FR: Top10 Administrative Events in Eventlog (last 30 days) - Site24x7 Forum
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FR: Top10 Administrative Events in Eventlog (last 30 days)

I have a feature request for Windows Server.


Please add:

1. Top10 Administrative Events in the eventlog of a server (last 30 days) of a specific server (in the server view - summary and also to select in the dashboard)

2. Last 10 Administrative Events in the eventlog of a server (in the server view - summary and also to select in the dashboard)

3. Top 10 Administrative Events in the eventlog of a server for a Monitor Group (in the monitor group view and also to select in the dashboard)

4. Top 10 Administrative Events in the eventlog of a server for all monitors (to select in the dashboard)





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Replies (3)

Hi Patrik,

Thanks for bringing up the above requests. 

We already have the Windows Events Dashboard added in our road map. Will post an update in this thread once that's ready.

Also, we would like to know what kind of administrative events show up in your server environment and event type (whether Application or System or Setup or Security). 

As for the Events Dashboard, we have few queries that would help us in building an efficient one:

1. Would you like to correlate the events that occur in a group of servers?
For eg:, contextually correlate events occurring in servers present in a cluster

2. Would you prefer to correlate the events of server(s) based on monitor group(s)?

3. Would you like to correlate the events of servers based on tags?

Let us know your requirements in specific, so that it would help us building the feature. For any more queries or specifications, post in the below thread or get in touch with us at






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Thanks for your answer! Any "Administrative Event" which is shown int the Eventviewer of a specific server. Go to Eventviewer, open custom view then open "administrative events". Can you grab this events and put in a database? In this case it's uneccessary to know which specific events are displayed. This can be different form server to server and from company to company.

I wrote the requirements in my first post. I would like to correlate the events in monitor groups and correlate in a custom view maybe in dashboard with multiselect. Interessting to know is also the impact in the complete environment = TOP 10 issues in the complete account!





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Hi Patrik,

           Thanks for your explanation, we will include your requirements in the Events Dashboard.

We haven't started on the feature implementation, so will post an update in this thread once that's live.





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