Playback for Webtransaction monitor - Site24x7 Forum
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Playback for Webtransaction monitor

Implement a feature to display/show the recording for web transaction monitor. After a recording is captured from the bowser, end user should be able to playback the recording on the browser UI. The same feature should be implemented when the user does "Poll Now" to see what is the error/response when the playback monitor is triggered.

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Replies (4)

Dear Dhawal,

   Thank you for explaining your request. We have noted down you request and I have updated in our EUM backlog. 

I understand recording gives a better understanding in a synthetic transaction as to where the problem may have occurred. 

Where do you find it difficult to troubleshoot in the current webtransaction monitor?


PM, Site24x7

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Hi Jasper,

Thanks for the prompt reply. We need this solution for at least 2 scenarios.


a. If an team member is creating a web transaction flow and other member wants to verify or run the flow to confirm if all the steps are covered in the transaction, he/she cannot confirm it because there is no option for him to replay it again. The only approach is to look through the steps or view the source script which is not user friendly.

b. When there is a failure for that transaction monitor and if the user is willing to run the poll now manually to see what is happening with the monitor, they cannot see the monitor running in live to see which step is failing or what is the error message shown on the UI. It just triggers in the background and completes which is not beneficial to identify cause.

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Noted Dhawal. We are working on an upgrade which should bring back playback feature. As for Poll Now, we'll discuss internally on the possibility of bringing it after the poll as a report. 


PM, Site24x7

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is this feature added yet in the current version?

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