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RabbitMQ single queue message totals

Is it possible to set alerts for when singular queues exceed set message thresholds? So far I only see the option to set alert options for the total amount of messages in all queues.

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Replies (8)

Hi Nathan,

PFA the plugin script to get details of a specific queue in a Virtual Host (vhost). You can configure the queue and vhost name along with the RabbitMQ host details in the plugin. The following metrics will be monitored:

  • consumers
  • messages
  • messages.ready
  • messages.persistent
  • messages.unack
  • messages.rate
  • messages.ready.rate
  • messages.unack.rate
  • deliver.rate
  • ack.rate
  • publish.rate

Once the plugin monitor is added, set thresholds for singular queues and be alerted when they exceed. Read our documentation to set up a threshold profile for a plugin monitor.

Hope this helps. Let us know for queries, if any, in the below thread.




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Is this plugin useful for monitoring multiple queues instead of just 1? Like if I have 2 queues i want to monitor, would I be able to do that here? 

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Hi John,

We have enabled the support to monitor individual rabbitmq queue from a single plugin. Now you can configure your individual queue configurations in rabbitmq_per_queue.cfg file as multiple sections and the server agent will create a plugin for each of your configuration. Also please update the existing rabbitmq_per_queue.py


Let us know if this helps to solve your use case.




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Is there anyway to use a wildcard so that it brings in every queue or do I have to make different lines for every queue?

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Hi Jordan,

We do not support wildcard in configuration for now. You will have to configure all the queues in the cfg file. The section header will be added to your plugin name.



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In the past how do other customers handle this so that the data is dynamic and does not requiring editing a configuration file every time a new queue is created?

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Hi Anita,


what is the deliver rate parameter refers to?




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Hi Manoj,

Metrics under deliver_details are about the count of messages delivered in acknowledgement mode to consumers. Here the deliver rate param refers to the rate at which the messages are delivered with acknowledgement.

Reference links : rabbitmq-metrics, rabbitmq-metrics-doc 

Will include the list of metrics and their descriptions in the webpage.

Hope this helps!




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