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Oracle Database Performance Metrics

Achieve in-depth visibility into critical performance metrics for your Oracle Database, encompassing pluggable databases (PDB), tablespaces, response times, hit ratios, redo logs, Program Global Area (PGA) details, System Global Area (SGA) details, Automatic Storage Management (ASM) diskgroup details—all accessible through a unified and comprehensive console.

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Supported metrics


Metric Description Unit
SQL Service Response Time The average elapsed time per execution of a representative set of SQL statements, relative to a baseline Milliseconds
Number of Sessions The total number of sessions in the last data collection interval Count
Buffer Cache Hit Ratio The percentage of blocks found in the buffer cache without having to read from the disk Percentage
PDB Count The number of user-created PDBs belonging to a given application root or CDB$ROOT Count
Uptime The time since the instance started Days, hours, minutes, or seconds
Version The version of the database Text
Database Type The type of the database Text
Database Role The current role of the database; possible values include SNAPSHOT STANDBY, LOGICAL STANDBY, PHYSICAL STANDBY, PRIMARY, and FAR SYNC Text
Open Mode The open mode information Text
Total Size The total size of the PDB Bytes
Block Size The current block size for the PDB Bytes
Average Active Sessions The average number of active sessions Count
Total Sessions The total number of sessions Count
Buffer Cache Hit Ratio The percentage of blocks found in the buffer cache without having to read from the disk Percentage
Data Buffer Hit Ratio This indicates the current ratio of buffer cache hits to total requests Percentage
Data Dictionary Hit Ratio The ratio of logical reads to physical disk reads Percentage
Library Cache Hit Ratio The ratio when a pin hit occurs when the SQL or Procedural Language for SQL (PL/SQL) code you wish to execute is already in the library cache and is valid to execute. A low library cache hit percentage indicates either the shared pool size is small or an unsharable SQL is being used Percentage


Metric Description Unit
Long Table Scans The number of long table scans placed per second Count
User Rollbacks The number of rollbacks done by user per second Count
Disk Sort per Second The number of sorts going to the disk per second Count
Memory Sorts Ratio The sort efficiency as measured by the percentage of times sorts were performed in memory as opposed to going to the disk Percentage
Rows per Sort The average number of rows per sort for all types of sorts performed Count
Total Sorts per User Call The total number of sorts placed per user call Count
Hard Parse Count per Second A hard parse occurs when an SQL statement has to be loaded into the shared pool. This indicates the number of hard parses per second Count
Hard Parse Count per Transaction The number of hard parses that occur per transaction Count
Parse Failure Count per Second The total number of queries failed to parse per second Count
Parse Failure Count per Transaction The total number of queries failed to parse per transaction Count
Total Parse Count per Second The total number of queries parsed per second Count
Total Parse Count per Transaction The total number of queries parsed per transaction Count
Invalid Objects Count The number of unused or invalid objects Count
Unused Indexes Count The number of unused or invalid indexes Count


Metric Description Unit
Total PGA in Use This indicates how much PGA memory is currently consumed by the work areas KB, MB, or GB
Total PGA Allocated The current amount of PGA memory allocated by the instance KB, MB, or GB
Cache Hit Percentage This metric is computed by Oracle Database to reflect the performance of the PGA memory component, cumulative since instance startup. 100% means optimal PGA memory usage Percentage
PGA Memory Freed Back to OS The number of bytes of PGA memory freed back to the operating system KB, MB, or GB


Metric Description Unit
Name The name of the disk group Text
Free Size The unused capacity of the disk group MB
Total Size The total capacity of the disk group, excluding that of quorum disks (in megabytes) MB
Used Size The used capacity of the disk group MB
Used Percentage The used percentage of the disk group Percentage
Free Percentage The unused percentage of the disk group Percentage
Type The redundancy type for the disk group Text  
State The state of the disk group relative to the instance Text  
Group Number The cluster-wide number assigned to the disk group Number
Reads The total number of I/O read requests for the disk group Count
Writes The total number of I/O write requests for the disk group Count
Avg Read Time The time taken to perform a read request in the disk group if the TIMED_STATISTICS initialization parameter is set to TRUE (0 if set to FALSE) Seconds
Avg Write Time The time taken to perform a write request in the disk group if the TIMED_STATISTICS initialization parameter is set to TRUE (0 if set to FALSE) Seconds
Bytes Read The total number of bytes read from the disk group Bytes
Bytes Written The total number of bytes written from the disk group Bytes


Metric Description Unit
Redo Buffers The amount of redo entries that contain the information necessary to reconstruct or redo changes made to the database by insert, update, delete, create, alter, or drop operations KB, MB, or GB
Buffer Cache Size The area of the SGA used to hold copies of data blocks read from the disk KB, MB, or GB
In Memory Area Size The amount of memory allocated from the in-memory area KB, MB, or GB
Shared Pool Size The size of the area devoted to shared SQL and PL/SQL statements KB, MB, or GB
Large Pool Size The amount of memory allocated from the large pool KB, MB, or GB
Java Pool Size The amount of memory allocated from the Java pool KB, MB, or GB
Streams Pool Size The amount of memory allocated from the streams pool KB, MB, or GB
Shared IO Pool Size The amount of memory allocated from the shared IO pool KB, MB, or GB
Fixed SGA Size The fixed SGA size is computed when the oracle is compiled KB, MB, or GB
SQL Area The size of SQL area in the shared pool KB, MB, or GB
Library Cache The size of library cache in the shared pool KB, MB, or GB
Dictionary Cache The size of dictionary cache in the shared pool KB, MB, or GB
Max Shared Pool The maximum size of the shared pool KB, MB, or GB
Max Large Pool The maximum size of the large pool KB, MB, or GB
Max Java Pool The maximum size of the Java pool KB, MB, or GB
Max Streams Pool The maximum size of the streams pool KB, MB, or GB
Default Buffer Cache Max The maximum size of the DEFAULT buffer cache KB, MB, or GB
Shared IO Pool Max The maximum size of the shared IO pool KB, MB, or GB
Physical Reads per Sec The number of disk reads per second Count
Physical Writes per Sec The number of disk writes per second Count
Redo Log Files Count The number of redo log files Count


