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Printer Resources with Server Monitor


I was surprised to find that our server monitoring product didn't offer a built-in printer and print job monitor.  This is a huge burden for large companies with print servers.

Here's what I need:

  • Printer1, Printer2, & Printer 3 on a single server to be monitored: online/ready, printing, and offline/error status.
  • Print jobs' statuses in each printer's queue to be monitored: Processing, Success ,Failed/Error, & Paused

It would be ideal if anytime a printer goes into a state other than online/ready or printing that an alert be triggered.  Same for a print job that's status is anything other than Processing or Success.

As a bonus it would be nice to have page on the Dashboard with Realtime (or near realtime) statuses of the Jobs in the print queues, but checking this in intervals would be adequately sufficient.

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I would recommend looking at a custom plugin. There are bound to be some nagios plugins already, but you could also write one pretty easily.

In essence its just a script that the site24x7 agent runs. the script does what it needs to do and exits, giving a green/yellow/red status and some text. You  could create a script on each server that checks the queue status and returns the appropriate code.


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Hello cestrada,

Based on your requirement, we have written a Windows Plugin, attached as PrinterJobs.zip. This plugin can be used in your Windows servers to monitor the jobs of a particular printer. In case, you want to monitor more than one printer, then replicate the plugin script by changing its name and the appropriate printer name.

How to setup the Plugin?

1. Download the attached zip file.

2. In the 'printerName' variable, replace the 'PRINTER-NAME' value with your printer name.

3. Download and install the Windows agent.

4. Inside the installation directory, access monitoring > Plugins (default folder)
Eg: C:\Program Files (x86)\Site24x7\WinAgent\monitoring\Plugins 

5. Unzip the attached file.

The Windows agent will automatically detect the plugin and mark it up for monitoring. 


Attributes Monitored for each Printer 

  • Printer Status - Operational status of printer. It is an integer value. You can configure thresholds on the status of the printer to be notified when there is an error.
    Example '8' - offline; '4' - Paper jam  
  • Printer Status Description - Description of the printer's operational status
  • Current Jobs Count - Current jobs available for the printer
  • Success Jobs - Count of jobs printed successfully
  • Deleted Jobs - Count of jobs deleted successfully
  • Error Jobs - Count of jobs in error state.
  • Paused Jobs - Count of jobs paused
  • Jobs Offline - Count of jobs in the offline state 
  • Spooling Jobs - Count of jobs in the spooling state


Hope this fits your requirement. Please let us know for further assistance.




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Remote Printer Monitoring - maprint.com
Monitor supplies, page counters and errors in managed print service.

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Remote Printer Monitoring - maprint.com 
Monitor supplies, page counters and errors in managed print service.

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