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Polling logic

However when we a site is down from primary location but up from secondary locations will it still report as down if the threshold is set to default (i.e.) 3?

Also will same apply when the site is back up?
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Replies (3)

Hi Swamy,

Thank you for contacting Site24x7. To understand our polling logic better, please refer this link.

By default, when a primary location returns a down status, then 3 secondary location polling check happens. Based on the secondary locations status, the respective alerts are triggered. If none of these locations receive an UP status, an alert will be triggered immediately followed by aggressive polling until the next poll. However, If any one location recheck returns a UP status, it will fail the downtime rule and no alert will be triggered. It depends on the downtime rules set by you in the threshold profile section.




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Thank you. So my understanding is that Site 24*7 does not alert in any case when the site is down from 1 location unless we set the threshold profile to 1?

So if we set the threshold profile to 1 does it mean we are overriding the False alert prevention mechanism?
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Hi Swamy,

I presume that by threshold profile you mean number of monitoring location. If so, Yes, if you set the "Number of locations to report the monitor as down" to 1, then there is a chance for overriding false alert prevention. Some false alert prevention mechanisms will by-pass. 
In the contrary, by default, both "Browser based check" and "Network Sanity Check to ensure our own network is fine" checks are preformed even though "Number of locations to report monitor as down" is set to 1 location. These checks are performed before evaluating the threshold condition.
However, it is recommended to set to 3 locations to avoid false alerts.
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