Monitor live Oracle Database servers remotely with an updated plugin and improved interface - Site24x7 Forum
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Monitor live Oracle Database servers remotely with an updated plugin and improved interface


You can now monitor your remote Oracle Database production servers using our enhanced Oracle plugin. With the improved plugin, you can track the performance of your Oracle production servers from a different server that has access to the Oracle database. Just add the required remote server details during the plugin installation, and monitor the Oracle servers.

The enhancement also features an improved interface along with additional metrics for better visibility into your Oracle databases. We've refined the interface by consolidating metrics from five different plugins into one, offering the following tabs for a holistic perspective:
  • Summary
  • Tablespace and PDB 
  • Buffer Cache and Memory
  • I/O Operations 
  • Parsing and Execution
  • Locks and Contention

Tabs in the enhanced dashboard

Summary tab

This enables a comprehensive view of more than 90 metrics in one place. This update also features the ability to monitor Oracle child databases within the same plugin dashboard. 

To install the Oracle monitoring plugin on Linux servers, use the new Oracle plugin installer. Simply execute the command below in your terminal. Then, follow the in-line instructions to complete the installation process.

wget && sudo bash

You can also access the script from our GitHub repository here

If you want the standard installation of the plugin, view the README file of the Oracle plugin in our GitHub repository and follow the installation steps.

Tablespace and PDB details from child databases

Buffer Cache and Memory tab

Feel free to send in your feedback on the enhancement and the new installer in the comments section below.

Happy monitoring, 
The Site24x7 team

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