Eventlog Summary Report - Site24x7 Forum
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Eventlog Summary Report

Hi all, please provide a report for all monitors to see all events from all server eventlogs (Warning, Error) in the complete environment. Classified with a counter which events are errors and most frequentley, which are warnings and also most frequentley in the environment. Top 10 warnings\errors in the environment ....

Would help us to know a little bit more about our service quality!


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Currently, we show a summary view of the event logs/syslogs running on the server.

We will take this up as a feature request and update this thread once done.

Also, we are now working on a new feature called AppLogs, that will pull logs from your server and push it to the Site24x7 server. From there, you will be able to do a search over each field and debug further. Will keep you posted on this as well.





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