Site24x7 Zapier Integration - Site24x7 Forum
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Site24x7 Zapier Integration

Dear All, is it possible to extend your Zapier support for following filter?

"New Alert" and "Status of Montior" is "down" for "1 hour" then.....

There are only 3 triggers in the meantime "New alert", "New Contact", "New Monitor". Without any filter for these triggers Zapier integration is uesless for us, because we get also alerts for "in trouble","up again". We are using Zapier for our KANBAN board integration. Thank you!

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Hi Pfeffer,

    You can set a notification profile to have escallation settings. We have now supported 3rd party Integration within Escalation settings.

Admin > Configuration Profiles > Notification Profile > edit or add a new one > Under Escalation Settings  > Duration of downtime before escalation (default is 60 min) > Invoke a 3rd party service > select you service (for you its Zapier).

This should help you solve it.


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