Python Application Performance Monitoring
Monitor and optimize the performance of your Python application with the Site24x7 APM Insight Python agent. The agent provides you with information on the response time, throughput, database operations, and errors of your application. Keep track of these metrics over time to identify where they can be improved for better performance.
Make sure you have a Site24x7 account before you use an APM Insight agent to monitor metrics.
Requirements: Python version 3.7 and above
Supported frameworks: Bottle, CherryPy, Django, Flask, Pyramid, FastAPI, Starlette, Tornado, and Streamlit
Supported databases and components: PyMySQL, Psycopg2, Pymemcache, Redis, SQLite, Cassandra, Jinja2, Genshi, Mako, PyMongo, PyMssql, PyODBC, OracleDB, and cx_Oracle
Supported HTTP libraries: http.client, httplib2, httpx, urllib, urllib3 and requests
Supported async libraries: aioredis, aredis, asyncpg, aiomysql
Agent Setup
- Install Python Agent via PyPI
- Upgrade Python Agent
- Uninstall Python Agent
- Install Python agent in a Docker container
- Release Notes
The Data Exporter is an independent process that communicates application metrics and traces to the Site24x7 server.
You can custom instrument methods, classes, and frameworks.