus would be the ability to click the "Web Servers" widget and see the status of the individual Monitors which make up the Monitor Group. That way if we see the "Web Servers" widget in a failed (red) state, we can click the widget and see exactly which individual Monitor is failed.

Thank you!
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I think Geckoboard is probably the best source of inspiration if you're going to make the dashboards widget-based.

The beauty is in the simplicity and flexibility.
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This may seem like a trivial suggestion but trust me it is important: Can you please make it possible for the new widget-based dashboards to use a "Dark Theme" rather than the blinding white theme which is currently used by Site24x7?

We have made some custom "Dark theme" adjustments to our current Site24x7 dashboard to make it appear more like a traditional NOC dashboard (e.g. Gecko). Have a look at the attached. All the staff seems to like it.
Dark Theme Dashboards.JPG
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I agree with it11.  Personally I would prefer a dark theme as alarms tend to stand out more on those screens; however, I think there should be a choice as part of the customization as to whether you want a light theme or dark theme to make the dashboard fully customized.

The colour of the theme is very important as it11 has mentioned and two customers in this thread have mentioned Gecko as reference points so it makes sense to look at this for design considerations.

Make control of customizing the dashboards as granular as possible.
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We are happy to receive all your inputs on this enhancement and shall consider the same once we start working on the customized dashboards.

Feel free to continue sharing your thoughts on our Forum wall.

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Thanks for the recent enhancements to the status pages. Unfortunately, a very critical enhancement was missed that was explained 1 month ago by Guest.....

"The most important dashboard widget we need is one for Monitor Groups. For example, if we create a Monitor Group in Site24x7 called "Web Servers" we want the ability to create a "Web Servers" dashboard widget that would show the status of the Monitor Group as a whole. "

Essentially, we need the ability to create a status page for not just a Monitor but also for a Monitor Group which will show the status for the group as a whole -- like the "Monitor Groups" page in the admin interface.

Could you give us the ability to create Monitor Group status pages which show, not the statuses of all the underlying monitors, but the status of the group as a whole? This way, we can build simple status pages for our most important resources without having to display dozens or hundred of underlying monitor statuses. Thank you!
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We have released a new Monitor Group dashboard which provides holistic view of your Monitor Group Status and its subgroups. To know more check out the below forum post:

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Where are we with this one please?  This is the most important feature request I have made and judging by the responses from the other customers, it is something that is required by most of your customer base to the point that this needs to be at the highest priority for feature requests.  We've all been patient with this one but haven't had any positive news on movement  on this yet.
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yep ... please give us an update ... timeline, screenshots, etc.
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Agreed!  This is very high priority!
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Hi Robert,

Sorry for the delayed response. 

As a first step to provide more customization in our client, we are working on custom report where user can pick desired set of monitors across different types and compare performance of those monitors across time period. 

Custom report will be in two formats, tabular and graphical. Tabular version is in development stage. I have attached screenshots. Also attached design prototype for custom graphical report.

However custom dashboard with configurable widgets is also in our pipeline. We hope this custom report will be more useful for troubleshooting problems and will solve the most of the needs for having a dashboard with multiple widgets.

Site24x7 Team.
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Is there a way to get to use this feature in a BETA setting?

Can one sign up for BETA releases?
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Regarding custom reports:

"Custom report will be in two formats, tabular and graphical. Tabular version is in development stage. I have attached screenshots. Also attached design prototype for custom graphical report."

Can you say a date when the graphic version will be available? We need this feature to compare websites please.

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Hi Patrik,

 What we showed you is the initial prototype which we did. We have come a long way and workflows have also changed for good. I understand your use case and what you expect. We are discussing this internally as well. We are covering important features phase by phase and the use cases you have mentioned are also part of it. We will let you know once we are getting it out. Please bear with us. 

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This is good work but not exactly what we and the other customers are looking for. Customized Dashboards provides the flexibility we are all calling for.  I don't know any reputable monitoring solution that does not offer customized dashboards which is what we are used to and need for our NOC.

