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Not able to validate the status IQ doamin with custom doamin -Site24*7 or AWS-route 53 dosent have any solution on this.

Not able to validate the status IQ domain with a custom domain -Site24*7 or AWS-route 53 doesn't have any solution on this.

I have reached out to AWS and Site24*7 but both party not able to help on this due to which not able to use the status IQ pager after subscription.


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We suggest you to please follow the below steps

1. Create the subdomain "status.purchasingpower.com"
2. Update/point this subdomain's CNAME record to "site24x7sp.in"
3. Create a TXT record in the main domain i.e "purchasingpower.com"

We have suggested the same solution in your support tickets (#1719617, #1730723). Kindly check & revert

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