Send custom notes with monitor alerts - Site24x7 Forum
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Send custom notes with monitor alerts

I'm surprised that Site24x7 nor Pager Duty already do this but can we get a feature added to Site24x7 that will allow custom notes to be added to monitor alerts and have that also get passed along with the alerts to third party tools like Pager Duty? The basis for this is when a team has a monitor setup and want to add steps for triage or maybe a link that goes to a page with resolution steps for their support or operation teams. Ex: Say server X is running a web server and that web server goes down in the middle of the night and the engineers who built the server want to provide steps for their operation support team to follow in order to bring the web server back up without having to escalate. Site24x7 has the intelligence to create custom scripts to run in case of an outage so this is a simpler ask here, just need to be able to add custom message to the email alert and have it have the ability to pass those messages along alerts to Pager Duty 

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Hi Johnny,

   E-mail templates, a feature which we already have helps you to add custom notes to alerts. You can get all the help from the help docs linked here

But we will not be able to send these notes to PagerDuty though. We'll check how soon this can be achieved. Thanks for raising the request and helping us serve you better. 


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urgent feature needed. We also need to send the documentation links to slack channels.




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Can you use GLobal Parameters for this? We don't use PagerDuty so not sure but we do use IT Automation to integrate into BigPanda and we use this method to send custom parameters in the alerts.

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I would love to see this implemented also as we use this a lot.

We get around this currently by using tags, but that's a pain and has major limitations!

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   We are taking steps to implement the feature in our upcoming releases. Will update this post once they are ready.


Product Manager, Site24x7.

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