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Go addition for APM

Go is starting to ramp up in adoption and it would be nice to see it supported in the APM supported languages.

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Thanks for the suggestion Framirez, we had this discussion internally as well. Supporting GoLang will be a good addition. 

As an open community question, would like to know how many are using Go it in production for micro services/ applications etc.. Feedback from the community will help us prioritise. 

BTW, we have recently released Node.js agent for APM and its in public beta. Anyone wanting to try it out can do so. Login to the portal -> APM tab -> you will find Nodejs and its installation steps.


Product Manager, Site24x7

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Is there a way to create polls in the forum? you could have a poll or a thread asking how many existing or potential customers use Go or are planning on using it.

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Hi Framirez,

 Currently there isn't a way to conduct poll. However, this post itself can act as a poll for GO for APM. One of the main reasons feature requests are encouraged to be posted in community is that other members can request on that feature and LIKE this post too and that will help us prioritize. Anyone wanting to add Go APM can drop in a comment to upvote.


Product Manager, Site24x7

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any updates on a Go AMP

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