Avoid Microsoft 365 product license expiration - Site24x7 Forum
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Avoid Microsoft 365 product license expiration


Microsoft 365's suite of apps is critical for business collaboration and operations in many organizations. Microsoft 365 license expiration can have a huge impact, because apps may not be accessible 30 days after the expiration date. To avoid putting the productivity of your team at risk, it's important to be notified in advance about approaching license expirations, so you can renew your subscriptions before they expire.

Site24x7 has introduced the Microsoft365ProductsSubscriptionLicenseCheck plugin to monitor your Microsoft 365 subscriptions and notify you of their expiration well in advance.

This plugin provides metrics like:

  • Subscription Name
  • Subscription Date
  • Total Licenses
  • The Number of Days to License Expiry


All you need is an active Windows environment and the MSOnline module.

Install the plugin now for keeping your Microsoft 365 subscriptions active. You can also obtain detailed health and performance analysis with Site24x7's out-of-the-box monitoring.

Use the plugin and leave your feedback in the comments section below.

Until next time,
Happy monitoring

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