Time between requests - Site24x7 Forum
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Time between requests

We currently have a REST API transaction in which the first request is to send a message and the second to check its status. I need time between both, as the status can take a while to change. This has sent me several alerts.

As an alternative I am making other calls between them, but it does not help me much and is not the best solution.

I'm waiting

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Replies (4)


What is the time needed for the second request after the completion of the first request?
In a Transaction for how many steps do you need such a wait time?
Moreover, in how many transactions would you need this wait time?
We need these details to check the possibility of implementing this.

Site24x7 Team

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1 - A time around 30 seconds to 2 minutes
2 - Only one
3 - Only one
It is a transaction that sends messages and I need confirmation of the sending, sometimes it can take longer taking into account the response time of the server
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We have a similar problem. The API we want to monitor is an asynchronous REST API. We have a call to start the work, however the result (and hence pass/fail of the check) will only be available after some time. Ideally we would poll for a status change but simply waiting between steps would also work. Two minutes delay would also be sufficient for our use-case. But even less would already be helpful. The wait time would only be needed after/before a specific request. Would be fine to have it as a value on the step instead of a separate thing if it simplifies things. To fully support the async polling use-case steps with such a delay could support a retry count (could still limit total request count to <25 of course). But as I mentioned a simple delay seconds option on a step would already be great.

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We have a workaround to support the delay between two steps in a transaction. As the requests are waiting for the subsequent request without any action, it will take a toll on the infrastructure. Please get in touch with us at support@site24x7.com with the details of the monitor for which it has to be enabled.

We'll assess the possibilities of bringing this to the Site24x7 web client.

Site24x7 Team.

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