Metric Description Unit
Status The status of the tablespace Text
Name The name of the tablespace Text
Total The total size of the tablespace KB, MB, or GB
Used The used space of the tablespace KB, MB, or GB
Free The free space in the tablespace KB, MB, or GB
Used Percentage The percentage of tablespace used Percentage
Free Percentage The percentage of space available in the tablespace Percentage


Metric Description Unit
PName The name of this process Text  
PGA Used Memory The PGA memory currently used by the process KB, MB, or GB
PGA Allocated Memory The PGA memory currently allocated by the process (including free PGA memory not yet released to the operating system by the server process) KB, MB, or GB
PGA Freeable Memory The allocated PGA memory that can be freed Bytes
PGA Max Memory The maximum PGA memory ever allocated by the process KB, MB, or GB
Max Processes Count Maximum number of processes active at one time since instance startup Count
Redo Log Files Count The number of redo log files Count


Instance details

Metric Description Unit
Instance Number The number of the instance Text
Instance Name The name of the instance Text
Host Name The name of the host machine Text
Version The version of the database Text
Startup Time The time when the instance was started Text
Status The status of the instance. Possible values are STARTED, MOUNTED, OPEN, and OPEN MIGRATE Text
Parallel This indicates whether the instance is mounted in the cluster database mode (YES) or not (NO) Text
Redo Thread Count The number of redo threads opened by the instance Count
Archiving Status The automatic archiving status. Possible values are STOPPED, STARTED, or FAILED Text
Log Switch Wait The event that log switching is waiting for Text
Log Ins This indicates whether the instance is in unrestricted mode, allowing logins by all users, or in restricted mode, allowing logins by database administrators only Text
Shutdown Pending This indicates whether a shutdown is pending or not Text
Database Status The status of the database: possible values are ACTIVE, SUSPENDED, or INSTANCE RECOVERY Text
Instance Role This indicates whether the instance is an active instance, an inactive secondary instance, or unknown, if the instance has been started but not mounted. Possible values are PRIMARY_INSTANCE, SECONDARY_INSTANCE, or UNKNOWN Text
Active State The quiesce (activity) state of the instance: possible values are NORMAL, QUIESCING, or QUIESCED Text
Blocked Services This indicates whether all services are blocked or not Text
Container ID The ID of the container to which the data pertains Text
Instance Mode The mode of the Oracle Database instance: possible values are REGULAR, READ MOSTLY, or READ ONLY Text
Edition The edition of the database Text

 CDB Details

Metric Description Unit
Name The name of the container Text  
Open Mode The open mode information Text
Open Time The date and time when the database was last opened Date/time (timestamp)
Total Size The total size of the PDB Bytes
Block Size The current block size for the PDB Bytes
Recovery Status The status shows whether recovery is enabled or disabled for the PDB Text  
Snapshot Parent Con ID This shows the container ID of the master PDB that this PDB is a snapshot clone of Number
Application Root This indicates whether the PDB is an application root Text
Application PDB This indicates whether the PDB is an application PDB Text
Application Seed This indicates whether the PDB is an application seed (an application seed is also an application PDB) Text
Application Root Con ID If this PDB is an application PDB, this value indicates the container ID of an application root to which this application PDB belongs Number  
Application Root Clone This indicates whether this PDB is an application root clone Text  
Proxy PDB This indicates whether this PDB is a proxy PDB (YES) or not (NO) Text  
Undo Mode This indicates whether the PDB is in local undo mode Text
Creation Time The date and time at which the PDB was created Date
PDB Count The number of user-created PDBs belonging to a given application root or CDB$ROOT Count
Member CDB This indicates whether the row corresponds to the Member CDB part of the CDB Fleet  Text  
Restricted This indicates whether only users possessing Restricted session privileges can connect to the PDB Text  

 Physical database details

Metric Description Unit
DB ID The ID of the database Number
Created Date The creation date of the database Date
Flashback On The state if the flashback is on, off, or at a restore point Text  
Log Mode The log mode of the database: possible values include NOARCHIVELOG, ARCHIVELOG, and MANUAL Text  
Control File Type The type of control file Text
Switch Over Status The number assigned to the database switchover Text
Protection Mode The protection mode currently in effect for the database: possible values include MAXIMUM PROTECTION, MAXIMUM AVAILABILITY,  RESYNCHRONIZATION, MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE, and UNPROTECTED Text   
Open Reset Logs This indicates whether the next database open allows or requires the reset logs option Text
Guard Status This indicates the protection status of the data Text
Force Logging This indicates the type of logging mode that is currently in force Text
Current SCN The current System Change Number (SCN) of the database Number

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