Introducing alerts for APM Insight Key Transactions - Site24x7 Forum
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Introducing alerts for APM Insight Key Transactions

Introducing alerts for APM Insight Key Transactions


We are happy to announce that you can now set and receive alerts for key transactions configured for your applications in Site24x7 APM Insight. 

Previously, you could mark business-critical transactions as key transactions and view them separately instead of having to search for them in the transactions pool.

Now you can mark your key transactions as a separate monitor.


How does this work?

By marking key transactions as a separate basic monitor: 

  • Set APM agent configuration profile for every key transaction: Since every transaction is now considered a basic monitor, you can apply default configuration profiles or edit and set a new profile. 

  • Configure threshold values: Customize threshold values, based on which you will receive alerts when the transaction exceeds the specified threshold value.

  • Set a notification profile: Define your notification rule and tweak when and to whom the alerts have to be sent out by setting notification profiles. 

Refer to our help documentation to configure key transactions and get started. 

For any questions or clarifications, kindly comment below or send an email to

Looking forward to hearing your feedback.

Happy monitoring!


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