I implore you to listen to what we as customers are saying and not just release a feature thinking it's what we want when we have been very clear in our requirements.  We need Dashboards which are private and fully customized with access to all data provided within Site24x7 and translation into graphs and charts which update in real-time or as close to as possible (30 seconds/a minute).

I'm just really trying to understand why the emphasis on custom reports when you have custom dashboards in the pipeline and is clearly what we and all the other customers on this thread are asking for.

I think you need to re-priorities your feature development roadmap based on the response to this post!
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Sorry for the inconvenience.

What we are currently building is a base framework for Custom Reports & Dashboards. In the beginning this will support Chart based widget alone as shown in one of the screen shot shared by Thillai above.  Going forward we will enhance it to have different widgets supported.

By next week i will post further details about our plans on this.

FYI we have released a new business view dashboard for visualizing Monitor Groups and its subgroups recently.  Kindly go over the feature and let us know your feedback on this.  We are still enhancing this dashboard to make it powerful.
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@framirez please drop a mail to our support to gain beta access to custom tabular report.
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@thillai ... I requested access and was told it was granted but am not seeing it in our dashboard.


A feature that would be awesome to have is to be able to create group names for each are of these reports. For example:

Availability Group 1
(site1 chart) (site2 chart) (site3 chart)

Availability Group 2
(site1 chart) (site2 chart) (site3 chart)
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@framirez Sorry seems the URL is missed in the reply. Please access with your Site24x7 credentials to see the custom report.

As of now only tabular report is available in beta. Hope you are asking for the charts to be grouped in custom graph report. We would consider this while we implement graphical report.
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Any idea when the graphs part will be available?

As for grouping I was meaning that we can select certain monitors to be listed under a group name... This way we can group the graphs by business use... Or better yet, be able to select a group and have it's checks fall under the group area allowing for division of graphs or tabulations on the report.

Say a customer has 3 monitors that belong to a certain group and 3 that belong to another.

When this report is generated, the report would show that break down instead of just all the charts in one big layout. Using your screenshot with the graphs, it would be as if the first row would be  for the 3 checks for group one, the second row for another group and so on with each graph showing one monitor instead of multiple.

This way we can pick monitoring groups or subgroups instead of each monitor and it would create a new section on teh page for each group.
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We're very interested in customized dashboards too. Something similar to the NOC View but so that we can move the "widgets" (i.e. the monitors) around into an order which makes sense for our business.

Also, very critical is that we need the ability to put both Monitor widgets and Monitor Group widgets in the customized dashboard.

Again, the NOC View is an excellent start. We do not require anything fancier than the NOC View -- just with the additional functions of letting us move widgets around (change their order) and creating Monitor Group widgets too.

One last thing: could you allow the Description of the Monitor to be displayed when you mouse-over a dashboard widget? this allow people who are unfamiliar with the Monitor to see a description of what it is showing. 

Thank you!
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Was this project abandoned?


Site 24x7 Does alot right in comparison to other solutions, but when you dig deeper it can leave alot to be desired.  even the simple ability to have the exact same NOC view, but with a shareable link and the ability to customize based on monitor groups would be fantastic. 




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Hi Everyone,

  Our apologies for making you wait for this. Your wait is coming to an end. We have finished implementing the initial phase for custom dashboard. We have given beta access for Custom dashboards for all customers who have asked in this post If anyone else need access get in touch with us.

Here is a gist of what is available in our pre BETA release. 

1. Adding any attribute of any monitor as a widget into the dashboard. 

2. Adding availability, response time report for locations as a widget into the dashboard.

3. Current status of all monitors, Groups in the dashboard (NOC View per group).

All these come with

-Auto refresh of dashboard every 1 minute

-Live updates of all NOC view widgets.

 -support for drag and drop support

-Support for multiple widgets at the same time and much more.

More widget categories and widget types are being developed as we speak. 

Fiddle with it and give us your feedback on anything you feel is missing or can be improved. We are all ears.

Where and how to create a new dashboard?

Home tab -> Dashboards -> Create New.

How to add attribute charts, status widgets?

Click on "Edit dashboard" in the dashboard (by default when creating the dashboard will be in edit mode). 

