Site24x7 prevent AntiVirus product to update it's components while services monitor is activated - Site24x7 Forum
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Site24x7 prevent AntiVirus product to update it's components while services monitor is activated

Dear all,

I saw a system with SOPHOS Intercept X Adanvanced EDR License which cannot update the product when Site24x7 Agent is installed and a service check is added to monitor "Sophos Services" in a "Windows Monitor". After deletion of services check in a product update was successfully. Further an uninstalltion and re-installation of the SOPHOS product is not successfull when Site24x7 check SOPHOS services during the uninstallation an re-installation. You need to stop Site24x7 agent to successfully uninstall and reinstall a SOPHOS product.

Please note, that the customer with SOPHOS cannot monitor their services with Site24x7 product!


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When you are monitoring services using Site24x7 Windows Server Monitoring, the monitoring agent will register the service for an instant notification for that service status change, which may get locked during the update and sometimes this can cause service lock.

We can stop instant notification for service monitoring, but we believe you will be getting alerts on next data collection, for that
you can change the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\ManageEngine\Site24x7WindowsAgent\EnableServiceInstantNotification" registry value to "NO" and restart the agent.


Hope this helps. Let us know for further questions, if any.




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