Infrastructure Map (New) - Site24x7 Forum
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Infrastructure Map (New)

Since this nice release of the great team: it's possible to create your own infrastructure map in Site24x7. It's very comfortable to see how the things work together and use it for a topology documentation also.

Please add following functions to this feature:

1. Gridlines Tool
2. A blank icon for description possibility
3. A possibility to enlarge the icons like in dashboard (now it's only a small\large icon available)
4. Fit the icon regarding the text length
5. A arrow for two ways <-------->
6. Add the description value of a monitor into the mouse-over description of the icon



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Hi Patrik,

It's so great to hear that you've enjoyed using our brand new feature--The Infrastructure Map. We also appreciate your feedback, it's what keeps us improving. I've shared your feature enhancements with our technical team already. I shall keep you posted about the developments. Meanwhile, please read our official blog post on Infrastructure Maps, where we've discussed some of the key capabilities and mapping techniques that you could achieve with the feature. Let me know if you've any further questions.



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