Site24x7 Launches Docker Monitoring - Site24x7 Forum
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Site24x7 Launches Docker Monitoring

We are excited to announce the launch of Docker Monitoring in public beta.

For more information :

Site24x7 Docker monitoring is available immediately to evaluate for free during the beta testing and comes as a standard feature with the Site24x7 Standard pack and above.

We’ve just launched our first round of launch with this public beta and we want to hear from you. We’d like to know how useful it is, how easy it is to set up or anything that can help us provide you the best experience. Your feedback is a critical ingredient in our process!
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Replies (10)

I can't start docker monitoring at all. I followed the steps as follows:

  1. Install Linux server monitoring agent in your machine.
  2. Click Admin > Inventory > Monitors >  Add Monitor.
  3. Select Docker under Virtualization directory in the Add Monitor screen.
  4. The Add Docker Monitor screen will be displayed. Select Yes/No in the toggle button depending on whether your Linux server is behind a proxy.  
  5. Copy, paste and execute the command snippets in your terminal. The Linux server and the docker application will be auto-discovered by the Linux server agent and added to your account.
However it is still not auto-discovered. Is there any configuration I had missed over here? Please advise. Thank you. 
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Discovered this while I was browsing around - very cool. I appreciate it's in beta, so I'm just putting this out there (before your product managers start cursing me :) ); I would love if this was available where Docker is hosted on non-Linux servers. OS X is of interest to me (I only just added some monitors for my OS X system - monitoring some FreeBSD VPS is my primary use case) and I imagine Windows will be to others

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Thanks for your request. We will add the Docker Monitoring in our feature Road Map for other OS. Will keep post the update, if the feature is taken up or ready.


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We now support Docker monitoring for FreeBSD and OS X as well. The docker containers will be auto discovered once the agent is successfully installed.

Refer our documentation for further assistance.

Comment in the below thread or mail us at for any queries on this.


Happy Monitoring!

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We are glad to release some enhancements in docker monitoring, with respect to containers monitoring.


  • In-depth monitoring for containers
  • Support for container auto-scaling
  • Management actions for containers, including start and stop
  • IT automation support for automatic fault resolution
  • Exclusive reports and dashboards

 For any questions, comment in the below thread or read our FAQs.





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Please add an option to turn off auto-discover of containers ASAP!!! We are receiving 100's of alerts every-time a team does a deployment! 
We dont want this feature and it should not be forced on us and cost us licences, whats worse is that the containers have no data pulled through anyway.

Manually suspending containers is not ideal, this needs sorting now.

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You can disable auto-discovery of containers for a single docker monitor by following the below steps:

  1. Log in to Site24x7 and go to Server > Docker > Docker Hosts.
  2. Click on the docker monitor added and go to the Containers tab.
  3. Click on Discover Containers.
  4. Uncheck the option Auto-discover and add new container(s).

This will ensure no new containers are added for monitoring. Hope this helps.

UPDATE: This action can now be done in bulk across docker monitors.





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Is there anyway you can add this option to newly added nodes.

When updating K8s we are rebuilding nodes, this is generating hundreds of alerts as they automatically discover containers, meaning we have to go in and disable this again. 



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I second Paul.

Unchecking auto-discover on specific hosts, or even with a bulk action, is not enough.

There needs to be a way to make it the default for newly installed server monitors.

This is urgent. This new feature is great, but we need to be able to disable it as a default. For many this is a big annoyance.


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Thank you so much for the feedback. Sure, we are working on bringing this within Configuration Rules so that this setting is automatically applied. Will update this thread once this is live.

Let us know for any other specific requirement, if any, in the below thread.




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