Start monitoring your CloudFront web distributions with Site24x7 - Site24x7 Forum
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Start monitoring your CloudFront web distributions with Site24x7

Good day, folks,

In recent months, we've added monitoring support for a number of Amazon Web Services (AWS) to help you get a more comprehensive view of all the components powering your cloud-based applications. Today, I'm excited to say that we're adding one more service to that growing list - Amazon CloudFront, a global content delivery network in the AWS Cloud.

For Site24x7 customers, this means CloudFront monitoring in minutes; time series visualizations to identify trends in data transfers and request patterns; policy-driven thresholds to alert on operational metrics like 4xx and 5xx errors; improved data retention to see how your CloudFront usage is changing over time; and more.

As an initial release, we've only brought in support for the standard usage metrics that CloudWatch offers, but rest assured - we've already begun working on support for CloudFront access logs to provide you with more in-depth information.

A few things you need to know about our Amazon CloudFront integration:

  • Licensing: Each CloudFront web distribution is considered a basic monitor.
  • Availability: The integration is available immediately for Site24x7 users with a paid or evaluation subscription.
  • Metrics for graphs and alerts: Requests, bytes downloaded, bytes uploaded, total error rate, 4xx error rate, and 5xx error rate. Learn more.

Getting started

IAM permissions

To auto-discover and collect information regarding your web distribution, Site24x7 requires the following read-level actions:

    • cloudfront:Get*
    • cloudfront:List*

If you've already assigned the AWS managed policy ReadOnlyAccess to the Site24x7 IAM entity, then no other action is required. If not, please add the actions mentioned above to the custom policy assigned to the Site24x7 IAM user or role.

How to start monitoring

If you've already enabled access and integrated your AWS account with Site24x7, then you can start monitoring your web distributions as part of your existing integration. To enable monitoring, navigate to the Edit section of the monitored AWS account, find the CloudFront listing, select the checkbox, and click Save.

If you haven't started monitoring, follow these simple steps to integrate your account and start seeing data for key AWS services in minutes.

More integrations on the way

CloudFront monitoring is just the start; you can expect to see monitoring support for more AWS services in the coming months. Feel free to leave your feedback in the comments section below; if you have any questions or concerns, you can get in touch with us at


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