Introducing AWS Lambda Extension integration - Site24x7 Forum
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Introducing AWS Lambda Extension integration


We are happy to introduce the AWS Lambda Extensions integration with Site24x7. This integration helps you achieve deep insights into the Lambda function ecosystem by analyzing log information. You can directly plug the AWS Lambda extension in to Site24x7 without any complex configuration or installation.

The logs are obtained directly from Lambda functions rather than CloudWatch logs and are then pushed into Site24x7 AppLogs for further diagnosis.

Site24x7 Lambda Extension integration

How it works

The Lambda extension runs as a companion process outside the Lambda runtime process, which helps you configure the execution environment. With Site24x7's integration, you can easily route the logs obtained from the Lambda function into AppLogs to gain real-time visibility.

Why integrate Lambda Extensions with Site24x7?

  • Lower costs by receiving logs directly from the Lambda function rather than from CloudWatch Logs. Previously, you'd need an additional Lambda function and CloudWatch logs to fetch logs from a Lambda ecosystem. Now you can avoid both overheads since the logs are fetched from the logs API of the Lambda function and pushed to Site24x7.
  • Fetch error logs and capture diagnostic information after a function invocation.

Performance impacts

The extensions run in the same environment as the function code, meaning they share resources like credentials, bandwidth, storage, memory, and CPU with the runtime. We provide you with the capability to monitor the performance overhead of the Lambda extension using the metric PostRuntimeExtensionsDuration, which helps estimate the extra time (after your code has finished running). This helps you run different versions of your function with or without the extensions.


Logs that are pushed from the Lambda function to Site24x7 are licensed within the AppLogs bundles.

Get started

Ensure that you have a Lambda function integrated with Site24x7 to get started. Refer to our help documentation to start using the Lambda Extensions integration right away. If you have any feedback, let us know in the comments section below.

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