[New feature] Automation for the Amazon Web Service (AWS) platform - Site24x7 Forum
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[New feature] Automation for the Amazon Web Service (AWS) platform

Hello folks,

As you already know, Site24x7's seamless integration with the CloudWatch API lets you monitor resource usage and performance for critical native AWS services. You can collect performance metrics, visualize them with dashboards, track them by configuring thresholds and get alerted via various notification channels.

From today, you get the ability not only to monitor and identify problems but also act on them quickly. We've extended our IT Automation framework to support actions on the AWS platform, you can now automatically execute operational tasks on monitored AWS resources in response to alert events like threshold violation and monitor state changes. For example, create an action profile to reboot an EC2 instance in response to a status check failure; stop an RDS instance when the number of connections drops below 10; invoke a lambda function; publish a message to an SNS topic and more.

Our IT Automation framework now provides predefined support for the following AWS related actions:

If you have any suggestions on what other AWS actions we should consider supporting, you can post them as comments. If you have questions or concerns you can get in touch with our support.

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