Select the category of widget -> Select the monitor Type -> Select  the monitors -> Select the attribute -> Drag and drop into the dashboard.

Note: As we push for GA some design, workflow changes may occur, please bear with us.

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We will also try this feature please!?



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Sure Patrik, will include you as well.

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This looks awesome so far!  


the only thing we would like to see is the ability under Current status, to have an option to filter by trouble or down, we have so many websites that when you include "all" in the current status, that no text shows up on the monitor because each node is so small, so its easier to view it by what is down/in trouble.  

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Can we be added to the beta list so that we can try out these new features.


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Hi Drew,

  Thanks for the positive feedback. Ok, so from what I can understand you want the same options as in NOC view to filter out monitors based on Status. This can be given.



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Yes! this would be perfect, Thank you

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Please add us to the beta for Custom Dashboards, if possible. Thank you.

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please add me to the beta of Custom Dashboard also.



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I also would like to be included in the Beta. This has been a very awaited feature for us.




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Are there any plans to allow for more meaningful urls for dashboards instead of that long random generated URL?

Something like<name_of_dashboard>



For the Current Status, can it have the option to pick individual monitors instead of just an entire group?

As well, can we get the option to show the name above the colored box and the current availability inside the box?

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I'd like to get added to this beta. I'm just evaluating the app right now as a switch from datadog and this functionality is a deal breaker for my company

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Another thing that would make the dashboards better would be to make them dynamic.


The wider the screen, the more widgets can fit horizontally.

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Thanks very much for implementing this great feature! It will eventually make dashboard tools like Geckoboard unnecessary!

For reference, here is our current beta dashboard:

Beta dashboard

As you can see, we're only using Current Status widgets. We're wondering if you can please...

  • Allow the title font of the dashboard to be much bigger. The text is almost unreadable on most screens.
  • Allow the title font of each widget to be much bigger. The text is almost unreadable on most screens.
  • For current status widgets, make the status box show an up-arrow or down-arrow (see below). This will make the dashboard more clear ? the faint, light green/red boxes currently being used are too subtle.     Up-arrow Down arrow
  • When a monitor goes down, display the full name of the down monitor someplace in the widget (maybe directly below the status box?). At present, you must interactively mouse-over the status box in order to find out what monitor is down. This is not good for dashboards where there is no keyboard/mouse.
  • Wish list item for the future: Ability to layout the dashboard in a more configurable, intuitive manner. For instance, we would love our dashboard to look more like a network diagram ? a bit like the ?Business View? layout.
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Thanks for the nice compliments and your detailed feedback.

Yes, our intent is to make sure you do not need any other dashboard product for you monitoring needs.. !

As for the bigger fonts, we will work on making it bigger and may be configurable. I also understand why you need the monitor name, we will think of a way to make it intuitive. Making the layout configurable is a nice option to have too, we'll see how it can be done.

Keep the suggestions coming...


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"I also understand why you need the monitor name, we will think of a way to make it intuitive."

Would be nice to also have the current month's availability in the status box along with the name, like in my API example higher up the chain.

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Hi Team,

Is it possible to get beta access for custom dashboards on our account?



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Since today "Dashboards" were not visible in Site24x7. Is the private beta closed?

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Hi Patrik,

  I hope the dashboards are working now.



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Hi could you enable this beta feature also for us?

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We'd also like to try this out this beta if it's still possible. Thanks.

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Hello Folks,

We're happy to convey that the Custom Dashboards feature is now generally available. Please read our detailed community post and help documentation to learn more about Custom Dashboards feature.

Do share your valuable feedback on the feature.



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Another question I have is, why are the new custom dashboards only setup as public once I set them to shareable?<121-charachter-string>

Does this mean that the dashboard is accessible outside our network? Like, can anyone on the internet see these dashboards?

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Also, does the url not work anymore? It just takes me back to the regular client...

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Hi framirez,

Anyone, who have been shared with the URL, can access the public dashboard. As the feature has been released for all, we are redirecting betaclient to live site. 


