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Adding a subnet as an IPAM monitor

IP address management (IPAM) enables network administrators to view the availability and DNS details for each IP in their network. You can directly add a new subnet or already discovered subnets in Site24x7 as IPAM monitors. 

Adding a new subnet

  1. Log in to your Site24x7 account.
  2. Navigate to Network > IPAM > Subnets
  3. Click the plus + icon beside Subnets.
  4. Provide the following details: 
    1. Display Name: Provide a name to identify the subnet. 
    2. Subnet Mask: Select an appropriate value from the drop-down menu. 
    3. Subnet Address: Provide the subnet address. 
    4. Description (Optional): Provide a description for the subnet. 
    5. Location (Optional): Provide the physical location of the subnet.
    6. VLAN Name (Optional): Provide the VLAN name associated with the subnet. 
    7. Check Frequency: Select the frequency to scan the subnet from the drop-down menu. 
    8. Monitoring Locations: Select the On-Premise Poller that will be used for monitoring the subnet from the drop-down menu. You can also add a new On-Premise Poller by clicking the plus + icon or edit it by clicking the pencil iconbeside the field. 
    9. Monitor Groups (Optional): To organize the monitor in a monitor group, select an option from the drop-down menu or add a new group by clicking the plus + icon beside the field. 
    10. Dependent on Monitor (Optional): Select an option from the drop-down menu to suppress the number of alerts based on the down status of that monitor. 
  5. In the Configuration Profiles section, provide the following values:
    1. Threshold and Availability: Select an existing profile from the drop-down, edit it by clicking the pencil icon  beside the field, or add a new one.
    2. Tags: Select one from the existing tags or click Add Tag beside the field to add a new one.
    3. IT Automation: From the first drop-down menu, select the type of automation and then the required parameters for automating routine tasks.
  6. In the Alert Settings section, provide the values for the following fields:
    1. User Alert Group: Select the groups that must be notified when there's an alert. 
    2. On-Call Schedule: Select an On-Call Schedule to send alerts to users available during a particular shift from the drop-down, or click the plus + icon beside the field to add a new one. 
    3. Notification Profile: Select a value to specify to whom or how the notifications must be sent. You can edit an existing Notification Profile by clicking the pencil icon, or click the plus + icon to add a new one. 
  7. Click Save

Adding a discovered subnet

  1. Navigate to Network > IPAM > Discovered Subnets
  2. Click the plus + icon in the Action column beside the subnet that you wish to monitor in IPAM. 
  3. The Add Subnet form will open as shown in Figure 1 with the Subnet Address populated. 
  4. Fill in the required details as mentioned in the previous section.
  5. Click Save

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