Software application inventory\audit - inlcusive reports - Site24x7 Forum
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Software application inventory\audit - inlcusive reports

Hi All,

Would be great if a feature exist to monitor which software is installed on a windows server (like programs and features on a windows server). This information could be visible in the "Inventory" section of a server or on the "Server Tools" section.

Furthermore a global report function for all installed versions of a software in the complete environment could help to keep the environment updated and secure!


Inventory Example:

Software Name - Version - Installed Date - Installer User

SQL Server 2012 - 11.0.2100.60 - 01.01.2017 - Administrator


Report Example:

Software Name - Version - Count installed - outdated? - new version available?*

SQL Server 2012 - 11.0.2100.60 - 24x - red button - 11.0.6020
Sophos Anti Vir - 5.4.0 - 200x - red button - 5.4.1


* this check is tricky and extensive, because Site24x7 have to check if a newer version is available on the product owner site and Site24x7 have to servicing this database with continuously online checks.

I think this would be a huge audit feature for the Site24x7 product. It's also a possibility to promote your software as a security software !


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