Adding APM Insight .NET agent in Kubernetes via InitContainers
The below steps will guide you through the process of integrating the APM Insight .NET agent into your Kubernetes deployment using init containers.
- Create a secret for the Site24x7 license key in your application namespace. Note
kubectl create secret generic s247licensekey --fromliteral=S247_LICENSE_KEY=YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_HERE
NoteReplace YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_HERE with the appropriate license key value from the Site24x7 client.
- Create an empty volume mount that will be used to copy the agent files during the InitContainers process.
volumeMounts: - name: s247dotnetcoreagent
- Include the following InitContainers command and mount the volume in both initContainer and your application container in your helm chart/deployment YAML file:
kind: Deployment spec: containers: - name: dotnet-app image: microsoft/dotnet-samples:aspnetapp volumeMounts: - mountPath: /home/APMDotNetAgent name: s247dotnetcoreagent initContainers: - name: init-site24x7-agent image: site24x7/apminsight-dotnetagent:latest command: ['cp', '-r', '/opt/site24x7/APMDotNetAgent', '/home'] volumeMounts: - name: s247dotnetcoreagent mountPath: /home/APMDotNetAgent
- Add the following environment variables to application containers.
spec: containers: - name: dotnet-app env: - name: S247_LICENSE_KEY valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: s247licensekey key: S247_LICENSE_KEY - name: CORECLR_ENABLE_PROFILING value: "1" - name: CORECLR_PROFILER value: "{9D363A5F-ED5F-4AAC-B456-75AFFA6AA0C8}" - name: DOTNETCOREAGENT_HOME value: "/home/APMDotNetAgent" - name: CORECLR_PROFILER_PATH_64 value: "/home/APMDotNetAgent/x64/" - name: CORECLR_PROFILER_PATH_32 value: "/home/APMDotNetAgent/x86/" - name: DOTNET_STARTUP_HOOKS value: "/home/APMDotNetAgent/netstandard2.0/DotNetAgent.Loader.dll" - name: MANAGEENGINE_COMMUNICATION_MODE value: "direct" - name: SITE24X7_APP_NAME value: "Your_Monitor_Name"
NoteReplace your application name with YOUR_APM_APPLICATION_NAME value.