Plugin to Monitor NTFS Mount Points - Site24x7 Forum
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Plugin to Monitor NTFS Mount Points


Please find attached the plugin script file to monitor NTFS mount points on a server. To get started, 

  1. Download and unzip the file from the attachment NTFSMountPoint.ps1
  2. Change the value for the attribute '$mountpointpath' in the below line of the plugin file with the list of the mount point paths to monitor:
    $mountpointpaths = @("C:\","D:\","E:\","Y:\")
  3. Once changed, please go to the below directory on one of the servers:
    <Site24x7 Windows Agent Installation path>\monitoring\Plugins
  4. Create a folder by the name NTFSMountPoint and copy the NTFSMountPoint.ps1 file to the above folder. (Ensure the plugin file name and the folder name are the same). 

This will add a plugin monitor for mount points in the Site24x7 web client. Wait for a couple of minutes and go to Server > Server Monitor > Servers > click on the server monitor > Plugins tab. The following performance metrics will be displayed for this monitor:

  • Total Size
  • Free Space
  • Usage
  • Status - If the status is 1, the mapped network drive is available. If the status is 0, then the mapped network drive may be disconnected or network is unavailable. You can set thresholds to be notified when the status value is 0. 

Please let us know for queries, if any, in the below thread.

Happy Monitoring!

Size: 1.06 KB
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Replies (1)

Hello Mathangi,

This is working great for local drives but not working as expected on mapped network drives, returns 0

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