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We're happy to announce that we've now extended support for Custom Dashboards to our MSP Plan users. With this enhancement, MSPs can now build powerful and flexible dashboards within the MSP Control Panel and gain a holistic view into the different tiers of their customers' infrastructure.

By pinning dynamic metric widgets onto a common Dashboard grid, MSPs can closely track all parameters and metrics that are critical to their customers' business--from a unified console. To learn more about the usage of Custom Dashboards within MSP Control Panel, please read our User Documentation.



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Anyone, who have been shared with the URL, can access the public dashboard.

I did not understand your comment.

My note that started this: (

There should be an option to share things internally or externally. Internally shared items are allowed only to people that have a user account in our plan and externally accessible would be available to the world.

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Hi Guys,

  We are venturing into our next important enhancement, Reports. We already have had some good suggestions coming through our support. We would like to hear more from you on what is required. This would give us a good head start just like how we went about implementing CustomDashboard. Asking the community has been really helpful for us as to prioritize what we want to do. 

I have posted a separate post related to Reports in this link. 

Do share your thoughts as we bring in new and useful reports to you. 

-Jasper Paul

Product Manager, Site24x7.

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Hi Guys, 

   Finally the next set of updates are out for CustomDashboards.

Here are the major updates.

1. The most demanded feature of adding multiple monitors in a single graph for an attribute is now available. We have separated this into a new widget category.

Goto your dashboard > Edit Dashboard > Widget Category > Multi-monitor performance widgets > add your widget. 

2. We now have the ability in our dashboard to add iframes as a widget. So now you can embed any content that is in an iframe into the dashboard.


Please feel free to comment on this. You feedback is very valuable to us. 

The full list of features is available in this post

-Jasper Paul

Product Manager, Site24x7




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An awesome feature to have would be to allow more than 24 widgets.

For example, we have one group that has 7 monitors in it and we are looking to create a dashboard for the group that has 4 widgets per monitor.

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Hi Framirez,

    We are considering increasing the widgets. In the mean time, have you tried our Multi-monitor charts? Not sure what you have in the group (If can share the usecase if you want to) but as a quick workaround you can try and combine different monitors into a single widget. 

BTW, we are bringing multi-location widgets in the next update.


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We've some new set of enhancements out for our Custom Dashboards. Here are the major updates:

  1. You can now add up to 100 custom dashboards in your account. Previously the upper dashboard limit was set at 20.
  2. We've also included the ability to add location-based performance widgets (such as, DNS time by location report, Download Time by Location Report, SSL Handshake Time by Location report etc.) under multi-monitor performance widget category and a few more performance attribute charts that are applicable to the corresponding monitor type. These widgets have been provided under the Performance widgets already.

To add these widgets, you must access your dashboard > Edit Dashboard > Select Widget Category > Specify Multi-monitor performance widgets > Drag and drop your attribute-level widget onto the dashboard editor.

Please share your valuable feedback.



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We've added an all new—Top N Widget to the Custom Dashboard. The Top N Widget shows the Top 5, 10, 20, or 25 monitors (of a selected type) in the descending order of their performance data. The widget facilitates quicker troubleshooting by enabling you to compare and dissect the best and worst performing monitors. Once published in the dashboard, the data in the widget is auto-refreshed every 10 minutes. Please read our help document to learn more about the widget.



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One enhancement I would like to see is on performance widgets (say memory utilization of a server) drill through to the monitor details. You have that on some of the widgets but not all.

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Hello everyone, 

  We have increased the no.of widgets in a dashboard to 100 (It was 24 previously). I'm sure its going to be useful everyone who use our dashboards. 


Product Manager, Site24x7.

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We've added an all new Multi Attribute widget and have made some tune-ups to our availability and performance numerical widgets. Read our latest community post to learn more about these enhancements.



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We’re excited to announce the addition of a brand-new Inventory Details widget for AWS monitors, as well as the inclusion of child entity filters in Performance and Current Status widgets of Custom Dashboard.

 Read our latest community post to learn more about these enhancements.

AWS Inventory Details Widget

Child Entity widgets in Performance and Current Status Widget

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